Tuesday, September 6, 2016
And Other Covenant News for Youth and Families
Covenant Presbyterian Church
2070 Ridgecliff Rd.
(corner of Redding)
Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook View our videos on YouTube

- Traditional Sunday Worship Services: 
8:30 & 11am 
- Gathering Alternative Worship (family friendly, interactive)Service: 10am
- Agora, 9:45am
Education hour
Excellent presenters from the staff, membership, and community lead this popular class.
- Youth @ Gathering
10am, Fellow. Hall
Start at Gathering for opening worship music then move to the Chapel for devotion and bible study.
-Treasure Finders, 1030-11 -3 years - 5th grade - 9:45am
 Fellowship Hall
Kids will stay through the first few songs of Gathering then are invited to head to children's choir. They'll finish with a time of learning and love with their Treasure Finders teachers 10:30-11.
- Nursery
Birth - 3 years
Pastors on call for pastoral care: 
Sat., Sun., Mon., Wed. -     Tracy 614-946-2982
Tues., Fri.
    Katie 614-625-1335
Thurs. - 
    Jim 614-886-3681
If you know a member with a need, or for more information contact Terry Kennedy Mancini, 614-530-1732 tmancini@columbus.rr.com

Participate in occasional and one-time services to our members:
1. Pray for someone for a short time.
2. Prepare all or a part of meal. 
3. Provide a ride to church or an appt.
4. Help serve breakfast at Ronald Mc Donald House
5. Participate in the Mid-Ohio Food Bank 

All Deacons are "contact points" for any member of the congregation in addition to their team assignments listed below. Members requiring any type of support should contact any Deacon. Check your Covenant Directory or call the office, 451-6677, for contact information.

Moderator: Sharon Steingass
Danny Franz, Jill Cameron
Treasurer:  Rusty Miller
Recording Secretary
Bob Lowery
Communion Coordinator: Tim Scott
Communications Lead: Terry Kennedy-Mancini, Co-Lead Connie Kennedy 
Staff Liaison: Rev. Jim Mehler 

1. Communication 
Lead/Coordinator: Terry Kennedy-Mancini;Co-Lead: Connie Kennedy 
Milissa Campbell, Bobbie Gier, Sharon Steingass, Scott Mizer, Steve Zilles, Chris Primm, Barry Fonarow, Jan Fonarow 
-Congregation Contact (visits/calls) -homebound, limited mobility, 
-Special needs 
-Cards (birthday, get well, etc.) & church information -- Heidi Hallas, Terry Kennedy-Mancini 
-Meals to members in need - Jill Cameron 
-Prayer Chain - Chris Primm
-C.A.R.E.S. rides -- Bonnie Beth Mitchell 
-Flowers - Heidi Hallas 
-Care Notes - Rusty Miller 
-Bereavement service -- Terry Kennedy-Mancini
2. Outreach 
-Ronald McDonald House: 
Milissa Campbell 
-Mid-Ohio Food Bank: Milissa Campbell 
-Adopt-a-Family: Bobbie Geir, Rusty Miller 
-Compass: Rusty Miller 
-Crop Walk: Rusty Miller 
-Bloodmobile: Mona Connolly
3. Service 
-Communion Prep (Coordinator): 
Tim Scott 
-Sunday A.M. Events (e.g. Deacon Ministry -Promotion: Danny Franz 
-Older Adults: Connie Kennedy 
-Youth: Ali Koeneman
4. Liaisons 
Church Officer Nominating Committee: Pete LuPiba 
Nurture & Outreach: Andrew Patterson

Tracy Keenan Katie Kinnison
Associate Pastor for Spiritual Formation
Director of Music
Jim Mehler
Parish Associate
Director of Children's Ministry
Cathy Koeneman - Interim Director for  Older Youth
Tom Billman - Interim Director for Younger Youth
Director Covenant Children's Center
Assistant for Children's Ministry
This Sunday, September 11

