Our Christmas Bazaar is here! Hats, mittens, gloves and scarves still needed! Family Promise families join us in January. Can you guess who the mystery member is below? |

December, 2014 |
Volume 1, Issue 1
From the Desk of Father Brad
Rejoice! Our Redeemer is Born!
Have you ever received a disappointing Christmas gift? For example, that crazy-looking necktie with a picture of Donald Duck on it, or the pocket fisherman that didn't work, or fruitcake that keeps reappearing again and again?
Well, there are a couple of things you can do. You can re-gift it to someone else (as long as you don't give it back to the person who gave it to you in the first place), or you can exchange it for something better. Exchanging a gift is basically the same thing as redeeming it. This brings us to one of the themes of Christmas, that of redemption: the act of making something better or more acceptable, to save a losing cause, to turn things around, to take something and make more out of it. Gifts are one example of something that can be redeemed. But there are others. For one, the Scriptures tell us that we live in a world that is in need of redemption, a world that needs to be exchanged. The world we live in, your world and mine.
Let's look at some of the things that are happening. There is currently significant political and social turmoil in several African nations with no apparent end in sight. North Korea continues to make threats toward Western countries including the US. The Middle East is conflicted as ever with horrible bloodshed in the areas threatened by ISIS. According to the United Nations this year over 870 million people worldwide have suffered from malnutrition, with starvation contributing to the deaths of an estimated 5 million children this year. In 2014 an estimated 10 million children around the world have died from routinely curable diseases because they did not have access to the medical care that so many of us enjoy in our country. Senseless shootings continue in the public arena and, tragically, in our schools. Here in Philadelphia so far in 2014 there have been 228 victims of homicide, an increase of ten from last year's total. And there are the events of Ferguson, Missouri. I could go on and on.
There are plenty of examples that tell us that our world is in need of redemption. Perhaps all of humankind could go to the cosmic exchange counter of the universe and say, I'd like a new world please. There are too many things wrong with this one. And that, my friends, is exactly what Christmas is about. Through Christ God has redeemed humankind and the world. Jesus saw a need to exchange the world for something better.
We think our world is messed up today. At the time of Jesus, the First Century, it was worse, and in need of redemption as well. And Jesus did that. He went to that cosmic exchange counter with our world in his hands and said, "A different one, please."
But instead of asking somebody else to do the work of redemption, he did the work himself.
Jesus taught us that God is not a mean-spirited and vindictive God but a God of GRACE. And that this grace is shown specifically in God's mercy, forgiveness and companionship. We are informed that God loves us, and we are provided the example of how to live, an example is probably best summed up in these core teachings:
"Love your neighbor as yourself," knowing that if you do not love yourself, you cannot love your neighbor and if you do not love your neighbor, you cannot truly love yourself. They go hand in hand. "Do for others as you would have done for you," not as they do to you but as you would want done for you. "Love your enemies," because if you do this, you will have no enemies. Forgive others with the same standard of forgiveness you would want applied to yourself.
What is at the heart of God's redemption is God's grace. By this, the worst of situations are redeemed when they are handed over to God. That's what God does. Redeem, over and over and over. What about your life? Do you see a need for redemption? Is there a need to turn things around? Can the disappointments, the heartbreaks, the regrets, be exchanged for something better? The Christmas answer to this is a resounding YES!
Last year on our Facebook page we posted something from Episcopal Church Memes which said, GRACE MEANS THAT ALL OF YOUR MISTAKES NOW SERVE A PURPOSE INSTEAD OF SERVING SHAME.
In other words, our lives, and our world, are not a lost cause. So before you go to the store to exchange any of your gifts, open up your heart, turn in your mistakes, exchange your shame, and redeem it all for a new life, as a follower of Christ, the newborn King.
Made possible by the grace of God.
