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Greetings from Coral Travel & Tours
September 7, 2015 
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Group SDA with Shalom
Shalom Almog with a tour group from the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
A Message from Coral's President

The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset on September 13th and ends at sundown on the 15th. The biblical name for the holiday is Yom Teruah (which literally means a day of making noise) or Feast of Trumpets. It is the first of the High Holy days which culminate on Yom Kippur, the Day of Redemption. As we joyously look forward to the final blast of the shofar, Coral wishes you a blessed year!

CCBF Tour Group
Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship
Jerusalem, Israel

Pastors Israel Familiarization Tour
December 1-10, 2015

This special familiarization tour of Israel for pastors and spouses will explore the land where Jesus taught. Led by Clark Van Wick, senior pastor at Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship, this spiritual adventure will take you to the most revered historical and biblical sites in Israel. Spend time worshiping the Lord in prayer, bible devotions, and songs of praise. This is sure to be an experience you won't want to miss. 


Garden Tomb Sign Noam Chen
Garden Tomb Sign
Photo Credit: Noam Chen for IMOT
Tour Spotlight - WND Israel Tour
November 3 - 13, 2015 

In this incredible journey to the Holy Land you will visit the most popular historical and biblical sites combined with prayer, bible studies, and amazing worship music. Speakers include Joseph Farah, Founder of WND; New York Times best-selling author, Joel Richardson; Richie Furay, senior pastor at Calvary Chapel Broomfield and Laurie Cardoza-Moore, filmmaker and Israel advocate.

Click here for details.
Revealing the Buried Secrets of the Temple Mount

The Temple Mount Sifting Project just released this important video showing how people are coming together to preserve Jewish heritage and history. The project, which was established in 2004 to sift debris removed from the Temple Mount and dumped into the Kidron Valley, has revealed fragments of stone vessels, approximately 5,000 ancient coins, various pieces of jewelry, a rich assortment of beads, terracotta figurines, arrowheads and other weaponry, weights, clothing, game pieces and dice, bone and shell inlays, and more. To learn how you can participate in the project click here.

News of Interest

The Feast of Trumpets & our Jewish Roots Read

Introduction to the Temple Mount Sifting Project Read

Welcome to Shiloh, Where the Modern and Ancient Collide Read
WND Israel Tour Hosted by Joseph Farah - Nov. 3-13, 2015 Learn more
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