As we enter the "off-season" in southwest Florida, HTAP is gearing up for our BUSY season! We have several upcoming events and programs that we will need volunteers to help with! Please review the descriptions below and let me know which ones you can attend. You do not have to attend every day of an ARTREACH program in order to help out, so if you can only come one or two of the days, we'd love to have your help on just those days. 

To RSVP to volunteer for an event, please reply to this e-mail with your full name, telephone number, and the dates you are available. If you have never volunteered with us before and you would like to help with an ARTREACH program, you will need to come to our offices prior to the program so that you can fill out a volunteer application and get a more detailed overview of the program. It shouldn't take more than half an hour, but it is mandatory in order to attend ARTREACH since we work directly with children.

I plan to send one e-mail per month so that your inbox isn't overloaded, but if we're coming up on a program and we don't have enough help, I will send out an S.O.S. e-mail. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me!

Erika Kiah
Program Coordinator
(239) 415-2635 -office
Wednesday May 13th, 20th, 27th, and June 3rd 2015
ARTREACH- Resurrection Church
 Artreach Logo
This is our first ARTREACH program of the year! We will need volunteers willing to help set up paint stations for each of the paintings, pass out materials, and be available to the kids participating if they have any questions or need help with their painting. We really need help the last 3 sessions since those are the sessions the kids are painting, but if you're able to, we would love to have you during the first session as well. We expect to have about 10 boys and 15 girls from Resurrection Church's youth group participating in the program. 
5:30-8pm; 8121 Cypress Lake Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33919
Saturday, May 23rd 2015
Art 4 Freedom- Fundraiser
We will need volunteers to help us hang up the ARTREACH paintings for exhibition, set up the venue space, and any other last minute day of event needs. We will be setting up the event from 2pm-5pm; tear down will be from 5pm-7pm. Please let me know if you are able to attend and for which times. After we're all set up, you're more than welcome to stay and enjoy the event. See the flyer below for more information. 

Saturday, June 6th 2015
KITK Summer Kick Off Festival

This event is sponsored by the Junior League. HTAP will have a table and tent set up at the event so that all the families in attendance can get information about human trafficking. Volunteers will help set up the tent and table and be available to help in other ways as needed. The event is from 10a-2pm so please plan to arrive by 9am.

The Stars complex

2980 Edison Ave,

Fort Myers, FL 33908,


Mon. June 8th, Thurs. June 11th, Mon. June 15th, Thurs. June 16th, and Friday June 19th 2015

ARTREACH- Pine Manor
Artreach Logo
We will need volunteers willing to help set up paint stations for each of the paintings, pass out materials, and be available if the kids have any questions or need help with their painting. We expect to have about 15 boys and 15 girls from their teen program. 
5:30-7:30pm; 5547 10th Ave., Fort Myers, FL

Mon.-Fri. July 6th- July 10th 2015

ARTREACH- Boys & Girl's Club Lehigh

Artreach Logo  

We will need volunteers willing to help set up paint stations for each of the paintings, pass out materials, and be available if the kids have any questions or need help with their painting. We expect to have about 35 boys and 35 girls from their teen program.  This is going to be a BIG program, so please volunteer to help if you can.

1-3pm; 1262 Wings Way #206, Lehigh Acres, 33936



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