If You Know What's Good for You  
 Katie Kinnison preaching

    Remember joy? Have we lost the ability to claim joy with abandon, to celebrate the wonderful?
     We do not tend to dwell on the good things, to make our mental and emotional home a space of what is good with the world. Our culture seems to want us to be dissatisfied or anxious or even afraid. That old truism takes on an ironic twist: no news is good news.
     In this letter to the church at Philippi, Paul urges the people to dwell in the good, to remember what is best in their lives, in this world. How might it shift our hours and days if we were to intentionally do this? What practices might we adopt to remind ourselves that God is good, that life is a gift, that we are surrounded by love and support, that there is power for good within each of us children of God?
     This is what we will be talking about this Sunday, so join us for Gathering. You being with us will be a very good thing.

Grace and peace,

To read our blogs, click this link.
Sunday, September 11

Musicians: Tori Vazquez, Flute; Chancel Choir; Jean-Etienne Lederer, Contrabass; Whitney Dodds, Soloist

8:30am  - Worship in the Sanctuary
               - Children dismissed to Joyful Noise & Wiggle Worship
9:45am   - Agora, Lounge - The Compassion & Comfort of Scripture. Karen Gagel. A reflection on how thoughts and passages from the Bible can comfort in a time of loss. Connect with those in the stories and strengthen spiritual coping with grief. 
10:00am - Gathering, Fellowship Hall. 
               - Children dismissed to Treasure Finders
                - Treaure Finders (3yo-5th grade), Fellow. Hall. 
                 The Lord's Prayer - Our Daily Bread
                 - Verge in the A.M., Lower Level, Tom Billman. Sunday School class for 6th-8th graders will dive into questions about how we read scripture in community, how the Spirit speaks to us through scripture, how we engage with the bible to figure out how to live. The Bible: A Collection of Many Kinds of Books
11:00am - Worship in the Sanctuary
                - Children dismissed to Joyful Noise & Wiggle Worship
   4:00pm  - Verge
   5:30pm - Youth Group with Boulevard Presby. youth at Covenant 
   6:30pm - Sun. Night Bible Study, Colleen Davis or Lisa Wallace.

Help Wanted - Nursery Staff for Sunday mornings Sundays, 8:15am-12:30pm...to care for, read to, snuggle, and nurture the smallest members of our church family. Consider your friends or family who might be perfect for this job and pass along the information. Paid position. Contact Katie or Erin.  
Weeks At A Glance
Tues., Sept. 6
1:00pm   Mission Sewing, 121
1:30pm   Staff Meeting, Tracy's office
6:15pm   Bell Choir Rehearsal
Wed., Sept. 7
8:25am   Morning Prayer, Lounge
9:15am   Eunice-Lydia Circle, Lounge
9:30am   Children's Day Out
7:30pm   Naomi Circle, Fellowship Hall
Thur., Sept. 8
9:30am   Children's Day Out
7:00pm   Choir Rehearsal, Music Room
Fri., Sept. 9
9:30am   Prayer Shawl Circle, Lounge
6:00pm   Parents' Night Out
Sat., Sept. 10
8:00am   Men's Breakfast @ First Watch, Kinsdale
Mon., Sept. 12
9:30am   Children's Day Out
6:00pm   Vision & Strategy, Lounge
7:30pm   Commission Meetings
Tues., Sept. 13
8:15am   Morning Prayer, Lounge
9:30am   Children's Day Out
1:00pm   Mission Sewing, 121
1:30pm   Staff Meeting, Tracy's office
6:15pm   Campanile Bell Choir Rehearsal
6:30pm   Deacons, Lounge
7:00pm   Spiritual Formation, Narthex
Wed., Sept. 14
8:15am    Morning Prayer, Lounge
9:30am    Children's Day Out
10:00am  CPW, Lounge
2:00pm    Bible Study, 120
5:30pm    Picnic, Fancyburg Park
7:00pm    Bible Study, Lounge
Thur., Sept. 15
9:30am   Children's Day Out
7:00pm   Choir Rehearsal, Music Room
Fri., Sept. 16
9:30am    Women's Theology, 120
11:30am  Primetimers, Lounge
Sat., Sept. 17
8:00am   Connecting w/God Breakfast, Lounge
9:00am   When Helping Hurts, Hoge PC
4:30pm   HM3, Hoge PC

