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Because of your continuing support,  
Annabelle has a lot to be thankful for.
Jungle Friends rescued her from a filthy hoarders' home where she slept alone in a rusted cage on dirty rags for seven long years. The pain still shows in her eyes. But today she has a clean place to sleep, fresh food, toys and a monkey friend named Frankie in her new forever home.
Introducing "Monkey Minutes" 

Monkey Minutes Episode 1    
A behind the scenes look at Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary. 
Dear Friend of Jungle Friends, 
Happy Thanksgiving
We give thanks every single day for your support, whether you are a monkey sponsor, a volunteer, or a donor. Without you, we couldn't provide forever homes for the monkeys.

While you are enjoying time with your friends and family during the holiday, the monkeys would love it if you would spend a few minutes with them. Almost Wild, our 7-minute mini-documentary, provides food for thought while you relax after your meal. (Also, the monkeys are awfully cute!)

Monkey Hugs,

From the Jungle Friends staff 

P.S. There is still time to donate a Thanksgiving dinner to a monkey!