Kari on Anderson Live Today! 
Monkeys are Born to be Wild, not born to be pets!
Monkid Controversy
Watch Kari on Anderson Cooper Tuesday, April 30
April 30, 2013

Dear Friend of Jungle Friends,   

Please watch the Anderson Live show today and then comment on what you think about the exotic pet trade and how you feel about baby monkeys being stolen from their mother's arms.

As you know, I am very worried that this program is going to encourage more people to buy baby monkeys, so please voice your concern for the monkeys and help me get the word out there that this is just wrong. Wrong for the person buying a baby monkeys, wrong for the baby monkeys and very wrong for the mother monkey who has her babies stolen from her over and over again.

Kari Bagnall Lots of monkey love from Kari monkey in sailor suit




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 Amy is happy to be here!
Amy arrived with her humans this past weekend, and they say they have never seen her so happy. Watch Amy enjoy a banana.

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