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Update on Bongo
KC grooming Bongo May 2014
Bongo has adjusted to life as a paraplegic monkey, thanks to TLC from KC and the humans. He is relaxing in this picture but he can move fast when he wants to!
Watch Bongo doing pull ups during his physical therapy session with Kendra.
In the News
Dorothy Fragaszy
Read the University of Georgia's campus news article about the seven monkeys who will retire to Jungle Friends.
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May 11, 2014
Cuddly loves her Mother's Day flowers!


Cuddly has a wish for Mother's Day. She wishes that no more monkey mothers would ever endure the pain she did when her babies were taken from her by breeders and given to humans to raise.

Fortunately, the last two babies taken from Cuddly were Samantha and Charlotte -- the reason I started Jungle Friends (read the story here). When I found out that the breeder was going to auction Cuddly off to the highest bidder, I paid for Cuddly's freedom.
Cuddly says thank you
Cuddly says "Thank you"
from all the Jungle Friends monkey moms.
The first thing we did was change her name from the unfortunate "Ugly" the breeder had named her to a much nicer "Cuddly."

I wish that I could bring every monkey mother in captivity to Jungle Friends. Since that isn't possible, won't you donate or sponsor a monkey this Mother's Day, so we can provide good lives to the monkey mothers that we have been able to rescue? Cuddly, Bonnie, Monkers, Michelle, and Tara all need sponsors -- thank you!

Kari Bagnall Lots of monkey love from Kari

P.S. Please make a donation for the UGA monkeys!
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