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Jungle News
June 4, 2014

Be the first to sponsor a cotton-top and you get to name him or her!

Have you run out of gift ideas for Father's Day? Why not name a cotton-top tamarin after Dad or Grandpa!

Later in June, 20 cotton-tops will arrive at Jungle Friends -- the first of more than 100 due to arrive over the next year. We are almost finished building the Frat House where the first group will live, thanks to funding from the university that is releasing them.

But none of these sweet little monkeys have names!
This is the chance of a lifetime, to name one of the most spectacular-looking monkeys in the world! Sponsor one of these monkeys and you will get to name your monkey.

Here's the sponsorship form so you can name your monkey before they have all been claimed!
I sponsored one of the male-male pairs and named them Tom and Zack, after my sons!

If white mohawks aren't your style, the University of Georgia monkeys are arriving this month and they need sponsors too! Read about their seven unique personalities here then pick one to sponsor. All of the UGA monkeys are males, so if your Dad's name is Chris, Leo, Micky, Nick, or even Job, Xenon or Xavier, then he will especially love a gift sponsorship of one of these boys!

Ricky play face
If you have ever wondered what a "Play Face" is, THIS is it! Sponsor Ricky!
If the dad in your life is named Richard, Rick, or Ricky, then you can give a gift sponsorship of our newest monkey, Ricky. He was just released after more than 20 years in iron toxicity studies.

We have eleven other monkeys from the same study who were released over the past 10 years. We could almost hear them calling "What took you so long?" when Ricky ran into his habitat! It won't be long before he has a friend to live with, I am sure.

Those are his eyes in the header at the top of this newsletter, and I can only begin to imagine what they have seen.

And if you're missing your father this and every Father's Day, like I do, a sponsorship makes a wonderful memorial.

Lip smacks and eyebrow lifts to everyone,
Helene Goldson
Helene signature



Helene Goldson, Volunteer and Board Member

P.S. Don't forget you can name a cotton-top tamarin! They're called the "rock stars of the monkey world," so you could name one after your favorite rock star!

P.P.S. Also, we're still raising funds to reunite sweet Pip and Zeke with their Dad and two aunts! Please help us raise $7,000 for their habitat.
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