November 07, 2013
    Vol. 23, Issue 4          


The CommuniK-8or 

A newsletter dedicated to news from and about  

 Bryn Athyn Church School




Peace holds within itself trust in the Lord, the trust that He governs all things and provides all things, and that He leads towards an end that is good. When a person believes these things about Him he is at peace, since he fears nothing and no anxiety about things to come disturbs him. How far a person attains this state depends on how far he attains love to the Lord (Heavenly Secrets 8455).  

In This Issue
Primary Pageant 11/15/13
Book Fair Thanks
Student Plans after School
ACE Handbells
Sweatshirts Round 2
8G Quilt Raffle
Thank You Nurse Subs
BACS Google Calendar
Director's Council


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The Primary Unit welcomes the community to the Primary Pageant on Friday, Nov 15th at 11:30am in the Gyms. Students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade will be telling the story of the Children of Israel's exodus from the land of Egypt; their wanderings in the wilderness, and the giving on the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. Please plan to be seated before 11:25 so the students can process in.

 We hope to see you there!

Sincerely, the Primary Teachers
Another Successful Book Fair
Thanks to Sharon Neiger and her crew, another delightful Book Fair has come and gone.  We hope to have details of this successful event to report at a later time.
Student Plans after School
This is a note to remind parents that teachers do not always have an opportunity to check their emails before students are dismissed from school for the day.  Please try to come to school and put a note on your child's locker to let him or her know of last minute plan changes.  Liz is willing to deliver messages to students in urgent situations, but please remember that she is recovering from a broken leg.  Thank you!
Handbell Holiday Choir - ACE Program

 Holiday Handbells ACE Program started Nov. 6.  Practice will be every Wednesday. The ensemble will play at the Family Christmas Sing, Dec. 20 and for the Young Children's service on Dec. 22.  Contact Nicole Wille or Maret Genzlinger for details.  

BACS Sweatshirt - Round 2

There is enough interest to place another order for BACS sweatshirts!

Sweatshirt samples are at the main entrance to the school so you can check them for size.   

You can pick up a form at school.  Orders are due by Friday, Nov. 22.  Our plan is to get the sweatshirts to you before Christmas.
8th Grade Girls' QUILT RAFFLE

 They've done it again! The 8th grade girls, with help from Michelle Synnestvedt, have made a quilt to raffle at the Bryn Athyn Craft Sale on November 23rd. You will NOT want to miss a chance to win this beautiful Noah's Ark themed quilt with its adorable menagerie of animals. This would be perfect for a child's room, either on the bed or on the wall. Tickets are one dollar each, or six tickets for five, and can be purchased from any BACS 8th grade girl.   

Thank You Nurse Subs! 

I want to extend a BIG BACS THANK YOU to Kerry Swierczynski and Marcy Linvill for capably serving as our substitute nurse while Kathy McQueen, was recently out for a period due to an unfortunate accident.  We are all happy that Kathy has returned to keep us all healthy and are able to report that she is on the mend, although her arm is not completely healed. 

Dr. Reid Prichett
Nora Cooper very kindly organized a few of the 7th grade parents to bring snacks in for the BACS teachers and staff.  Thank you Nora and helpers, the snacks were appreciated and everyone was very pleasantly surprised. 
Next Director's Council Meeting: Wednesday, November 20, 7:30 pm

Parent Reps:

Rachel Adams        Jenny dePadua           Naomi Haus-Roth         Tor Pitcairn      

Jessica Baker         Taney Friend              Jahnna Henderson        Sean Connelly

Cameron Childs       Melinda Friesen        Heather Klein                 


Teacher Reps:  

J. Soneson           Primary Unit                  Carol Nash           Upper Unit

Cara Dibb            Intermediate Unit          Sharon Neiger      Specialist Unit 


The purpose of this council is to provide a communication link between the school and parents, and to discuss any issues affecting the school. Please contact a member of the council if you have thoughts or suggestions.