

February 2015





Ed Van Istendal



Coatesville, PA


Paul Kutney 

President Elect


Ashley, PA


David M. Hyres

Past President

David M. Hyres Pest Control

Douglassville, PA 




Central Division

Gary Lesher


Perry Pest Control

Landisburg, PA


Chris Anfinsen


Mechanicsburg, PA


Keith Hamilton

J.C. Ehrlich

Pleasant Gap, PA


Keith Jones

Archer Pest Control

Camp Hill, PA


Eastern Division


Jim Daly


Daly Termite & Pest Mgmnt

Ardmore, PA



Ed Van Istendal

1st Vice Governor

Coatesville, PA


Mike Snyder

Township Pest Control

Warrington, PA


Jim Nase

Moyer Indoor/Outdoor




Northeast Division

Paul Kutney


Ashley, PA


Diane Lown

Ajax Environmental Solutions

Dalton, PA


Jeff King

The Pest Rangers

Hanover Twp., PA


Western Division

John Morrison


D-Bug, Inc.

Latrobe, PA


Adam Witt

Witt Pest Management

Pittsburgh, PA


Eric Herrington


Bridgeville, PA


John Besic

Besic Pest Control

Transfer, PA


Technical Advisor


Chad Gore

Rentokil North America

Carnegie, PA


AWDII Chairman


Ed Van Istendal

Coatesville, PA


Legislative Chairman


Keith Hamilton

J.C. Ehrlich

 State College, PA


Bed Bug Taskforce Chairman


Marty Overline

Aardvark Pest Management

Philadelphia, PA


Salino Scholarship Chair 

Dana Lown

Ajax Environmental Solutions

Dalton, PA


Industry Liaison


Brian Smith


Sharon Hill, PA


Executive Director

Versant Strategies

Harrisburg, PA
















Dear Friends:


Just as we all expected, Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter in Pennsylvania. It wasn't much of a stretch given the polar air blasts we've been shivering through lately but it would have been nice to think of daffodils, crocus and perhaps termite swarms. On the upside, the winter season provides time to attend conferences and to prepare for spring and an uptick in business.


PPMA President Ed Van Istendal has been busy preparing for the annual Accredited Wood Destroying Insect training that the Association sponsors annually and which is scheduled for later this month, Februay 25-27, at the Marriott Courtyard in Lancaster.  Check out the registration details below.


Next month the PPMA Board will be meeting in Harrisburg with the PA Game Commission and the Department of Agriculture for an update and discussion on issues of concern to the industry. We'll keep you posted on these developments.


Have a great month!

Team Versant 



Improved Rodenticide Labels Coming Soon

In a January 21st letter to the Association of Structural Pest Control Regulatory Officials, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency agreed to lift the target pest restriction on rodenticides that removed the ability of applicators to control pest rodents other than house mice, Norway rats and roof rats in and around homes and other man-made structures.  NPMA voiced concerns about the lack of rodenticide products available for professional use against important pests like white footed mice, pack rats, and voles, which prompted the ASPCRO inquiry.


Following the implementation of its 2008 risk mitigation decision, EPA began requiring the inclusion of the label statement "This product may only be used to control Norway rats, roof rats, and house mice", which eliminated the ability of pest management professionals to legally use these products against other pests in locations allowed on the label.  Allowing these products to be used against pests listed below will provide PMPs the opportunity to again control these rodent pests in an effective manner.


Registrants will be allowed to submit applications to amend their labels with the following statement:


"This product may only be used to control the following rodent pests in and around man-made structures:


House mouse (Mus musculus)

Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Roof rat (Rattus rattus)

Cotton mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus)

Cotton rats (Sigmodon spp.)

Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus)

Eastern harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys humuli)

Golden mouse (Ochrotomys nuttalli)

Pack rats (Neotoma spp.)

Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans)

Meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus)

White footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus)"


EPA will evaluate the applications individually and may, at its discretion, require supporting laboratory data. Additionally, the revisions do not apply to field use rodenticide products.


NPMA reminds members that they must read and follow the directions on the product they are using and may only use products in accordance with the new language if it is permitted on the label of the product they are using.

