Just when we thought it was safe to walk past the clinic without going in, we have another monkey in trouble. Sweet, toothy little Pip came to us with his brother Zeke last spring, is fighting pneumonia and a bacterial infection.
During Pip's first few days in the clinic he had to hold onto the bar to keep upright so he could breathe easier. Pip is still in the oxygen tent, but he is feeling much better! Watch him enjoying his favorite snack.
On Sunday, Pip didn't come for his afternoon treat and was breathing shallowly with his mouth open so we brought him into our on-site clinic. He was put on oxygen, antibiotics and an expectorant for his cough. We had a scary night!
After a thorough exam by Dr. Schirmer the next day, we found that Pip has fluid in his right lung and abdomen. Pip is taking his medications very well -- just don't tell him the meds are hidden inside his grapes. I knew he was feeling better when I was changing his bedding and he came after me for taking his favorite blanket! (You should never ever take something away from a monkey. They bite.)
We are still waiting for more test results to come in, be sure to 'like' us on
Facebook to get up-to-date reports on how Pip and the other monkeys are doing. Pip will stay in the clinic until he is breathing without difficulty, but we don't want to keep him separated from his brother, Zeke, for too long. These two have never lived apart.Watch the video of
Pip and Zeke's arrival.
Pip and his brother, Zeke, earlier this summer, asking for a delicious slice of watermelon!
I am so grateful to our fabulous staff and volunteers who check on each and every monkey through-out the day. We know how each monkey should behave (they are all so different) and we know when something seems wrong. We want all our monkeys to live long and healthy lives! Please help with Pip's vet bills by making a donation to the
Memorial Medical Fund today!