Thursday, July 2
This Sunday, July 5
Musicians: Jason Keefer, organ; Pei-An Chao, cello; Scott Henning, tenor 
This Sunday, July 5

Traditional Worship Services
8:30am & 11am, Sanctuary 
Living in the Bubble
Tracy Keenan preaching
Discussion in the Lounge
9:45am, Lounge
Life in the Bubble: The Good and the Bad About Being a Suburban Church
led by Tracy Keenan

Gathering Service
10am, Fellowship Hall
What It Takes to Read the Writing on the Wall
Katie Kinnison preaching


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Pastors are on call for
pastoral care needs as follows:
Sun., Mon., Wed. - Tracy, 946-2982
Tues., Fri. - Katie, 625-1335
Thur., Sat. - Jim, 886-3681
God is omniscient. We are not.  
Please call the church office and let us know when you or a loved one is in the hospital. The pastoral staff want to be able to visit you, and we all want to be able to pray for you.

Prayer Request
Bob Davidson
Dave Ulry
Richard Hill
Lora Eckard
Orlene Shimberg
Karen Chakoian
Keith Moser
Janna Erbaugh
Donna Simpson
Alma Grace
John Bock
Elizabeth Remnant
Reid Huntley
John Farnsworth
Jenny Limes
Nettie Cominos
Sherry Flyr
Dan Morton
Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Evie Smith Keiser
Don Rouch
Ellen Greegor
Charlie Friske
Manette Friske
Dori Odenath
Carl Herfel
Doris Evans
Claudine Williams
Lois Becker 
Shelly Wyllie
Judy Gray
Kay Hantak
Lara Nowak
Bonnie Roussey
Kelly McDonald
Robert Spencer
Joan Spencer 
Amy Albert
Jerome Dillon
Don Rorapaugh
Greer Rouda
Ethel Thomas
Alexa Hobbs
Jenny Ryan
Janet Bartels
Bill Mitchell
Madison Hanosek
Larry Limes
Rev. Curtis Miller
Whitney Von Voigt
Judi Gallagher

Homebound/Limited Mobility 
Beverly Gease
Suzie Shoemaker
Stan Eriksen
Bob Bartels    
Peggy Dinger
Margaret Robertson
Leona Rapp
Judy Sechler    
Marvin White
Harrison Gardner
Dan Dupler
Yvonne Nowels

Keep us updated on those who wish be on the prayer list. Call the office (451-6677) or email JP when you want a name added or removed; New names will appear near the top of the list for one month. If you'd like the name to remain on the list after that, call the office.  
Participate in 
occasional and one-time services to our members. Contact Donna Harder, 847-6039, or Carol Petro, 485-0994, 
or Bob  Lowery, 326-2019, 

- Be a part of communion service support to the congregation the first Sunday of every month. Contact Deacon Tim Scott,
- Pray for someone. 
- Prepare all or a part of meal. 
- Provide a ride to church or an appt. 
- Help serve breakfast at Ronald McDonald House 
- Participate in the Mid-Ohio Food Bank.
Also, If you know a member with a need, or for more information contact Carol Petro, 485-0994, 

Deacons serve breakfast at Ronald McDonald House first Sat. of each month.  

Moderator, Bob Lowery 
Charlie Bergmann
Katy Nowels Fair
Gail Griffin
Donna Harder
Bonnie James
Carol Petro
Tom Ulry
Youth: Charlotte Gross, Jack Herd
Milissa Campbell
Bobbie Gier
Heidi Hallas
Bob Lowery
Rusty Miller
Tim Scott
Sharon Steingass 
Mona Connolly
Terry Kennedy-Mancini
Pete LuPiba
Bonnie Mitchell
Scott Mizer
Andrew Patterson
Steve Zilles
2015 Elders
Clerk of Session: Tom Billman


Children's Ministries Treasure Finders, preschool, VBS, &  more - Lisa Coakley, Cathy Koeneman, Cary Hanosek CHAIR


Mission & Social Concerns Interprets global, international & national missions, & coordinates local missions of Covenant  -   John Griffin CHAIR, Jeff DuBois


Nurture & Outreach Caring for Covenant members: new members, block party, small groups, fellowship activities, outreach, discipleship -  Jim Buchanan CHAIR, Terry Hayes             

Personnel - Louise Davidson CHAIR, Mike Davis, Dave Timmons  


Properties Oversees the safety, maintenance & appropriate use of building & facilities - Nancy Cowman  CHAIR, Leroy Bundy


