October 24, 2013
Vol. 23, Issue 3
The CommuniK-8or
A newsletter dedicated to news from and about
Bryn Athyn Church School
"Here is an astounding fact: All angels see the Lord in front of them no matter which way they turn their bodies or faces" (True Christianity 767).
The sight of our spirit may be hidden in this world, but we can be like the angels when we have the Lord in the forefront of our minds so to speak. Our school theme, Be Still and Know that I am God, is a call from the Lord to turn our minds to Him every day - morning, noon and night- to center ourselves on His leadership and His ways.
School Picture Re-take Day
Thursday, October 31 is scheduled for picture re-take.
If you are not happy with your child's photo, return the whole packet
EXCEPT for the class composite and ID card then your child can be re-photographed.
Book Fair
Come to the BACS Book Fair
November 3rd - November 6th
Sunday, November 3rd, (After 9:30am services until 1:00pm)
Monday & Tuesday, November 4th & 5th, 8:00am to 4:00pm and 6:15pm to 8:30pm
Note new start time, 6:15!
Wednesday, November 6th, 8:00am to 3:30pm.
On Monday evening, for your entertainment, there will be two performances by the
BACS String Orchestra at 6:30 and at 7:00.
If you cannot make it to the live Book Fair, you can visit the Book Fair online. www.scholastic.com/fair
Volunteers still needed and welcome to help out. Please contact Liz Childs
Items to SAVE for the BACS Art Room - Clip & Save List
Art and Photography magazines to cut up
Boxes - cereal/ cracker any thin cardboard
Boxes - small cardboard, jewelry type
Caps - plastic and metal bottle caps
Cardboard tubes - from t.p. to wrapping paper
Christmas cards
Containers - yogurt, take out, etc! Lids too!
Crochet hooks & knitting needles
Egg cartons
Hole Punchers
Maps and map books
Misc. pieces - small wood and metal (screws, brackets, etc.)
Needles - all sizes
Paint chips - the sample cards from the paint store
Paper goods - plates, bowls, etc.
Playing cards (or any misc. game pcs.)
Plastic "berry" baskets
Pringles Cans
Scrapbooking Paper and supplies
Stamps - postage and rubber
Stones - smooth up to size of your palm
Stuffing - fiberfill
Walnut shells - the � pcs.
Thank You Kindergarten through Fourth Grade Parents!!
Wednesday, October 23 was the day chosen by the class mothers committee to express their thanks to the BACS Faculty and Staff with a delicious array of snacks, fruits, baked goods, smoothies, and many more lovely treats. The great abundance of wonderful contributions will likely last for several days, and the entire team at BACS would like to say thank you, parents, for your involvement and support.
Job Description Committee
As announced in the last CommuniK-8or the following people have agreed to help draft a job description for the head of Bryn Athyn Church School and Preschool for next year. The job description for the head position will be coordinated with other BACS leadership roles. The committee has changed some. Jeremy Henry has been added as a parent of a preschool child, and Naomi Haus-Roth has, with regret, asked to step off the committee due to a schedule overload.
Our first meeting was held Tuesday, October 22. The majority of the time was spent in a broad discussion of the past, present and potential future leadership roles. The committee members were given a number of job descriptions of school leadership positions and asked to come to the next meeting with elements of those job descriptions that they recommended we consider. Please feel free to convey your thoughts or hopes to any one of this group.
Eric Carswell, Chair Brian Henderson
Beth Bochneak Jeremy Henry
Caira Bongers Scott Nash
Brita Conroy Alex Rogers
Sheila Daum Lisa Synnestvedt
Barbara Doering
Time Machine
Last week, the 8th grade girls traveled by time machine back to the year 1900. Each girl got her photo taken and made a gilded picture frame to hold it. Next week, we will visit two historical house museums to see how people really lived a hundred years ago.

BACS Sweatshirts
| - PLEASE label your children's sweatshirts so they don't get mixed up.
- Dress code compliant shirts must be under the sweatshirts - NO HOODS worn up in school. If students forget and leave it up, they will be issued a dress code violation with usual consequences
- If you did not order sweatshirts, and would like to, please inform Liz so we can get a count.
7th Grade to Constitution Center
The whole 7th grade (boys and girls) will be going to the Constitution Center and Independence Hall next Tuesday, October 29th. We will be gone from 8:05 and will return in time for dismissal at 2:30
Summer Reading Congratulations
Congratulations to all the children who participated in the Summer Reading Program!
We had about 128 students hand in Summer Reading slips!
Any child who handed in a reading slip will get to participate in a Reading Reward Day that is scheduled for this Friday, October 25th.
Children who handed in a reading slip and reached or exceeded the page goal for their grade will also receive their choice of a bookmark, bracelet or pencil to celebrate their accomplishment and a certificate they can use at the Scholastic Book fair in November to buy 1 book (only) under $10.00!
I will be handing out the certificates next week...as it gets closer to the Scholastic Book Fair...That will give them all less time to lose them!
Remember: If you can't make it to the fair...we have an online fair going on too! Just email me for details! Sharon.neiger@bacs-gc.org
Children who were top readers in their grade will receive an extra prize!
The following children will get 2 prizes, a gift certificate and a special prize for being the top readers in the school!
(Although these readers may think that the best reward is reading a GOOD BOOK!)
Congratulations to
TJ Jackson 8th Grader (16,499 pages) (3rd Place)
Lily Casto 3rd Grader (18,963 pages (2nd Place)
And the NUMBER ONE reader in the school is
Anji Cooper: 8th Grader (21,965 Pages)
From two very happy librarians!
Mrs. Neiger and Mrs. Kelly Austin!
Next Director's Council Meeting: Wednesday, October 30, 7:30 pm
Parent Reps:
Rachel Adams Jenny dePadua Naomi Haus-Roth Tor Pitcairn
Jessica Baker Taney Friend Jahnna Henderson Sean Connelly
Cameron Childs Melinda Friesen Heather Klein
Teacher Reps:
J. Soneson Primary Unit Carol Nash Upper Unit
Cara Dibb Intermediate Unit Sharon Neiger Specialist Unit
The purpose of this council is to provide a communication link between the school and parents, and to discuss any issues affecting the school. Please contact a member of the council if you have thoughts or suggestions.