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Samantha laughing
December 18, 2014

Today is Samantha's Birthday! December 18, 1992, is actually when all of this 'monkey business' began! Learn about the Early Beginnings of Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary.

From one baby monkey named Samantha to over 200 wild and crazy -- frustrating and challenging -- wonderful and amazing monkeys!

Watch this video of one of Samantha's past Birthday Parties! Please send Monkey Gifts!

After Samantha, who as a youngster had the personality of a defiant juvenile delinquent, came Charlotte, Samantha's biological sister. Charlotte is sweet, charming and loving -- all the time! I attribute some of her sweet personality to being raised by another monkey, Samantha, and being allowed to live as a monkey, after I learned that monkeys really, really are NOT pets!

Please Sponsor Samantha for her Birthday! Sponsorships make great holiday gifts! Just send in your donation and we will send the gifts to your loved ones -- just that easy, just that quick!

Samantha and Charlotte are best friends and they spend their days grooming, foraging through the grass and engaging in lots and lots of outrageous play! Watch this video of Samantha and Charlotte grooming. Too sweet!

So, here's the deal...Samantha's Birthday Wish is to raise $1,000 for our Monkey Medical Fund in Honor of Bonnie, who is recovering from a stroke. And guess what, Mary Anne, Jungle Friends Board Member and Special-Needs Coordinator, has offered a $1000 match for Samantha's Birthday Wish in Memory of Sammy!  


So far, we have only received $200 in donations for Samantha's Birthday Wish, of course, that is doubled and makes $400, but I really, really want to raise $1000 by midnight tonight!  


So, I am asking you to Please Donate  as much as you can, post it on your Facebook Wall andto everyone you know -- let's make it happen!



This was the last time

I held Sammy in my arms,  

oh how I miss him.  


P.S.  For your last minute holiday shopping, stop by our Gift Shop for original Monkey Art or a beautiful Monkey Calendar? 


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