Congress 2013 @ the edge
Well, it's over for another year. This year's Big Thinking lectures provided insight and entertainment for hundreds of scholars and community members, and the Career Corner series offered valuable advice for professionals in the academic field. A number of exciting community activities took place thanks to the University of Victoria, and the SSHRC Storytellers competition celebrated the impact of research on the lives of Canadians.
The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences wishes to thank all of our sponsors, our partners at the University of Victoria, and all the attendees who supported the research and community initiatives that were showcased over the course of the week.
The 2013 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences was a huge success, and here at the Federation we'd like to thank all those who helped to make it so. Over 7,500 scholars visited the University of Victoria, and the #congress2013 hashtag received about 7,800 tweets during the week (of about 9,500 since the beginning of March!).
Congress 2014 - Borders Without Boundaries
Next year's Congress will take place at Brock University from May 24th- 30th in St. Catharines, Ontario. The 2014 Big Thinking series will include speakers David Plotz, Benjamin Barber, Lyse Doucet, Catherine Dauvergne and Thomas King. Watch for more information.
Big Thinking at Congress 2013
Couldn't make it all the way out to Victoria this year? Didn't get a chance to catch every Big Thinker while at Congress? Don't fret! We have high quality videos of each lecture available for viewing online.
Check out the Congress blog for more Big Thinking highlights, and see what our student correspondents had to say about some of the events and presentations that took place at Congress 2013.

Congress Blog
This year, we hired a fantastic group of students from the University of Victoria to contribute to our 2013 Congress blog. They attended association meetings, community programs, and special events, and provided us with some engaging and insightful chronicles of Congress. With a range of personal interests, the team managed to highlight research from across disciplines, and critically responded to those issues "@ the edge". The bloggers shared their experiences attending events like the nursing uniforms fashion show, the SSHRC Storytellers competition, a meeting of the Canadian Society of Medievalists, and a discussion about campus collaborations with Aboriginal communities (all with pictures, too!)
To keep up to date on what's happening in the social sciences and humanities, continue to visit the Federation's blog and check out our in the news section.
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About the Federation
Representing more than 85,000 researchers in 81 scholarly associations, 80 universities and colleges, and 6 affiliates, the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences is the national voice for the university research and learning community in these disciplines.
Off the Shelf
In this section we feature papers, podcasts and videos that-while part of our archives-are still relevant to current events.
Our most viewed Big Thinking video from Congress 2012 was Chris Hedges, "Death of the liberal class." Watch his address here.