A message from the president of the Federation
A little over a year ago, the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (the Federation) adopted an ambitious new strategic framework designed to increase our reach, relevance and relationships so as to better promote and uphold the interests of the humanities and social sciences community in Canada. The Board of Directors, and indeed the membership more broadly, latched on to the idea that we would be well served by a renewed public image that would captivate people's attention and excite them about the work of the many students and researchers across Canada.
Our research, interviews, debates, focus groups and strategy sessions showed that while we didn't want to lose sight of who we are at our core-85,000 from across disciplines, institutions and associations-we wanted to also draw attention to the aspirational aspect of what we do. Hence, we welcome you to engage with the Federation in new and innovative ways as we move forward and discover together the many ways that Ideas can...
Graham Carr
Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
The Congress 2013 website is now live |
The website for the 2013 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences is now live! The new design, nestled within the Federation's website, is optimized for user-friendliness and accessibility. The Big Thinking lineup has been announced, and attendees can find information about hotels and transportation in Victoria. Congress 2013 will be held at the University of Victoria from June 1 to June 8. Registration for Congress opens in January. Visit the new Congress site!
The Federation unveils its new visual identity
Big Thinking continues to draw crowds on Parliament Hill
The Fall 2013 season of Big Thinking on Parliament Hill continues. In September, Ken Coates talked about regional innovation and including rural and remote regions in Canada's innovation policy. Watch a video of his lecture below.
 | Big Thinking: Inclusive innovation with Ken Coates |
Last Tuesday, Tim Caulfield, Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy, presented a lecture titled "Stem cells and medical tourism: The challenge for health and science policy." Stay tuned for a video of his presentation. Click here to sign up for updates on future Big Thinking lectures. |
The Federation submits recommendations for the 2013 federal budget |
Catch the Federation at this year's CSPC
This year's Canadian Science Policy Conference will take place in Calgary from November 5 to November 7, and the Federation, in partnership with the Canada Foundation for Innovation, is organizing a panel on aging and sustainable healthcare. Join Antonia Maioni, the Federation's incoming president, Janice Keefe, Canada Research Chair in Aging and Caregiving Policy, and Michael Rachlis of the University of Toronto as they discuss "Building Sustainable Healthcare: Policies, Perceptions and an Aging Population" on Tuesday, November 6 at 10:30 a.m.
DHSI welcomes Congress 2013 attendees
The 2013 Digital Humanities Summer Institute at the University of Victoria coincides with Congress 2013. DHSI will run from June 6 to June 10 and Congress attendees can take part in most of the programming, including morning and afternoon colloquia, lunch-time unconference sessions, and keynote events, free-of-charge. Congress attendees can also register for the full DHSI program at a discounted rate of $300 for students and $650 for non-students (for registrations before April 1). For more information on the program, click here; DHSI 2013 registration is now open.
Mitacs-Accelerate intern creates tool-kit for not-for-profit real-estate purchases |
Mitacs-Accelerate, an internship program for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, helped intern Thomas Bevan partner with Vancity Credit Union to develop a tool-kit to help not-for-profit organizations serving Vancouver's most vulnerable populations navigate the complicated world of real estate purchases. Read about Bevan's project here.
Apply now for the NCE Knowledge Mobilization Competition
The Networks of Centres of Excellence launched a competition for the NCE Knowledge Mobilization (NCE-KM) initiative. The NCE-KM initiative supports networking and collaboration among well-established research teams and knowledge users to further the application and mobilization of knowledge. Funding supports national multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral networks in applying and mobilizing the results of world-class research for the social, economic, technological and/or wellness benefit of Canadians. November 6 is the deadline for submitting a Notification of Intent. For more information, click here.
Students are invited to participate in the Canada study of Parliament essay competition |
Community college, CEGEP, university undergraduate and graduate students in any discipline are invited to participate in the 2013 National Essay Competition sponsored by the Canadian Study of Parliament Group (CSPG). The author of the best essay will receive a $1000 prize and public recognition. The best essay will be posted on the CSPG Website and will be automatically considered for publication in Canadian Parliamentary Review. Additional prizes may also be awarded at the discretion of the CSPG. The deadline for submissions is January 11, 2013. For more information, click here.
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About the Federation
Representing more than 85,000 researchers in 81 scholarly associations, 80 universities and colleges, and 6 affiliates, the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences is the national voice for the university research and learning community in these disciplines.
Off the Shelf
In this section we feature papers, podcasts and videos that-while part of our archives-are still relevant to current events.
If you're one of the many new subscribers to our communiqué who has attended Congress in the past several years, this might be the first time you're hearing that our Big Thinking program extends beyond Congress. We hold Big Thinking lectures on Parliament Hill up to six times a year. You can check out videos, podcasts and notes on Big Thinking lectures dating back to 1996 here, or subscribe to our YouTube channel for videos of our latest events.