April 14, 2016

Thursday, April 14
6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
High School Transition Meeting (Library)

Tuesday, April 19
Whole School Field Trip (K-8)

Friday, April 22
Earth Day/Beautification Day
There will be a meeting for all rising eighth graders on Thursday, April 14 at 6 p.m. in the Library at school. Information for parents and students will be shared to help everyone understand the high school transition process. All parents should visit the High School Transition information area on the Radcliffe website, located under the Student and Staff Portal.
Steadily increasing use of audiovisual teaching resources has created more demand for headphones. Any extra headphones that are not being used at home would be helpful and greatly appreciated if sent for your child to use, or as a donation. Earbuds can not be shared, but are welcome for your child to use directly.

Last week, we kicked off registration for the 2016 40th Annual Tea Party Distance Classic and Run for Radcliffe and this week we are kicking off one of the most important parts of the event - our fundraising efforts!

Letters went home yesterday with K-8 students explaining the Run Letters and homeroom competitions. In addition to sending letters to families and friends, we welcome as many families as possible to consider forming Run Teams!

Run Teams play a critical role in the success of this event as a group of individuals that come together as a team to raise funds via the Run for Radcliffe to support Radcliffe Creek School's scholarship fund. This year, in addition to the perk of raising funds for our great school, access to the VIP Tent at the Run, and the awesome swag JUST for VIPs (even cooler this year!), there's an additional perk! Every individual who raises $500 will receive a raffle ticket to be entered to win one week at a beautiful oceanfront condo in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Raise $1,000? Get two raffle tickets! Raise $2,000? Get four raffle tickets! Fine print: the condo sleeps six and is literally steps from the beach and has a pool! Week must be between September 2016 - May 2017 (excluding Columbus Day Weekend 2016).

The Run is the largest source of funding for the Radcliffe Creek School Scholarship Fund, a fund that makes a Radcliffe education possible for so many families. 

For more information about Run Teams and how you can join, please click here. Please contact Laura Kurz with any questions! Thank you, in advance, for your support.
Radcliffe Creek will celebrate Earth Day and its Spring Beautification Day on Friday, April 22. The PTC needs parent volunteers to help with the spring beautification. If you are available and can help out, please contact Trish Rudolfs. Thank you!
Ms. Richardson's Discovery classes are working on building large-scale models of plant cells on the wall.

Bridge Testing
Bridge Testing
Students from Mr. Anthony's fourth period Integrated Studies class test the bridge they designed and constructed from straws and 3D printed connectors. Students incorporated engineering principals into the computer aided design, resulting in a scale model that guided construction.

Gardening club is busy prepping to get our kindness garden up and running!

This week, Little Creek's Four's room studied rain and weather. They had a Rainy Day Party on Tuesday where they all got dressed up in their rain gear and splashed and jumped in rainy puddles! The class also discussed the water cycle and made water cycle mobiles to hang in the classroom. 

Our spring horseback riding enrichment class has begun! This week, students practiced grooming, putting on a halter, and leading the horses! 

Daniel demonstrates the fine art of playing the recorder for an adoring group of Little Creek students.

Mrs. Bushby's third period literature class plays a syllable categories game using the interactive white board.

During Closing yesterday, students practiced doing a "Gallery Walk" for next week's field trip to the National Gallery and the Hirshhorn Museum.

It's Farm Week in the Little Creek Three's Room! Students are pictured telling Ms. Jenna what they think farmers do!
Radcliffe Creek School
201 Talbot Boulevard
Chestertown, MD 21620

Discover. Create. Thrive.

Radcliffe Creek School | 201 Talbot Blvd. | Chestertown | MD | 21620