Shalom! The month of May marks two significant national holidays in Israel,
Memorial Day on May 5th and Israel's
Independence Day on May 6th. On this occasion we ask you join us in a prayer of thanks for the many blessings God has allowed in and through Israel and for peace to reign in the region.
Because we know you love and support Israel we want to take this opportunity to share a link to the ebooklet titled,
Israel 101. This resource is produced by
Stand With Us, an international, non-profit organization which enables people around the world to stand with Israel through various means. The ebooklet provides an overview of the history, politics, culture, Zionism, and people of Israel. We hope you find it informative and that you will share it with others.
Lord bless you for your support!
At the end of April, I (Shalom) returned from Israel where I had the opportunity to spend time with several groups as they toured the Holy Land. It was a blessing for me to see Jesus working in the hearts of those on the tour. It was especially gratifying and encouraging to receive a note on the Coral Facebook page from a wife who had toured with her husband... She said they had a "fabulous time" and that her husband who journeyed to Israel as a a seeker returned home so impacted by the experience he is now a believer. I want to encourage you to consider what a trip to Israel may mean for you and those you minister to. Please call us with any questions you may have.