The most joyous season of Christmas is upon us - come celebrate the birth of the Lord Christ at our services on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day. "A Christmas Story" will be performed by the All Saints' Sunday School children and youth at our 4:00PM service on Christmas Eve. Please join us for this heartwarming performance as our youngest generations reenact the story of Christmas and sing carols.
| Wed., Dec. 24th | 4:00PM - Sunday School & Children's Service |
| 7:30PM - Christmas Eve Vigil Service |
| Thur., Dec. 25th | 10:00AM - Christmas Day Service | |
Parents - please help our children do their best! Ask your child how you may help them practice in the weeks leading up to Christmas Eve. Our final dress rehearsal will be Sunday, December 21st after the 10:00AM service.
 This weekend is the Christmas Bazaar!
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Edward Pola & George Wyle had it right in their popular Christmas carol. We're so excited that our Christmas Bazaar is finally here - December 5th 10:00AM-8:00PM and December 6th 9:00AM-4:00PM.
Check out what's new! Our personalizing table with hand made stockings - you can purchase stockings here too!
 Friday Night's Roast Beef Dinner from 5:00PM - 7:00PM will be a nice reward for a busy week. Stop on in for the nominal price of $10 per adult and $5 (per child 10 & under). Our White Elephant room is full of a ton of items to fill your ever shopping need. Stumble on something while cleaning out your house? Buy a chance to win one of our amazing gifts at our chance table!
New this year! All Saints' is offering a Historic Church Tour on Friday, December 5th and Saturday, December 6th - both at 1:00PM. Come and learn about the 243 year old parish - don't forget your camera! A $2.00 donation is suggested for this tour. |
 Do you have any gloves, scarves, or hats to share? Our 2014 Warmth In Winter Continues
Our participation in the 2014 Warmth in Winter drive continues until December 7th. Through a partnership with Councilwoman Brown's office and a number of other organizations, All Saints' is a drop-off location for collecting new scarves, hats, mittens and gloves for children of all ages. These items will be provided to 19 homeless shelters right here in Philadelphia. Look for the box in Friendship Hall to drop off your donations. Thank you in advance for helping keep children warm this winter!
What: New Scarves, Hats, Mittens & Gloves needed When: Now through Dec. 7th. Where: Drop off box outside the Chapel |
Who Am I? How well do you know your fellow parishioners? Read the following five clues and see if you can figure out who am I? Bonus Points - you get to know someone a little better! Look for the answer beneath the birthdays and anniversaries!
- At the age of 18, they worked at the 'Caterpillar' Co. helping to make the shoes used on tractors.
- This person retired after working in the hospital clinical laboratory for 50 years.
- They was once stranded for several hours in a blizzard in Michigan.
- As a child, this person's father immigrated here from British Columbia with their family.
- Their mother & her sisters were raised at 'Mooseheart' ( similar to the Hershey School).
Bonus Clue: They were born & raised in a suburb of Chicago, IL.
What's Happening at All Saints
 Outreach's Turkey Drop-Off
As the Thanksgiving holiday approached us, the Outreach Committee delivered seventy-two (yes, 72!) turkeys to the Somerton Food Bank to be distributed throughout the community to needy families. Thanks to Pat Ryan, Russ Lathrop, and Tony Perry in making this happen!
A very special thanks to Frank Morris, CPA for his overwhelming generosity. We hope each and every one of us had a very special holiday.
 Family Promise in January 2015
We will be extending our outreach ministry to provide temporary housing three (3) families for the month of January beginning on Fri., January 2nd. These families who are temporarily (not chronically) homeless are actively re-establishing themselves, and All Saints' works with Family Promise to assist them during this process. We expect to be hosting three (3) families in January.
We need your help! We are looking for volunteers for dinner hosts and overnight hosts for each night in January. Dinner hosts will host (and have) dinner in Friendship Hall, while overnight hosts will volunteer to stay on church premises in the event of any emergencies that may arise.
Interested? Please contact Nora Perry at 215-514-9193 or 215-342-5611 (or e-mail at tnperry568@verizon.net) to coordinate your availability. (As we look to centralize all scheduling through our Outreach Committee, we thank you in advance for only contacting Nora as the Church Office will not be able to assist with scheduling.)