Sun., September 18
- Sermon, 8:30 & 11am, Psalm, 79:1-9; Jeremiah 8:18-9:1, A Vulnerable Heart, Katie Kinnison  preaching
- Confirmation Class Grades 8-10, 9:45-10:45am, Tracy's Office. Co-teachers: Tracy Keenan and Ed Chung.
Agora, 9:45am, Lounge - Creating Moments of Joy as a Care Giver -- Anne Farley. Explore the challenging side of being a caregiver: feelings of guilt, resentment, frustration, abandonment by other family members. Discover how to take care of ourselves when we feel like that, the wonderful side of caregiving, feelings of satisfaction, moments of humor, deep feelings of love and dedication and how to live in gratitude.
-Gathering, 10am - Luke 16:1-13, Dishonesty. Really. Jim Mehler preaching
- Verge in the A.M., 10am, Lower Level. 6th & 7th graders. How We Read the Bible: Creation
- Treasure Finders, 10am -  There is Enough Love - The Prodigal Son
- Verge, 4-5:30pm - Meet at Covenant
- Youth, 5:30-7:30pm, F3 (Fellowship, Friends, Food)
- Bible Study, 6:30, 120
CPW's 2016 Super Garage Sale
Fri, & Sat., Sept. 23-24.
 (Set-up starts Mon., Sept. 19)
Begin setting aside items you wish to contribute but please do not leave them in the church prior to that Mon. since there is no storage space. Help is needed throughout the week. Sign up in the hall or drop in 8:30am-4:30pm, Mon-Thurs. There are donation forms for your use. All kinds of clean used items are accepted. If you need items picked up or have questions, contact Nancy Cowman, 614-486-3525, bncowman@sbcglobal.net.
Events and Opportunties
Click on underlined text for more info on our web site.

Young Adults: If you're interested in joining Young Adult events and outings, text: Tim Augsback, 859-322-2398 or Meghan Rodenfels, 614-668-5165

Thur., Sept. 8, Oct. 6, Nov. 3, (Once a month), 11:15, meet at church

Parents' Night Out
Fri., Sept. 9, 6-8:30pm (2nd Fri. of each month)
Parents go out while their children eat, play, watch movies. Donations accepted. Questions: Erin Wise, erinwise3@yahoo.comRegister by Tues., Sept. 6: http://tinyurl.com/covenantpno.

Men's Breakfast (2nd Sat. each month)
Sat., Sept. 10, 8am, First Watch, Kingsdale
Contact: Alan Kennedy 614-451-9318.

Adults needed to work occasionally as substitute teachers for preschool (8:40-11:40am); Kindergarten Enrichment Lunch/RecessTime (10:45am- 12:15pm); and After School (2:30 or 3- 5:30pm). Your own children ages 4 and up may join the class while you work. These positions are paid. Contact Caroline, 614-451-6677 x23,  childcenter@covenantpcusa.org

Mission Sewing
1pm, Tuesdays, room 121 

Campanile Handbell Choir - Rehearses Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30pm. 
Contact Nancy Davidson, ndavidson7@gmail.com, if you would like to ring or learn how to ring.

Women's Theology Group 
1st & 3rd Fridays, 9:30-11:30, Rm. 120  
Fri., Sept. 2 We will be reading Spong's Biblical Literalism: A Gentile  Heresy. Everyone welcome! Amazon has kindle and hard back versions (about $19), but no paperback yet.

Covenant Children's Center is accepting applications for the 2016-17 school year. CDO (waiting list only), Preschool, Kindergarten Enrichment (morning waiting list), After School (waiting list only) applications are available on our web site. Call the office to be put on a waiting list.

Chancel Choir - Rehearses Thursdays, 7pm
Sing with us! All voices are welcome.

