2012 Tours
Pastor Familiarization Tour
November 15 - 22, 2012
Equipping the Saints Tour
Hosted by
Mission Hills Church
November 8-18, 2012
Run to the Wall Israel Tour
Hosted by
Mission:M25 Ministries
Oct 22 - Nov 1, 2012
Pastor Familiarization Tour
Hosted by
CC Bible Fellowship
December 2-11, 2012
Pastor Familiarization Tour to Israel
Join us as Pastor Clark Van Wick of Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship leads a 10-day pastors familiarization study tour of the Holy Land. A wonderful bible teacher and dear friend, Pastor Clark has journeyed to Israel about 15 times. He will share biblical insights, in depth knowledge of the region and his passion for Israel.
This tour will transform the way you read and teach the Bible. Once you've been to Israel, images of the land, the topography, the climate and culture will be etched in your memory forever and with this a greater understanding of your Christian heritage.
This tour will also equip you in bringing your very own group to Israel in the future.
Dear Friends,
Greetings from the Holy Land! I (Shalom) am in Israel enjoying meeting with various Coral tour groups and watching as they fall deeper in love with Jesus. It is a huge blessing for me.
In our previous newsletter I mentioned February is a month of transition from winter to spring in Israel. Well, with the recent snow fall in Jerusalem, the Golan Heights and the Galilee it seems winter isn't quite ready to say "goodbye". Nonetheless, families are beginning their "spring cleaning" to prepare for the upcoming Pesach holiday commemorating the Jewish exodus from Egypt and freedom from bondage. We are looking forward to spending a joyous time with family and friends reading the haggadah and enjoying a warm seder.
The Coral family wishes you enduring peace and great joy this Easter holiday as you celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus.
If you are considering a trip to Israel, personally or corporately, we recommend planning 10-12 months ahead. You can call us for a complimentary quote at 866.267.2511. We look forward to assisting you in organizing an unforgettable journey to the Holy Land.
 God bless,
Shalom & Irit Almog
Coral Travel & Tours LTD
Israel to Fund Tel Shiloh Preservation
An Israeli heritage committee, under the authority of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has allocated about $1.3 million for the renovation and preservation of Tel Shiloh, the site where the Ark of the Covenant rested within the Israelite Tabernacle during the time of Eli and Samuel (1 Samuel 1:1-4).
The project, which is the first of its kind in the West Bank, will include renewed excavations, as well as the building of a tourist center where visitors can learn about life in the Biblical era of Shiloh. In addition to the government funding, the project will receive more than $2.5 million in financing from private sources.
 Ancient Greek Helmet Found In Haifa Bay
According to researchers, a Greek bronze helmet covered with gold leaf, discovered in the waters of Haifa Bay in Israel, has been dated to 2,600 years ago. The helmet, discovered accidentally in 2007 during commercial dredging in the harbor, has been cleaned and analyzed by researchers with the Israel Antiquities Authority. Archaeologists believe the helmet may have belonged to a wealthy Greek mercenary fighting in a series of wars mentioned in the Bible that plagued the region at that time. |
Jerusalem Hosts Annual Marathon
Over 15,000 runners from 50 countries are expected to take part in the second annual Jerusalem Marathon on March 16, 2012. The marathon's route will pass some of the city's most important and beautiful landmarks, including the Knesset, the Old City, the Khan Theater, City Hall and the Supreme Court. Runners will also get a close look at Sultan's Pool and Ammunition Hill, as well as trek through neighborhoods like the German Colony and Mamilla. They will also enjoy a panoramic view of the city from the Armon Hanatziv Promenade.
This year's race will include runners from the U.S., Germany, England, Italy and France, alongside runners from Guatemala, Indonesia, Japan, Chile, Ireland and even Turkey. The event is expected to give a big boost to the city's tourist industry with an expected jump in overnight reservations by more than 7,000.