Training Force USA

  Web Virginia

Defeating the Enemy Within 
Lynchburg, Virginia -
August 15-16, 2016 



Training Provided by RUBICON TRAINING GROUP  


Eligible for DCJS In-Service Credit 


The tragic attacks in Ottawa, New York, and Sydney are a chilling reminder that our world is changing.  Terrorism, once a headline from places like Europe and the Middle East, has now landed upon our shores.
A new era is emerging in world of terrorism and the lone wolf is leading the charge. Whether it was Timothy McVeigh who murdered scores of people in the Oklahoma City bombing or Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who executed 2 New York City police officers in cold blood, these lone wolves have shown us that they can be just as deadly as any state sponsored terror group. The question is who are these terrorists and what can we do to stop them?
There is a common perception that nothing can be done to guard against these attacks, but that is wrong. Detectives and officers on patrol don't have to sit and wait until the next attack. By adopting a proactive response and strategy, officers can protect themselves and their communities from these homegrown attacks. But it takes knowledge. It takes training.
Utilizing tactics and strategies from the US and Israeli counter-terror methods,
Understanding & Protecting Yourself Against Lone Wolf Attacks
will cover such topics as:

Day 1:
Threat Concepts
  • Types of Lone Wolves & Other Terrorists
  • Psychology & Motivations of the Lone Wolf
  • Radicalization in the Digital Age
  • The Terrorist Threat Cycle
  • Predicting & Intercepting Attacks
  • Case Studies & Lessons From Recent Attacks
Day 2:
Proactive Defense Techniques
  • Principles of Patrol Profiling
  • Patrol Profiling vs. Racial Profiling
  • Interpreting Clues from Your Surroundings
  • Dynamic Decision Making
  • Scenario Drills and Defense Against Lone Wolf Attacks
  • AND MORE....

Mark Booher is the Senior Instructor for Rubicon Training Group, LLC, a company
providing intelligence and security training solutions to members of the military,
law enforcement, and the private sector. As a former soldier in the U.S. Army,
Mark served on a force protection team, training in both the US and British Interrogation Methods. He also has traveled to the West Bank to train in Israeli counter-terror and security tactics. Mark is a graduate of the University of Arkansas School of Law and spent 6 years as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. He now devotes his time to teaching and has trained hundreds of military, law enforcement, and private personnel on the topics of intelligence and security.
All members of the criminal justice community (sworn or non-sworn).

� Central Virginia Criminal Justice Academy
   1200 Church Street
   Lynchburg, Virginia 24505

� A list of area hotels is available online at


� Monday-Tuesday, August 15-16, 2016
� Class starts at 8:00 AM Sharp -  and ends at 5:00 PM daily (Local Time)
� Business casual attire

COST:       $349 per person

�  Includes instruction, class materials and certificate of completion

REGISTRATION:     �  Please follow the page prompts for quick, easy registration and confirmation.

�  Check made payable to:
   3681 Loma Farm Road
   Tallahassee, FL  32309
�  Purchase Order
�  Credit Card payment made online at 
�  Upon submission of this registration, participants are responsible for payment of this 
�  Please note that if you do not attend, you are still responsible for payment.
�  Substitutions may be made at any time by phone, e-mail or online at the registration

Mark Booher
Phone:  479-871--251-7580     