Prayer Shawl Circle
2nd & 4th Fridays, 9:30am, Lounge
Prayer Shawl Circle invites knitters/crocheters to knit at your leisure.Yarn and patterns provided. Shawls provide comfort for those with illness, and celebrate marriages and births. Louise Davidson, 614-792-1289.

Covenant's flower gardeners need help on as needed basis. We're developing a list of those who might be willing to be "on call" for weeding, trimming, and dead-heading. No obligation. Louise Davidson, 614-792-1289.

1st Mondays, 9:30am, 120

Partners w/Hoge Memorial Church, W. Broad, Hilltop
Every third Sat., 4-7pm, we prepare, take, serve a meal for 50+ people for this community ministry. Contact John Griffin.

Peanut Brittle - Peanut brittle cooking will start in the fall. Needed: 1# coffee cans only, Kroger or Giant Eagle 80% margarine, white sugar, kitchen help. Fellowship and fun! Nancy Davidson, 614-876-5262, ndavidson7@gmail.com.

Centering Prayer
Resumes Sept. 13: Tues., Wed., 8:15am
Move away from anxiety and business. Move into peace and abundant love. Come learn a way of praying that can help you stay awake to God's presence in your life. See Katie Kinnison, Sandy Tullet, Cora Kuyvenhoven or Jeff Roedel for more information.

Tuesday Night Spiritual Formation
Tues., Sept. 13 and 20, 7:30 pm
Krista Tippett's Becoming Wise, a book conversation led by Katie Kinnison. This amazing book by the host of On Being on public radio is truly described by its subtitle: an inquiry into the mystery and art of living. Tippett's writing is exquisite, and she provides snippets of interviews with all sorts of amazing human beings. Join us for this peek into her book and conversation about the wisdom into which it guides us. Books are available on the cart in the hall.

CPW Fall Lunch - Theology of Creating Music
Wed., Sept. 14, 11:45am, Lounge
Speaker Tracy Keenan. Cost for Light Lunch is $8.
Those making reservations are expected to honor these even if unable to come, since we'll have the expense whether you come or not. RSVP to Lora Eckard, 614-279-8487, at your circle meeting, or the church office. Dead line for RSVP: Mon., Sept. 12.

All Church Family Picnic
Wed., Sept. 14, 6-8pm, Fancyburg Park
School is back in session but we still have time to play! Take the night off from cooking dinner and join us in the park! We will provide hot dogs, please bring something to share as we enjoy dinner and play together.

Wednesday Bible Study: Genesis
begins Sept. 14, 1pm in 120; 7pm in Lounge
When better to begin that "In the beginning..."? If you have been putting off bible study, now is the time. Katie Kinnison leads these bible study conversations, as we seek the intersections between scripture and our lives. How do we understand the Holy One? What is our purpose in being? How do we relate to God? to others? even to ourselves? These are wonderful stories and they can help us figure out how to live our own.

Women's Theology
Fri., Sept. 16, 9:30am, room 120
We will be reading Spong's Biblical Literalism: A Gentile Heresy. Everyone welcome! Amazon has kindle and hard back versions (about $19), but no paperback yet.

Fri., Sept. 16, 12 pm, Lounge
Linda Gabel presents Traveling Through Patagonia. Dorothy Grossman, 614-488-2820.

When Helping Hurts, Part 2 of 2-part series
9am-1pm, Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church
(Attend even if you missed Part 1.) This is a workshop on learning about cultural differences between those with advantages and those who have struggled against poverty. Led by social worker Jacqui Buschor who has lived and worked on the West Side for over 10 years. Her professional work is focused on neighborhood redevelopment. She brings together resources and strategic partnerships to build projects that support the strength, wellness, and vitality of challenged communities. She is passionate about educating groups on the systemic causes of poverty and economic inequality and facilitating trainings and planning groups on how to right economic injustices in ways that honor people of all backgrounds and life experiences. RSVP: tracykeenan@covenantpcusa.org.

