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May 2015


I hope everyone is well and that life is treating you good. It looks like the weather is finally going to stay nice, and it's time to hit the lake! We'd like to wish all the moms out there an early happy Mother's Day! What in the heck would we do if we did not have all the moms and wives out there holding down the fort? 


Like always, things are always changing here at JDS Wealth Management, and our teams of financial professionals continue to bring on new opportunities, as well as updates on previous strategies. Recently, Global Financial Private Capital (our institutional money management team), has introduced us to various new investment strategies and money managers as part of their "2015 Enhanced Investment Platform". We can now offer "socially responsible" strategies, "enhanced hedging" strategies for both up and down markets, and "The Family Endowment Series". Endowments are one of the most popular means by which large institutions achieve stated goals with their investment funds. College endowments also use these strategies with great success, and hire very skilled financial individuals to manage these funds. The Family Endowment model uses modern methods and investment types to bring this highly successful, large endowment approach to the individual investor. The investment world has evolved; the Family Endowment model takes advantage of many of these advances. 


If anyone is interested in learning more about these updated strategies, just give us a call or shoot us an email. We'd be happy to sit down with you and discuss in more detail. It may be a good time to start "hedging" against market decline and volatility. Enjoy this month's thought for the week and the Lake Norman Magazine article.


Don't forget to listen to "The Safe Harbor Retirement Planning Show" on WSIC 1400AM & 100.7FM every Saturday morning at 10am and Wednesday morning at 8am. Also visit our website, because there's tons of good stuff you can check out.



Until next month,

Jim's signature  

James Stillman    

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Retirement: A Fundamental Change in Life?
Lake Norman Magazine, May 2015

Ah, retirement: dreams of cruises, umbrella drinks on the beach, sleeping late, doing what you want , and spending more time with loved ones and close friends. If it's one thing I've learned over the past 15 - 20 years as a retirement planner, it's that most folks have not actually planned properly for retirement. Why? Your guess is as good as mine, but as much as I hate to say this - a good amount of the blame should go to financial advisors and brokers who serve the retirement planning community.


In my opinion, retirement represents a FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE in life. That being said, doesn't it make sense that a FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE should also take place in your portfolio and with your financial planning? In our office, we call this moving from "paycheck mode" to "retirement mode". This change is vital to your success in retirement. 


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Time to Rip Off The Band-Aid
GFPC Thought for the Week (341)

*The Fed's monetary policy of artificially low interest rates was enacted to help our economy recover after the financial crisis but has mostly failed to do so.

*Zero interest rate levels rarely helps those investors who rely on income from investments to pay their bills, and now it seems that the Fed is about to reverse course.

*Expect volatility as the Fed begins to raise interest rates, but embrace this disruption in financial markets because it's needed in order for our economy to get stronger.

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Social Media Empowers Investors
GFPC Thought for the Week (342)

*Global Financial Private Capital has long believed that transparency is needed in an investment process, which is one of the many reasons why we are not a mutual fund.

*Social media has become a very powerful force in the financial community, and investors can greatly benefit as long as the content is relevant.

*Starting today, follow me on Twitter and read my new financial blog, which is aimed at simplifying financial concepts, educating readers, and discrediting fear mongers.

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All content is intended for informational purposes only. Any guarantees are for insured products only and are dependent on the claims paying abilities of the insurer. All investments carry some risk and you should be advised by your personal financial advidor before implementing any strategies discussed, as they are not suitable for everyone. James D. Stillman is an Investment Advisor Representative of JDS Wealth Management Corporation and Global Financial Private Capital.

JDS Wealth Management Corporation's outgoing and incoming e-mails are electronically archived and subject to review and/or disclosure to someone other than the recipient. We cannot accept requests for securities transactions or other similar instructions through e-mail. We cannot ensure the security of information e-mailed over the Internet, so you should be careful when transmitting confidential information such as account numbers and security holdings. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to this message and deleting it from your computer."
This Month
Retirement: A Fundamental Change in Life?
Time to Rip Off The Band-Aid
Social Media Empowers Investors

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