A sign up sheet with schedule will also be available on the bulletin board in Friendship Hall. Please include your name, phone number, and e-mail address so we may confirm with you following your sign-up. And of course, so we know who to follow-up with for any delicious recipes!
You may also see volunteer opportunities that are available by visiting our website, as available slots will be updated throughout the month.
 All Saints' screams BOO!
All Saints' hosted it's very first trick-o-treating in our graveyards on Halloween night! It was a frightening success and both children and adults alike enjoyed creating the grounds into a delight for all. Thanks to the Burial History Committee for making this happen. For more pictures, visit our Events & Activities Photo page here.


"Anything with a Plug!" Recycling Event
As you head over to our annual Christmas Bazaar, consider taking a moment to stop by Holy Family University's "Anything with a Plug!" recycling event.
NO smoke detectors, large appliances or rear projection TVS (A $20.00 fee will apply to accept glass (tube) TVs and glass (tube) computer monitors. All Data Media will be destroyed or wiped. This is a free service by eForce Compliance, Philadelphia's first certified responsible recycle
When: Saturday, December 6, 2014, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Where: Student Parking Lot off of Stevenson Ave, 9801 Frankford Avenue
Cost: Free! (small $20 fee to accept tube TVs / computer monitors)
For more information: Click here to see the flyer.
This Month's Events
Monday, December 1
Christmas Bazaar Set up
Clergy Conference
Tuesday, December 2
Christmas Bazaar Set up
Clergy Conference
Wednesday, December 3
Christmas Bazaar Set up
Clergy Conference
9:30am Healing Service
10:30am Bible Study
Thursday, December 4
Christmas Bazaar Set up
Friday, December 5
10:00am Christmas Bazaar
Saturday, December 6
9:00am Christmas Bazaar
5:30pm Holy Eucharist Service
Sunday, December 7
8:00am Holy Eucharist Service
10:00am Holy Eucharist w/Baptism
10:45am Sunday School
Wednesday, December 10
9:30am Healing Service
10:30am Bible Study
11:30am Episcopal Church Women Christmas Luncheon
Saturday, December 13
5:30pm Holy Eucharist Service
Sunday, December 14
8:00am Holy Eucharist Service
10:00am Holy Eucharist Service
10:45am Sunday School
Wednesday, December 17
9:30am Healing Service
10:30am Bible Study
Saturday, December 20
5:30pm Holy Eucharist Service
Sunday, December 21
8:00am Holy Eucharist Service
10:00am Holy Eucharist Service
10:45am Sunday School
Wednesday, December 24
9:30am Healing Service
10:30am Bible Study
4:00pm Christmas Eve Eucharist with Pageant
7:30pm Christmas Eve Eucharist
Thursday, December 25
10:00am Christmas Day Eucharist
Saturday, December 27
5:30pm Holy Eucharist Service
Sunday, December 28
8:00am Holy Eucharist Service
10:00am Holy Eucharist Service
Wednesday, December 31
9:30am Healing Service
10:30am Bible Study
Next Month's Events
Saturday, January 3, 2015
5:30pm Holy Eucharist Service
Sunday, January 4, 2015
8:00am Holy Eucharist Service
10:00am Holy Eucharist Service
10:45am Sunday School
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
9:30am Healing Service
10:30am Bible Study
Saturday, January 10, 2015
5:30pm Holy Eucharist Service
Sunday, January 11, 2015
8:00am Holy Eucharist Service
10:00am Holy Eucharist Service
10:45am Sunday School
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
9:30am Healing Service
10:30am Bible Study
11:30am Episcopal Church Women
Thursday, January 15, 2015
12:00pm Young at Heart
Saturday, January 17, 2015
5:30pm Holy Eucharist Service
Sunday, January 18, 2015
8:00am Holy Eucharist Service
10:00am Holy Eucharist Service
10:45am Sunday School
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
9:30am Healing Service
10:30am Bible Study
Saturday, January 24, 2015
5:30pm Holy Eucharist Service
Sunday, January 25, 2015
8:00am Holy Eucharist Service
10:00amHoly Eucharist Service
10:45am Sunday School
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
9:30am Healing Service
10:30am Bible Study
Saturday, January 31, 2015
5:30pm Holy Eucharist Service
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Thank you to everyone who made it to our 2014 annual meeting! A special congrats to Jude Winters, Neil Hayes, and Dolores Ryan for being recognized for going above and beyond! Dave Thomas, Bob Morck, and Alan Martin were re-elected to the Vestry. Additional representatives were elected for the Pennypack Deanery - more information to come in January!
