College of Early Childhood Educators
438 University Avenue, Suite 1900
Toronto ON  M5G 2K8 
Telephone: 416 961-8558
Get Involved in Developing Your CPL Program!
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Developing a Continuous Professional Learning Program
In the Fall of 2012, the College conducted a number of focus groups across the province with members of the College and with College partners and stakeholders.  

Members were also invited to participate in an online questionnaire. These activities gave the College the opportunity to collect information on a number of topics, including: existing professional learning opportunities for early childhood educators, characteristics of high quality professional learning opportunities and how ECEs should be held accountable for meeting the expectations regarding professional learning outlined in the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice

Dear Member 
CPL LogoAs a member of the College, you are invited to participate in the next phase of the development of the Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) program. The College wants members to be actively involved in developing the CPL program to ensure that it meets the needs of all registered early childhood educators (RECEs) in the many roles and practice settings found in the early learning and care sector.

The CPL program will promote high standards and quality assurance and will further support the College's mandate to serve and protect the public interest. Once it is implemented, the CPL program will make engagement in continuous professional learning an important part of being an RECE.

On behalf of the College, I am extending this invitation to you, to participate in one of the roundtable sessions planned for your district. Participants in the roundtable sessions will be asked to provide feedback on a number of topics, such as the following:  
  •     CPL program design and implementation plan
  •     Self-Assessment Tool
  •     Professional Learning Plan
  •     Portfolio  

To see the list of dates, times and locations of the roundtable sessions, and to express your interest in participating, please click here.     


If the College is not in a community near you, or you are unable to participate in these roundtable sessions, you will have an opportunity to learn more about the proposed CPL program, and to share your input through the College website, later this month.


We hope that you will participate and we look forward to receiving your input.    




S.E. Corke
Registrar & CEO  

College of Early Childhood Educators| E-Mail Us  | Visit Us Online | 416 961-8558
438 University Avenue, Suite 1900 Toronto ON  M5G 2K8
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