Two monkeys are almost out of the lab and Jersey is doing great! 
Please help us get two more monkeys out of laboratory research
Pip please
Pip says "Please won't you help other lab monkeys like me come to Jungle Friends?"
July 25, 2013

Dear Friend of Jungle Friends,   

The fourth of July fireworks may be over, but we're still working on helping two lab monkeys achieve their own Independence Day. As soon as we raise another $2,300 to meet our Independence Day match, we will have the $10,000 we need to buy materials to build two new habitats for retiring lab monkeys. And as soon as the habitats are up, we can go and get the monkeys!

As for Jersey, he just had his vasectomy yesterday and is recovering very well...your donations to our Medical Fund are very much appreciated!

Jersey has done better than anyone could have expected. His right leg stump healed up in a matter of days -- that leg had been septic and SO painful, and as soon as it was gone, he laughed for the first time. His left foot, where his toes were amputated, is taking longer to heal because he had a setback with a wet bandage. Now the bandage is off and you can see the wound shrinking every day. He walks around on his stump and his tail, and sometimes doesn't even use his stump -- just walks around on his hands and his tail! We're still keeping Jersey inside, with a human observing him at all times to ensure his safety and keep him company. Soon Jersey will be outside in a specially-designed habitat, celebrating his own Independence Day!

Jersey at window
Every day for Jersey is one day closer to
getting on the other side of that window.
Scroll down for a great Jersey-meets-dog video. And keep watching Jungle News and Facebook for monkey news.

Lots of monkey love from Kari

P.S. PLEASE make a donation and help us get two more monkeys out of research!
A special thank you to Gail and Dorothy for your donations that got us well on the way toward our $5,000 goal.
The many faces of Jersey -- the dog-loving monkey!
The manyt faces of Jersey
Jersey's journey dog tshirt

Jersey has become buddies with the sanctuary rescue dogs while he is inside recuperating. Watch him exchange kisses with Penny! Visit Jersey's Journey for more videos, and his Facebook album for more photos!  And don't forget that you can get cool stuff with Jersey's photo -- even a dog t-shirt -- from the Jungle Friends online store.

Don't forget to become a Summer Monkey Buddy and enter the drawing for a two-day Monkey Encounter at the sanctuary! Get more information here.

Thank you to a very special friend of the monkeys!
Hannah and MirandaThank you to Hannah Shaw (on the left), who turned her birthday into a monkey fundraiser.
Through Facebook, Hannah asked her friends to donate to Jungle Friends in lieu of birthday presents, and in just a few days her fabulous friends came through with nearly $1,300 toward our Independence Day match!

Hannah and friend Miranda visited us in April when Hannah chose Jungle Friends to benefit from her Rock to the Rescue  fundraiser.