Visit the Congress 2013 website for all the latest info |
If you're wondering what Congress is all about, check out this mini-documentary produced by Memory Tree on behalf of Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Waterloo at Congress 2012!
 | Congress of the Humanities 2012 |
Be sure to visit the Congress 2013 website for regular updates about the program, special events, travel, accommodations and local attractions. Visit the website at
Early bird registration for Congress 2013 opens in January. |
Read about the Federation's new look
Last month, we unveiled a new visual identity, including a new website, logo and tagline - Ideas can... If you missed the announcement, read about our transformation and about the process we undertook to reimagine our identity here.
Big Thinking caps off a successful year on Parliament Hill |
Next Thursday, November 29, Dilip Soman from the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management will present the last Big Thinking lecture of 2012 on the topic of financial literacy and behavioral economics. Read more about the lecture here. Registration is open until November 26.
In October, Timothy Caulfield, Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy, spoke on "Stem cells and medical tourism: The challenge for health and science policy" to a full room. Check out a video of his lecture below:
 | Timothy Caulfield on Stem cells and medical tourism: The challenge for health and science policy |
The Federation presents at the Canadian Science Policy Conference |
The Federation, in partnership with the Canada Foundation for Innovation, organized a panel at this year's CSPC, held earlier in November in Calgary, titled " Building sustainable health care: Policies, perceptions and an aging population." Panelists Antonia Maioni, the Federation's president-elect, Janice Keefe, Canada Research Chair in Aging and Caregiving, and doctor and consultant Michael Rachlis were interviewed by a number of media channels, including Radio-Canada's Le café show and the Calgary Herald.
Graham Carr in the Globe and Mail and L'actualité
Federation president Graham Carr published an op-ed last month in the Globe and Mail on the importance of preparing graduate students for careers outside of academia. He was also quoted in an article by Isabelle Grégoire in L'actualité on the employment prospects of students in the social sciences, arts and humanities.
Follow us on Twitter for the latest calls for proposals |
As we near Congress, our member associations are all issuing calls for proposals. Whenever possible, we retweet CFPs on Twitter at @ideas_idees, and share them on Facebook. If you would like us to highlight your association's CFP on our social media channels, email us at
World Social Science Forum issues a call for proposals |
The 2013 World Social Science Forum, which will be held on 13-15 October in Montreal, has issued a call for panel proposals. You can submit your proposals until January 15.
Happy holidays from the Federation |
This will be our last newsletter of the year. We wish all our subscribers happy holidays! We will be back in January with another newsletter, more Big Thinking lectures on the Hill and updates about Congress 2013.
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About the Federation
Representing more than 85,000 researchers in 81 scholarly associations, 80 universities and colleges, and 6 affiliates, the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences is the national voice for the university research and learning community in these disciplines.
Off the Shelf
In this section we feature papers, podcasts and videos that-while part of our archives-are still relevant to current events.
While Congress 2012 featured many incredible talks by luminaries from different fields, one Big Thinking video has taken the internet by storm since being posted. Chris Hedges spoke on the topic "Death of the liberal class" and the video of his lecture garnered over 19,000 views from all over the world on our old YouTube account. You can now watch his video on our IdeasIdees YouTube account here.