Men Connecting With God Breakfast
Sat., Sept. 17, 8am, Lounge (ordinarily 4th Sat. of month) 
We provide pancakes, gruel and coffee. You may bring something to share. Join a video series by Marcus Borg, "Embracing An Adult Faith -- What It Means To Be A Christian" about understanding issues in contemporary Christian practice and theology: Who Was Jesus? Who Is God? What Is Salvation? How Do We Practice Our Faith? How Do We Live In Community? Contact Jim Mehler.

Spiritual Cinema
Second Mondays, 6:30pm in the Lounge
September 19, Searching for Sugar Man. This is the incredible, true story of Rodriguez, the greatest '70s rock icon who never was. Contact Beth Askue, 614-284-1767, or Susan Imel, 614-262-7444

Dave Powers at Amano's Pizza and Sports Bar
Thurs., Sept. 22, 6-9pm, The Shoppes at Worthington Place, 7227 N. High St., Worthington
Join Covenant friends to listen to Dave Powers playing on the patio, weather permitting. Come when you can then leave when you must! Great food, friends, and music! www.AmanosSportsBar.com. Questions? Jean Scott,  scott.961@osu.edu or 614-572-5343.

Annual Fall Older Adults Rally
Sat., Sept. 24, Geneva Hills
Statistics show that 33.3% of the membership of an average Presbyterian Church (USA) congregation is over the age of 65. So, don't miss this year's Older Adult Rally Day. Cost is only $15 per person, offers an inspiring program and includes a delicious lunch. Call the presbytery office, 614-847-0565, or watch the presbytery website, www.psvonline.org, for info.

Tuesday Night Spiritual Formation
Partners in Parenting - Led by Katie Kinnison & Erin Wise
Sept. 27, Oct. 4 & 11, 6pm
Conversation and Support for Parents of Young Children. We'll have dinner ready and the nursery staffed. We'll explore children and communion, how to raise non-anxious children, how to talk about God together and more. RSVP so that we have enough food.

Covenant Concert Series Music for the Greater Good
- Sat., Oct. 1, 7pm - Schuyler Johnson & Company, Gospel Music!
- Sun., Oct. 30, 3pm - Noe Salsa Project, Salsa! Rumba!, Merengue!, Jazz!

Men's Spirituality Group Restarts
Sun., Oct. 9, 9:15-10:15am, Room 120

More Financial Opportunities:
(T., W., Th., 8:30am-4pm)
- 2016 Per Capita is $32 Per Member. Each member of Covenant is also a member of the larger church, the Presbyterian Church USA. It is part of our responsibility to support the work of the administrative bodies of the national church - the General Assembly, the Synod, and the Presbytery - by making a per capita payment each January. This year, that is $32 per member, for a total payment due of $20,384. Please pay your share so that this money doesn't need to come from this year's budget. Your contribution will free up funds for other vital church programs that meet the spiritual needs of our congregation. Per Capita envelopes are available at the Welcome Table. - Your Stewardship & Budget Commission.
- Estate Planning. Consider naming Covenant as a beneficiary of your IRA and/or life insurance policy. Naming Covenant as a beneficiary provides you tax savings, along with the ability to make a meaningful gift without the outlay of cash. Life insurance policies may be an existing or new policy and be partially or fully paid. For both options, the proposed gift can be accomplished by naming Covenant as a complete (or partial) beneficiary. Contact your plan administrator to obtain the correct forms and your tax advisor for information specific to your individual situation.
- Make sure your giving is up to date.
Do you tweet? Follow us on Twitter
Don't miss the fun @CovenantGather. We live tweet some of our services and share other interesting and important updates. Search for us at #covenantcbus and Puppet (our friend from Sunday morning Talk with Children) @Puppet2070 

We're excited to be bringing you this weekly email on Tuesdays with information about our Gathering service and other events we want to highlight for our worshiping community.

     If you would prefer not to receive these emails, you may unsubscribe to this list by clicking the 'safe unsubscribe' link below.  You will still receive our regular "News from Covenant" on Thursday mornings.