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Jungle News
Monkey of the Month
Dharma dancing
It's our favorite dancer, Dharma's, 15th birthday! Dharma would love to get birthday treats from nuts.com!
Monkey Movie
Connie gave us a scare last week when she became insulin resistant and crashed. But thanks to TLC from humans and her best friend Murphy Brown, who is also diabetic, Connie is on the mend. Watch Murphy Brown grooming Connie in their indoor habitat.
Sammy loves his blankets
Thank you to everyone who donated fleece blankets to the monkeys during last week's cold snap! Daily washing and busy monkey fingers wear them out fast, so we always need extras.
In addition to blankets, all the monkeys have heat lamps. Peanut likes a warm tummy!
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January 16, 2014


Wow, 2014 has started with a bang, and we didn't even have any fireworks (monkeys and fireworks don't mix).

This year is all about sanctuary expansion to get more monkeys out of research, and we got a big jump-start yesterday! Thanks to an extremely generous supporter, Dorothy Garwick, we have just closed on a seven-acre property next door to the sanctuary. With the 20 adjacent acres purchased for us by the university that is sending us more than 100 cotton-top tamarins, Jungle Friends has officially grown from 12 to 39 acres!

Habitat buildingNow we have plenty of space to build habitats for the monkeys on our waiting list -- and we have plenty of work to do. LOTS and lots of work to do. If you have construction skills, a trade like plumbing or electrical, or just have a little extra time and energy, we could really use volunteer habitat builders. You can come for a few days or even a few months, meet the monkeys, and get to know some great people!

We are also busy getting ready for the seven capuchins coming from the University of Georgia in the spring. Not only have we raised almost half of the needed funds, the university is going to allow two of our regular volunteers, Donna and Maryanne, to visit the seven monkeys regularly before they arrive at Jungle Friends! The monkeys are very "humanized," and finding humans they know when they arrive here will make a big difference in their ability to transition to life at Jungle Friends. We are so grateful to UGA for making this unusual accommodation, and for Donna and Maryanne's huge commitment.

Isn't it time you got involved with the monkeys? Go to junglefriends.org/opportunities for info on volunteering. I'm
very glad I did!

Helene GoldsonWarmest Regards,
Helene Goldson
Volunteer and Board Member


P.S. Kari's 60th birthday is coming up in February, so watch Jungle News and Facebook for her birthday wish. We plan to honor Kari's boundless energy and dedication by raising funds to purchase medical equipment for the new clinic. Please donate now! Just use this form and put "Kari's birthday" in the "in honor of" field.
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