It is with great sadness that we said goodbye to Gene Thompson, Ellen O'Hara, and William Hilt during the month of November. Please keep them, and their families, in your prayers.
A big thanks from Tony & Nora Perry to Doris Horrell, John Klak, young Walt DeWitt and Mom Denise DeWitt, Evan Evan, and Mike Gaynor for their help with our November Breakfast Club. Without you it wouldn't be possible to make it happen! Stay tuned for news on the January Breakfast Club. Under the Weather
A few of our favorite parishioners are feeling under the weather these days. Joan Kelly is recuperating at home from her recent surgery, we wish her well and look forward to her return. No phone calls, please, so Joan can rest. Our lovely socialite Myrna Weinstein is still taking it easy at home - feel free to give her a ring so she can stay up on the latest news! Maggie McKinney is scheduled for surgery this upcoming week - please keep her in your prayers as she works to bounce back from her knee complications earlier in the year. Rosella Laidlaw is not up to her usually cheerful self, and we look forward to her feeling better soon! We are always keeping an 'ear to the ground' for people news - if we've missed it, we must not have heard it. Drop the office a note, or send us an email so we can share the news!
12-03 Pat Bonaccorso
Doris Horrell
12-05 Jacqueline Bein
Martha Harmon
Patricia O'Neill
12-07 Nora Perry
12-09 Eric Jarosz
James Malley
Brian Mathes
12-10 Lucas Jennings
12-11 Dodie Rush
Francesca Welty
12-12 Marilyn Malley
Will Mitchell
12-14 Wyatt Mitchell
12-16 Anna Jennings
12-17 Steve Hartzell
Patrick Glynn, Jr
Justin W. McMullen
12-18 Nicholas C. McMullen
12-19 Susan Davis
Myrna Weinstein
12-22 Isobel Bulmers
Margaret Carter
Christine Civatte
12-23 Mary Craig Haynes
Robert Ryan
12-25 Joseph Sepan
12-26 Stella Bonaccorso
Samantha Verano
12-27 Michele Collins
Mariana Quintas
December Anniversaries
12-08 Nancy & Robert Morck
12-16 Nora & Anthony Perry
12-17 Margo & Robert Hoffmaster
Click here to print and download a fun
Who Am I Answer:
John Howell |
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All are welcome to join our weekly Healing Service & Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays at 9:30AM in our Chapel, followed by our Scripture Review at 10:30AM. Stop in and get to know your fellow parishioner's in a more relaxed format!
Our Sunday School program takes place during our 10:00AM worship service for children and youth. Our pre-school class (ages 3-5 yrs.), intermediate class (Grades 1-5), and young adult class (Grades 6-12) join us during service until receiving of the Eucharist. At that time, children continue to their classrooms and parents are welcome to pick up their children at the conclusion of our Christian Education hour at 12:00PM .
Our Adult Christian Education begins shortly after our 10 a.m. worship service and continues into our Christian Education hour which ends at 12:00PM. |
We welcome children of all ages to remain with us in service, and also offer a more intimate nursery room (with video capability) for parents who would like a quieter space for their babies. Read the Top Ten Reasons Children are Welcome at Our Church