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January, 2013            


workshops at the art center
Workshop Schedule 
2nd & 4th Tuesdays
1:00-3:00 PM
$15 Per Class
Prior Experience Necessary
Instructor:Vicki Galloway
Bring something to paint on

 Pre-registration and payment is required for all classes  


For more information call

Falling Rivers Gallery


Artist Opportunities
Stanly Arts Guild Meeting:                         January 3,  6:45 PM

Barry Stebbing of McFarland, NC will be the guest artist for the Stanly Arts Guild meeting on Thursday, January 3 at Falling Rivers Gallery, beginning at 6:45 PM. Mr. Stebbing, will present a program on Beginning Drawing. He has instructed over 60,000 students during the past 20 years in drawing and painting. His will be to show us that students of all ages and level of abilities can learn how to draw. His method is based on practice and applying fundamentals. Everyone should bring a pencil and paper to the meeting. Mr. Stebbing makes learning an enlightening experience.

Guests are welcome to attend Stanly Arts Guild monthly meetings.

From Your President....

I can't believe 2012 is almost gone! We've certainly seen a lot of change in both the guild and gallery this year. While it has been a struggle at times, we survived the change and we continue to be the center of artistic activity in our area. I want to thank all of the people that pitched in and helped with events, meetings, and all of the other activities that have to happen to make the guild and gallery run smoothly.

Looking forward to next year, there are plans for new and exciting activities so stay tuned to the newsletter, our email announcements and our new, improved website. We are trying a new, open studio approach in our educational program in January. Read more about it below and if this works, we'll do this again. Stop by, try it and give us your reactions.

In February, the Stanly Arts Council will hold their annual Evening with the Arts fund raiser dinner. The guild has been approached about helping to design the poster. We don't have any details yet but this will be coming soon.


I wish you all a Merry Christmas and look forward to working with you all in the New Year. Take some time over the holidays to recharge with family, friends and your art. 

Bobbie Listerman

President, Stanly Arts Guild


Open Studio: Different Jewelry Making Techniques

(for guild members only)

Facilitator: Bobbie Listerman

Dates: Wednesdays 10 AM - 5 PM in January (the 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th), come to one or all of these


Location: workshop area in the back room at the Falling Rivers Gallery

Cost: Minimal materials charge + an optional donation to the Stanly Arts Guild

Description: Bobbie will have the equipment and will be experimenting with several different jewelry making techniques including a metal working (cutting/forming old tin cans) to make jewelry components (Google "fluxplay" for some inspiration or check on Pintrest on the internet). She will have etching equipment and metal to work with and will also set up a polymer clay station. There will be several "play stations" set up where Guild members can experiment. Bobbie will facilitate the activity and will be "playing" along with guild members.



Bobbie welcomes other jewelry artists that would like to help facilitate, even for just a few hours, or they can just come to play. Contact Bobbie if you want to facilitate.




Agri-Civic Center in January

The photography of Jan Braumann is featured at the Agri-Civic Center in January. This is one exhibit that you must see. Jan was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, came to America with his family at the age of eight and moved to Midland with his wife and son in 1982. With the ocean to the east, Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains to the west, he found an almost endless variety of plants and animals to photograph. He has traveled from Maine to Alaska and continues to photograph wildlife. Jan says, "I hope I am able to illustrate the beauty of our natural world and the importance to maintain good habitat ... and to share this wonderful land".


Susan Lackey will be displaying jewelry, stained glass and small prints in the lobby showcase beginning the second week in January. 

These exhibits can be seen at the Agri-Civic Center on Monday - Friday from 9 - 5 & during any event.

Animal Tree 

The animal tree has been a big success. Both the Stanly County Animal Rescue League  and Humane Society are beneficiaries this year. Our tree will remain up until 28th so donations can be made up to that time. All of the pet food, toys, and donations will be picked up on the 29nth, so you still have time.


Planning for Our Next Jewelry Show

Theresa Mauldin is preparing for our jewelry show scheduled for February 1 - 16 in the Gallery.  This year's theme will be "From the Heart - Gifts for Her" and the products targeted will be expanded to include jewelry, wearable art and accessories for women.   Booths are $20 for Guild members and $30 for non-members.  We will kick of the show with a fashion show on Saturday February 2nd partnering once again with Hi-Lites.  We will also have Art of the Vine rescheduled to Thursday, February 14th with a couple themed event.  Vendor applications will be available shortly.


