Keith Hamilton
J.C. Ehrlich
State College, PA
John Besic
President Elect
Besic Pest Control
Transfer, PA
Marty Overlilne
Vice President
Aardvark Pest Management
Phildelphia, PA
Paul Kutney
Immediate Past President
Larksville, PA
Central Division
Gary Lesher
Perry Pest Control
Landisburg, PA
Keith Hamilton
J.C. Ehrlich
State College, PA
Keith Jones
Archer Pest Control
Camp Hill, PA
Greg Ten Hoeve
Mechanicsburg, PA
Eastern Division
Marty Overline
Aardvark Pest Mgmnt
Philadelphia, PA
Mike Snyder
Township Pest Control
Warrington, PA
Jim Nase
Moyer Indoor/Outdoor
Souderton, PA
Northeast Division
Jeff King
The Pest Rangers
Hanover Twp., PA
Paul Kutney
Larksville, PA
Diane Lown
Ajax Environmental Solutions
Dalton, PA
Western Division
Adam Witt
Witt Pest Management
Pittsburgh, PA
Scott Grill
Bill Grill Exterminating
Verona, PA
John Besic
Besic Pest Control
Transfer, PA
Technical Advisor
Chad Gore
Rentokil North America
Carnegie, PA
AWDII Chairman
Ed Van Istendal
Coatesville, PA
Legislative Chairman
Adam Witt
Witt Pest Management
Pittsburgh, PA
Salino Scholarship Chair
Dana Lown
Ajax Environmental Solutions
Dalton, PA
Industry Liaison
Brian Smith
Sharon Hill, PA
Executive Director
Versant Strategies
Harrisburg, PA
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Dear Friends:
While Punxatawney Phil might have predicted spring-time weather, I'm sure no one predicted the thunderstorms and tornado that hit Lancaster County on Wednesday evening. Our thoughts and hearts go out to those who felt the devastating effects of the storm.
As February comes to a close, remember to share information for the Salino Scholarship with eligible applicants. Applications are due to the PPMA Office in Harrisburg by March 15. For questions regarding the application, contact the PPMA office at (800) 842-9090.
Earlier this month, Governor Wolf proposed his budget plans for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. You can access the budget information here. Feel free to contact the Versant Strategies office with questions regarding the state budget.
The PPMA Board of Directors is planning a meeting in Harrisburg in early March. Board members will be heading to the hill to meet with legislators discussing the pest management industry. The springtime is a great time to reach out to your local elected official. If you see them out, be sure to introduce yourself and offer to be a resource if they ever have questions regarding the industry!
Have a great month!
Team Versant
NPMA Appoints Dominique Stumpf as New CEO
Last week NPMA announced the appointment of Dominique Stumpf, current chief operating officer to the position of chief executive officer. Dominique, a 19 year veteran at NPMA, has led numerous association functions including meetings, communications, marketing, membership, education and human resources. She has also served as the executive director of the Canadian Pest Management Association and the Structural Pest Management Association of Ontario and staff liaison to NPMA's Leadership Development Group and Professional Women in Pest Management.
NPMA Talks with CDC About Zika
This week NPMA learned that the U.S. Senate HELP Committee (Health, Education, Labor & Pensions) will be holding a hearing next Wednesday, February 24 on Zika to address the Growing Public Health Threat. Witnesses for the hearing will include the individuals below: Anne Schuchat, MD (RADM, USPHS), Principal Deputy Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA Anthony Fauci, MD, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, MD Robin Robinson, PhD, Director, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, Washington, DC NPMA will make a concerted to effort to ensure useful questions are part of the committee discussion.
Upcoming Meetings
The Eastern Division will be hosting it's Spring Seminar on March 10th at the Crowne Plaza in Trevose. Details and registration information will be coming soon! Vendors interested in sponsoring an exhibit can click here for a registration form.
NPMA will be having it's annual Legislative Day on March 13-15, 2016. Click here for information.
The Salino Scholarship is due March 15 to the PPMA Office in Harrisburg, PA.
The Eastern Division continues to hold its monthly meetings with varying topics of discussion on the second Thursday of every month at the Crowne Plaze in Trevose. For more information on monthly topics and speakers, contact Sue at (215) 331-1121.
The information below represents legislative activity (including bill introductions) that has occurred since the last newsletter. For a full listing of legislation that Versant is tracking for PPMA, please contact us at (717) 635-2320 or cwright@versantstrategies.net. Activity marked HCO or SCO indicates a co-sponsorship memo which precedes the actual introduction of legislation and is designed to secure the support of other legislators prior to introduction as a bill.
Since the Governor proposed his 2016-2017 spending plan, Senate and House Appropriations Committees have been holding hearings to collect more information in regards to the proposal. This is taking place while the state currently is without an approved 2015-2016 budget. The full legislature is scheduled to be back in town in the middle of March to continue discussions on this topic.
No legislative activity was seen specific to PPMA's interests since the last newsletter.
Articles of Interest
02-25-2016 | USFS opens plan to battle hemlock bug USFS opens plan for battling hemlock insect Killer adelgid found in nearby Cook Forest By Tom DiStefano CLARION NEWS Writer WARREN The hemlock woolly adelgid has been spotted in four locations in the Allegheny National Forest and the U.S. Forest Service plans to use... -Clarion News |