Upcoming Meetings        


PPMA's Central Division is planning its spring seminar on February 24  in Mechanicsburg, PA. 
PPMA's Accredited Wood Destroying Insect course is scheduled for Februay 25-27 in Lancaster.  Get the details here!
PPMA's Eastern Division is holding its Spring Seminar on March 12 at the Crowne Plaza in Trevose, PA.  Running concurretly with the pest management agenda will also be a technician training seminr.  Early vendor registration is also welcomed and encouraged! 
NPMA's legislative day is scheduled for March 15-17 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC. Register to attend through NPMA at
Salino Scholarship Application Time!  
The application period for applying for a Salino scholarship has opened.  If you are an active member of the PPMA or are an employee of an active member company, your high school student can begin applying for a scholarship.  Applications are due by March 15.  Read more on Joseph Salino in whose name the scholarship was established and get a copy of the application form here.
NPMA Creates Veterans Group

In an effort to not only honor the personal sacrifice veterans have made to preserving our freedom, but also provide NPMA members with access to a remarkable pool of talent, NPMA created a new Veterans Group. The mission of this group is to actively promote the recruitment of veterans and support those recruitment efforts through various education and training opportunities and provide mentoring and support for veterans currently employed in the industry.

An organizational meeting of the Veterans Group will be held during NPMA's legislative event on Monday, March 16 from 7 - 8:30 a.m. in Washington, DC. "The meeting is open to anybody in the industry and is designed as a brainstorming meeting to imagine how the effort will be organized, identifying several achievable objectives and an action plan to get there," said NPMA CEO Bob Rosenberg. "Additionally, the Legislative Day keynote speaker, General Stanley McChrystal, has agreed to spend some time with our veterans group."

To sign up for the organizational meeting and to meet with General McChrystal, please visit, http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1952096/Veterans-in-Pest-Management.
Legislative Update


The information below represents legislative activity (including bill introductions) that has occurred since the last newsletter.  For a full listing of legislation that Versant is tracking for PPMA, please contact us at (717) 635-2320 or dchappell@versantstrategies.net.  Activity marked HCO or SCO indicates a co-sponsorship memo which precedes the actual introduction of legislation and is designed to secure the support of other legislators prior to introduction as a bill.


HB 223 -(PN 204)  Sponsored by Rep. Curt Sonney (R-Erie)

Amends Title 34 (Game), in hunting and furtaking, to allow the use of semiautomatic rifles with a caliber of .223 or less and a cartridge capacity of not more than six, for the hunting of coyotes, foxes and woodchucks (groundhogs). Effective in 60 days.

          1-23-15 Introduced & Referred to House Game & Fisheries Committee




HB 243 (PN 243) Sponsored by Rep. Anthony DeLuca (D-Allegheny)


Amends the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law to require the minimum for a private action to be started be $500. The minimum award is raised to $500. Effective immediately.



          1-28-15 Introduced & Referred to House Consumer Affairs Committee



HB 349 (PN not yet assigned) Sponsored by Rep. Harry Readshaw (D-Allegheny)


      2-5-15 Filed - no committee assignment or printer's number assigned yet




HCO 611 Sponsored by Rep. Steve McCarter (D-Montgomery)




HCO 635 Sponsored by Rep. Thomas Murt (R-Montgomery)





-12-15 Filed - seeking co-sponsors 




HCO 639 Sponsored by Rep. Anthony DeLuca (D-Allegheny)


    1-12-14 Filed - seeking co-sponsors








HCO 884 Sponsored by Rep. Marc Gergely (D-Allegheny)



Ensures that seasonal workers will not be determined ineligible for benefits because they earned too much in overtime.

          1-23-15 Filed - seeking co-sponsors





SB 155 (PN 228) Sponsored by Sen. Rob Teplitz (D-Dauphin)



Act establishing the Veteran's Entrepreneurial Training and Support Program; imposing powers and duties on the Department of Community and Economic Development; and making an







           1-27-15 Introduced & Referred to Sen. Community, Economic & Rec. Development Committee




SB 263 (PN 143) Sponsored by Sen. Richard Alloway (R-Franklin)



Amends Title 34 (Game), in special licenses and permits, further providing for definitions, for exotic wildlife possession permits and for menagerie permits.

