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Jungle News
11 more Cotton Top Tamarins have arrived!
You can see videos of their arrival on our new Website!
Couldn't make it to Monkey Miracle Day? Watch the video!
Thanks to volunteer Ian Yacullo for shooting and editing this year's video!
Custom Monkey Paintings
Helene Thomason donated six beautiful Monkey Paintings for Monkey Miracle Day, and now you can buy Monkey Paintings and Helene will donate 50% to Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary!
Join Kari in Massachusetts! 
Healing against all odds
Kari will speak at Smith College for the Healing Against All Odds event November 15. 
Wearable Hope
A whopping 50% of your purchase goes to the monkeys!
Order your t-shirt today!
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November 5, 2014


Monkey Miracle Day 2014 was a huge success and the biggest event we have ever hosted on the sanctuary property! THANK YOU to our supporters old and new for helping us christen the new property, unveil the Bob Barker Medical Clinic and welcome the University of Georgia monkeys. 


My favorite part of the day was watching sponsors and monkeys meet each other, so we have decided to hold a new event just for sponsors in the spring -- Sponsor Safari! We will announce details later, and if you want an invitation you will need to sponsor a monkey or two through our brand new website!

The main event! Dr. Haddix and Dr. Schirmer cut the ribbon on the Bob Barker Medical Clinic while Monkey Day Host Heart Phoenix, builder Jim Batts, and our special guest, Florida State Rep.
Clovis Watson Jr. look on.

Job meets his sponsor
Leo meets Heart Phoenix
When Job met his sponsor, Helen Pirone, it was love at first sight. Job's eyebrows were going up and down at lightening speed!
Leo meets Heart Phoenix. Meeting Leo and the UGA monkeys was an enlightening experience on both sides of the fence!
Micky UGA monkey
Xavier grooming Job UGA monkey
While everyone was arriving, Micky checked out those crazy humans...
and Xavier just kept on grooming his nephew, Job.

You can view the
photo album of Monkey Miracle Day on our Facebook Page. Also read about Monkey Miracle Day in Gainesville Observed.

Kari Bagnall Lots of monkey love from Kari  



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