Shalom from Coral Travel & Tours!
There are so many things going on around
the world during this time. With the persecution of Christians in the Mid-East and the upsurge of antisemitism in Europe and elsewhere - I praise
God knowing how it will all turn out. In the meantime, let's continue to
ardently pray for one another. Coral Tours
appreciates your love and support for us and for Israel!
In mid-February, Irit and I returned to Israel in order to welcome several groups from the U.S. to the
Holy Land. It is always a joy for us to spend time with old friends who are returning as well as those who have not been to Israel before. We are truly
grateful to those who make the decision to come. For those who want to come but haven't yet -
save your shekels and do it! We'll be here to help when you're ready. You will be a
witness to Jesus and a blessing to the Israeli people.
Israelis will celebrate the
Purim holiday beginning the evening of
March 4th and through the following evening. The book of Esther reveals what the celebration is about: During the time period when the Jewish people were subjects of the Persian Empire, a man named Haman plotted to wipe them out. Yet, due to the bravery of a beautiful young Jewish woman,
Queen Esther, and the unity of the Jewish people, his plot failed when the King showed them favor. The day of deliverance became a day of feasting and celebration. Children dress in costumes to look like Queen Esther and her cousin Mordaica, the
heroes of the story. It is a fun-filled, action-packed day for everyone.
Please be sure to contact us with any questions regarding travel to Israel. We are happy to assist you! You can reach us by calling our toll-free number 866-267-2511 or via email at
Blessings to you and those you love,