    2-2-15 Introduced& Referred to Senate Game & Fisheries Committee




SB 378 (PN 292) Sponsored by Sen. John Yudichak (D-Luzerne)



Amends Title 64 (Public Authorities and Quasi-Public Corporations) establishing the Veteran-owned Business Loan Guarantee Program to provide loan guarantees to commercial lending institutions that make loans to veteran-owned businesses. Provides for the enrollment of commercial lending institutions; for approval of enrollment; application for the guarantee; and application review. Further provides a guarantee may not exceed 50 percent of the outstanding principal amount of a loan during the term of a loan for which a guarantee certificate has been issued and may not exceed $250,000 for any one loan. Transfers $5 million from the Second Stage Loan Program into a trust account established by the Commonwealth Financing Authority for purposes of providing the loan guarantees. Effective in 60 d



          2-3-15 Introduced & Referred to Sen. Community, Economic & Rec. Dev. Committee




























































































































































Authorizes Game Commission officers and Waterways Conservation officers to enforce all laws related to trespass.


Designates the Northern Long-Eared Bat, Tri-Colored Bat, and Little Brown Bat as endangered species.            

   1-9-15 Filed - seeking co-sponsors  










Amends Title 34 (Game), in special licenses and permits, further providing for definitions and for exotic wildlife possession permits.



Increase Your Business Opportunities; Update your Find a Pro Listing Today


Take advantage of the significant marketing opportunity provided to you as an NPMA member and update your Find a Pro listing for NPMA's consumer site, www.pestworld.org, today. Visit www.npmapestworld.org

  1. On the membership dropdown, choose Update Find-a-Pro Listing
  3. Login using your NPMA member ID and password
  4. Click Edit next to the location you would like to update
  5. Follow the on screen instructions

Articles of Interest 



In Bedbugs, Scientists See a Model of Evolution
In the closing sentence of "The Origin of Species," Charles Darwin marvels at the process of evolution, observing how "from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved." Few people would describe bedbugs as most beautiful or most wonderful. Yet... - New York Times



Americans' increasing distrust of science - and not just on climate change
Eight in 10 Americans believe science has made life better for most people, but they still don't trust scientists - and/or aren't aware of their consensus - on many of the most important science-related issues of the day. And that goes for far more than just climate change. And it includes plenty... - Washington Post



Pennsylvania Game Commission approves requiring hunters to be at least 7 to receive deer, turkey harvest tags
HARRISBURG - The Pennsylvania Game Commission board bent, but they didn't waver on their intention to create a minimum age for those who want to hunt deer and turkey. The board voted unanimously to amend the mentored youth hunting program by eliminating the issuance of antlered deer and spring turkey harvest tags to... - Wilkes-Barre Times Leader



CORRECTION: PGC: 2015-16 Hunting/Trapping Seasons Receive Approval
(Press Release)


High Noon for the Gray Wolf
TUCSON - IN December 2011, a wild gray wolf set foot in California, the first sighting in almost a century. He'd wandered in from Oregon, looking for a mate. In October 2014, for the first time in almost three-quarters of a century, a gray wolf was seen loping along the forested... - New York Times



N.J. bill would expand beaver trapping
TRENTON - A New Jersey Senate panel advanced legislation Monday that would lift a cap on the number of permits the state may issue for beaver trapping, despite objections from animal-rights and environmental groups. The Environment and Energy Committee also voted in favor of bills that... - Philadelphia Inquirer



DuPont workers may have been exposed to toxic gas for years
HOUSTON - State records indicate that employees at a Houston-area pesticide plant where a poisonous gas leak killed four workers in November may have been periodically exposed to the dangerous fumes for years... - AP



No Time for Bats to Rest Easy
LEWISBURG, PA. - The 10 hibernating little brown bats hang from a corner of their tailor-made refrigeration chamber at Bucknell University like a clump of old potato skins, only less animated. In torpor, bats become one with their wintry surroundings, their body temperatures falling... - New York Times