Gallery News

Gallery Banner 


Thanks to everyone who pitched in extra effort in December especially during all the events in downtown. The sales have been phenomenal and the amount of errors kept to a minimum.  You should be very proud of the positive reputation that the Gallery has developed as a very friendly, helpful, and beautiful place to shop. 
  1.  I want to welcome our newest member, Leslie Carter. Leslie has been a member of the Guild for a couple of years and will now be selling a variety of her work.  I also want to welcome our new volunteers Nettie Amirthiraj and Katie McCree.  Nettie will be taking over the Featured Artist project.  Katie will be volunteering some shifts in the Gallery and helping with our online marketing activities through Pinterest and Facebook.
  2. Ed and Nancy Lipe  have staffing for January and February.  Please sign up as soon as possible.
  3. I haven't scheduled a Gallery member meeting for some time, but I believe it is time to refresh and work through some of the challenges and opportunities facing us going forward. This meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, January 14th at 5 PM.  I will send out a separate meeting notice for all Gallery members.  Please plan to attend. 
  4. On January 26th we will be hosting an Author Event sponsored by the Friends of the Stanly Co. Public Library.  Laura Florand, author of "The Chocolate Thief" and "The Chocolate Kiss" will be be at the Gallery.  Click Here for more details.

Thank you to all the members and volunteers who have continued to put forth the extra effort each month to keep the doors open and make the Gallery look great!




Featured Artists

Ed Lipe is the featured artist in the gallery through January 3. Stop by and see his photography and click on the link below to learn more about Ed's journey in photography. Ed strives to produce a positive connection between the subject and the viewer that draws them to the image and lets them connect with it - whether it is because it is familiar to them or because it is unique and fascinating.


To learn more about Ed, Click Here

Member News

  1. Vicki Galloway is continuing her One Stroke Painting Classes in 2013. Her class has used acrylics and enamels to paint on different objects. New students are welcome. Classes are held on the 2nd and 4th Tues. in each month at 1 PM at Falling Rivers Gallery. The cost is $15.00 for each two hour class. Starter kits are $40.00 and these include 10 acrylic paints, a water basin, 4 brushes, worksheets, and DVD. If you are a beginner and would like to try out the class before investing in supplies, pay $25.00 for the first class and use Vicki's supplies.
  2. Anna Walker is at home recovering from spine surgery up at Duke and doing well. She says that Rehab is extremely challenging to put it mildly. Fortunately I took yarn and did a couple of weavings while I was at the center in Durham but now that she's home and without the ability to drive for 3 more weeks, well she said something about losing her mind. Anna is looking forward to a simple Christmas but thankfully one that is pain-free. She welcomes visitors and calls.
  3. Nancy Abernathy would like to thank the guild members; it took seeing our work of alcohol ink, painting, and digital photography to get her started back her artwork. She says that her works in alcohol ink have inspired some other as well. She apologizes for not getting to our meetings very often, but want to do better.   She does want you all to know how much she appreciates your talents and creativity.
  4. Bridget Huckabee says "thank you" for the surprise Happy Birthday chorus at our December meeting and for Lou Ann's delicious birthday cake. "Wow! I finally caught up with Jane Rogers", says Bridget!
  5. Jane Rogers received the State Leadership Award from the NC Extension and Community Association (EAC). Jane was recognized for her many leadership roles, including serving in several officer positions and as the chairperson for the annual EAC tea.



2011-2012 Guild Officers

Bobbie Listerman, President; Millie Campbell, Vice President;

Susan Lackey, Recording Secretary; Reda Icenhour, Corresponding Secretary; Pat Mitchell, Treasurer; Nancy Lipe, Gallery Director; Jackie Layman, Member-at-Large; Carole Poplin, Past President; Community Liaison, Vicki Coggins; Public Arts Coordinator, Anita Ammerman;

Workshop Chair, Anna Walker

  NC Arts Council
The Stanly Arts Guild is sponsored in part by the Albemarle Improvement LLC, the Stanly County Arts Council, and receives support from the North Carolina Arts Council, an agency of the Department of Cultural Resources, and the National Endowment for the Arts, which believes a great nation deserves great art.

Our Links

Our Website                                   Find us on Facebook