Weekly News Roundup
October 26, 2015
Dennis J. Barbour, JD, Editor
Governor weighs in on criticism of HPV vaccine letter
Gov. Mike Pence said his administration is looking into objections being raised by religious conservatives after the State Department of Health sent letters to parents who haven't vaccinated their children for a type of cervical cancer. The letter was sent to about 305,000 parents of Indiana children with no record of having started the three-dose vaccine for human papilloma virus, or HPV. The letter encourages them to have their children vaccinated. Idaho Statesman, October 23, 2015
Sex survey video gives eye-opening insight into what young people think about condoms
Demonstrating what Durex, who conducted the research, dubbed a "invincibility culture", 40 per cent of those who took part in the survey by Durex admitted to exposing themselves to STIs and unwanted pregnancy by having sex with more than one person without a condom. A further 48 per cent said that contracting HIV/AIDs is not something that could happen to their friends, while 61 per cent said they didn't think about condoms until they needed one. Independent, October 23, 2015 |
Use of Serogroup B Meningococcal Vaccines in Adolescents and Young Adults: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, 2015
This report summarizes the deliberations of ACIP, the rationale for its decision, and recommendations for use of MenB vaccines in adolescents and young adults. Two MenB vaccines have recently been licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in the United States and approved for use in persons aged 10-25 years: MenB-FHbp (Trumenba, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Inc.) and MenB-4C (Bexsero, Novartis Vaccines).
MMWR, October 23, 2015
ADHD May Have Different Effects on Brains of Boys and Girls
Study findings might explain different behaviors seen in genders, experts say
"Females are more likely to present with the inattentive symptoms of ADHD, while males are more likely to present with hyperactive and impulsive features of ADHD." Health Day, October 22, 2015 |
Doctors, Not Parents, Are The Biggest Obstacle To The HPV Vaccine
"The single biggest barrier to increasing HPV vaccination is not receiving a health care provider's recommendation," said lead study author Melissa Gilkey, an assistant professor of population medicine at Harvard Medical School. That's more of an issue, she says, than parents' decisions to refuse or delay HPV vaccination. The problem? HPV infections are most commonly - though not always - transmitted sexually. They were also less likely to recommend on-time vaccination for boys than for girls. Nearly 2 in 5 doctors (39 percent) did not recommend on-time HPV vaccination for their male patients compared with 26 percent for female patients.
The starkest findings, however, related to how the doctors approach their discussions with parents. Only half recommend the vaccine the same day they discuss it, and 59 percent said they approach discussions by assessing the child's risk for contracting the disease rather than consistently recommending it to all children as a routine immunization. NPR, October 22, 2015 |
Aggressive music related to anxiety in men
"Some ways of coping with negative emotion, such as rumination, which means continually thinking over negative things, are linked to poor mental health. We wanted to learn whether there could be similar negative effects of some styles of music listening," explains Emily Carlson, a music therapist and the main author of the study. Medical Express, October 22, 2015 |
Manitoba expands HPV vaccination program to include boys
Boys in Grade 9 will also be offered the vaccine free-of-charge for the next three years in schools. Any girl or boy who misses the vaccine in Grade 6 will be eligible to get it in later years free of charge under the province's "once eligible, always eligible," program. CBC, October 21, 2015 |
Most interesting, perhaps, was the fact that the parents reported being about four times likelier to tell girls to be careful in the future compared to boys. The researchers think this might offer some hints about important gender dynamics, particularly in light of the fact that studies "consistently" show, as the researchers put it, that boys injure themselves at significantly higher rates than girls. Science of Us, October 19, 2015 |
Outreach increases completion of HPV vaccination series by adolescent girls
Published in the journal Pediatrics, this study is the first to compare effectiveness in safety-net populations of HPV-specific information and follow-up calls to those overdue for later doses of the vaccine versus more traditional general vaccine information. The work was funded by the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas. Science Daily, October 19, 2015 |
Millennial men the most emotional while watching video ads
Millennial men have the highest emotional reaction in 14 of the 18 different psychological responses identified and measured by Unruly's predictive tool, Unruly ShareRank. According to Unruly's research, 18- to 34-year-old males are more likely to get angry (more than 39 percent), sexually aroused (more than 102 percent), and exhilarated (more than 18 percent) while watching video ads than any other group. They are also more likely to feel happiness (more than 7 percent), fear (more than 38 percent), nostalgic (more than 11 percent), pride (more than 23 percent), and inspiration (more than 9 percent). Clickz, October 13, 2015 |
New test to predict relapse of testicular cancers
Scientists have developed a new test to identify patients who are at risk of suffering a relapse from testicular cancer. Testicular germ cell tumours are the most common solid malignant tumour in young Caucasian men. Patients diagnosed with early-stage disease face a choice between monitoring with treatment if relapse does occur or upfront chemotherapy with its associated long-term side-effects. Predicting who does or does not need chemotherapy up front is therefore important to minimise treatment in this largely curable disease. AAAS, October 13, 2015 |
The Weekly News Roundup is produced by The Partnership for Male Youth and is released every Monday.
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Dennis J. Barbour, Esq.
Executive Director