Coral Travel & Tours
Je suis Charlie
Coral Travel & Tours
January 2015
In This Issue
Upcoming Tours
Israel Familiarization Tour Benefits
Into the Promised Land Virtual Tour

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Group SDA with Shalom


 Pastor Familiarization Tours
November 30 - Dec. 7, 2015
Guaranteed Departure Tours
Caesarea Philipi
Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus and discover the Holy Land with our February 2016 guaranteed departure tour starting at $2780 from New York.

These tours are packed with lots of amazing historical and biblical sites and features such as: Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Western Wall, Garden Tomb, Yad Vashem, Israel Museum and much more. 
Downloadable PDF Itinerary

Space is limited call us today to reserve a seat.


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Phone: 866.267.2511

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Phone: 561-704-2900

Dear Friend,    

Shalom from Coral Travel & Tours!


Best wishes for a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year! As we return to our daily schedules and the family routines, let's all bring that Christmas spirit and the light of Jesus into every day of the new year... 


Many of you may already be considering travel plans for next winter - if this is you, I want to encourage you to consider what a trip to Israel could mean to you, your family and your community. We have many excellent tours available to you, from small private tours to large group custom tours, family tours, adult tours and everything in between. And as always I am available to answer any questions you may have. Contact me by calling our toll-free number 866-267-2511 or via email at
We are eager to assist you and would love to welcome you to this very special land. Prime Minister Netanyahu recently told Jews living in France that Israel is their home. The same is true for every Christian in that as believers our gentile brothers and sisters have been grafted into the commonwealth of Israel... I encourage you to consider what a spiritual investment it is to come see the places you've read about in the Bible...

Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have been affected by this recent series of tragedies in France.

Shalom & Irit AlmogGod bless you,
Shalom Almog 
Shalom & Irit Almog
Coral Travel & Tours LTD

Israel Familiarization Tour Benefits   

  Pastor Finch

Familiarization tours are special tour packages created for clergy, ministry leaders, Bible professors who would like to learn more about leading group tours to Israel. At Coral we feel once you've experienced one of our Israel familiarization tours you will have a greater understanding of the roots of your faith and be better equipped to share with others the enormous impact studying the land of the Bible up close has made on your life.


Our fam trips includes round trip airfare, comfortable hotel accommodations, breakfast and dinner daily, English-speaking guide throughout all sightseeing, entrance fees and baggage and handling, along with many other special services.


Our friendly and helpful staff will review all possible touring options with participants, suggest itineraries, and introduce new sites for return visitors.   


We offer multiple Israel fam trips per year and encourage congregations to organize their own fam trips as well.
Click here for information about our next Fam trip to Israel.  

Into the Promised Land - Virtual Tour   

Into the Promised Land
Produced by Greg Cash for Coral Tours
Contact us via email today to begin your amazing journey or call 866.267.2511.
Visit our website at: