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Murphy Brown
Monkeys on the Move!
March 26, 2014


The University of Georgia (UGA) retirees will be here soon! Many of you have generously donated to purchase the land next door so we have space to build more habitats. Thank you thank you thank you! Building is underway now, and their habitats will be ready for their arrival in June.

Our next goal is to make sure Chris, Leo, Nick, Micky, Xenon, Xavier and Job are set for life! We have partnered with LoveAnimals.org to raise $14,000 for these boys by Friday, May 9. Please help make our Monkeys on the Move campaign a success by sharing it on your own Facebook page and with your email contact list! And of course, donate so we can meet our goal for these sweet monkeys. We chose LoveAnimals.org because they make it really easy to share your commitment to animals with your friends and family -- and because 100% of the funds raised will go directly to Jungle Friends and the UGA monkeys.
We can't wait to match up these eligible bachelors with some of our single lady monkeys!
Click here to donate to their lifetime care fundraising campaign at loveanimals.org.

Please share the love today!

Kari Bagnall Lots of monkey love from Kari




P.S. If you prefer to write a check to help out the UGA monkeys, you can still do that! Every donation will make sure the Georgia 7 monkeys have a long, happy retirement at Jungle Friends. Please donate and share today!