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Coral Travel & Tours
December 2014
In This Issue
Upcoming Tours
Dreidel & the Hanukkah Miracle
Holy Land Video - Jonathan Cahn Tour

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Led by Pastor W. Slaughter
February 9-18, 2015    
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IDF Soldiers
Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus and discover the Holy Land with our guaranteed departure tours starting at $2835 from New York.

These tours are packed with lots of amazing historical and biblical sites and features such as: Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Western Wall, Garden Tomb, Yad Vashem, Israel Museum and much more. 
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Dear Friend,    

Season's Greetings


I am back in the U.S. after spending time in Israel over the Passover and Thanksgiving holidays. During this time my wife, Irit, and I welcomed Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and his tour group to Israel. It was a wonderful, blessed time for us personally. We've received glowing feedback from participants, and our hearts are full of the love shared during this time. My friend, Pastor Greg Cash, owner of Cash in Productions, created a beautiful video for Coral and many of the shots he included are from this tour. Please take a moment to watch and share your comments.


This is the season we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. During this time may you been drenched in his love, light and amazing grace. Coral wishes you, your friends and loved ones a blessed Christmas, happy Hanukkah and a healthy, happy New Year!


"Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift." 

 2 Corinthians 9:15  


Have questions about traveling to Israel? You can reach us by calling our toll-free number (866) 267-2511 or via email at


Shalom & Irit AlmogGod bless you,
Shalom Almog 
Shalom & Irit Almog
Coral Travel & Tours LTD

Dreidel & the Hanukkah Miracle  


It's that special time of year  when Jews, and many Christians as well, celebrate the miracle of Hanukkah. More than 2,000 years ago a small band of faithful Jews drove the Seleucid army from the Holy Land, reclaimed the desecrated Jewish Temple and rededicated it to the LORD. They found just a small cruse of oil with which to light the menorah yet miraculously that one day's supply lasted for eight days - enough time to prepare and consecrate new oil.


The dreidel has one Hebrew letter on each side. Outside of Israel, those letters are: נ (Nun), ג (Gimmel), ה (Hay) and ש (Shin), which stand for the Hebrew phrase "Nes Gadol Haya Sham." This phrase means "A great miracle happened there [in Israel]."


After the State of Israel was founded in 1948 the Hebrew letters were changed for dreidels used in Israel. They became: נ (Nun), ג (Gimmel), ה (Hay) and פ (Pey), which stand for the Hebrew phrase "Nes Gadol Haya Po." This means "A great miracle happened here."


The miracle referred to in both versions of the Hebrew phrase is the miracle of the Hanukkah oil.

Holy Land Video - Jonathan Cahn Tour

Coral Travel & Tours - The Holy Land
Produced by Greg Cash for Coral Tours
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