Spiritual Development & Adult Learning Special event ministry team, Sunday Forum, Sunday evening bible studies & more  - Tori Vazquez CHAIR, Todd Cameron, Ed Chung 


Stewardship & Budget Raising, administering & conserving financial resources  - Carol Lowery CHAIR, Jeff  Smith


Worship & Arts Oversees music & arts programs including worship experiences, special services, chancel choir, bell choir, art displays, lay readers, ushers - Nan Davidson, CHAIR, Jeanie Auseon, Martin Spencer


Youth & Young Adults Guides students grades 6-12 in their faith: Sunday evening - Betsy Hayes Patterson CHAIR, Meghan Rodenfels, Margaret Molli-Clark 


Nominating Committee -   Elder Nancy Davidson, CHAIR; Elder Jim Buchanan; Martin Spencer.  Deacon Andrew Patterson
For information about the latest news pertaining to the Presbyterian USA denomination,click:
Presbytery of Scioto Valley  
SOS Food Pantry Sundays
Every 1st Sunday of the month bring non-perishable foods to be distributed to families in need. 
     Anytime: Bring in your favorite brands of mac and cheese, baked beans, tuna, and peanut butter and jelly. Donations can be placed in the SOS bin at the North entrance of the church. The SOS Food Pantry, which delivers to homebound households in need, is funded solely by your contributions.  It is not a part of the church budget. Thank you for your continued donations of food and money to purchase perishables. Checks can be made out to the church and mailed in or dropped in the offering plate. Note SOS in the memo line.  For info about SOS Sundays, the pantry or to volunteer to make deliveries when you can, contact Lou Ann Doub 488-3919 or Gerlinde Lott 486-8607. 
Open Shelter
Help prepare, deliver, serve or contribute cookies/brownies for the homeless. Guaranteed  to be rewarding. Contact Carol Petro 485-0994, 
- To help prepare a meal for a member who is in need due to illness or death in the family, contact any Deacon. 
- Salt & Light opportunities. See the hall board.
Covenant Collections: 

There are baskets on shelves in the hallway marked for collection of eyeglasses.

They will be taken to LensCrafters to use in their mission to help others. 

Also, shelving in the coat racks has other collection bins. 

Need a Ride? CARES Program
For a ride to church, doctor appointment, etc., call Carol Petro, Howard Pritz,  or Donna Harder.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance: Out of Chaos, HOPE
The PDA partnering with ACT Alliance is providing emergency relief and short-term recovery after the 7.8 earthquake disaster in Nepal left nearly 8,000 dead and 19,000+ injured.
GIVE online, phone, or mail PCUSA.
ACT Stay informed, like PCUSA on Facebook, download resources.
PRAY for those who suffered loss, are working there, support efforts.
new tracy
Tracy Keenan

Dear Covenant friends and family,

     There is a lot to be said for living in the suburbs: less crime, better schools, proximity to shopping and recreation, less congestion... Upper Arlington, the very center of which is home to Covenant, has a reputation for being the "Bubble," a place where we are insulated from much of the unpleasantness of the rest of the world.
     There are drawbacks to living in the suburbs: myopia of culture, ignorance of the reality of other circumstances, and perhaps worst of all, an insidious sense of entitlement that can turn and blame others for the stratus of society into which they were born.
     This Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00, the focus will be on the Rich Man and Lazarus, a tale of really bad karma coming back to make death miserable [Luke 16:19-31]. It's not meant to be a literal depiction of heaven or hell (it reflects more of the ancient Greek concept of afterlife than anything in the Old Testament Jesus read), but it sure is sobering to those of us who live relatively comfortable, insulated lives, even as we try to have compassion and work to serve others.
     Still, there is much grace here in the story. Between services at 9:45 there will be Discussion in the Lounge about this topic of suburban living and the call of Jesus. You can come after the sermon at 8:30 to respond, or before the sermon at 11:00 to prime the thinking pump.
     It's Communion Sunday and there will be special guest  Pei-An Chao on cello and Scott Henning, tenor, with Jason Keefer featured on organ at 11:00. I hope you'll be there!

Grace and peace,

This Sunday, July 5

Discussion in the Lounge: "Life in the Bubble: The Good and the Bad About Being a Suburban Church" - Conversation about the sermon topic, led by Tracy Keenan

Musicians: Jason Keefer, organ; Pei-An Chao, cello; Scott Henning, tenor

Special Music: "Here I Am, Lord"

Hymns:  #307 God of Grace and God of Glory
                 #462 I Love to Tell the Story
                 #340 This is My Song

Flowers by the chancel are from Peggy & Jim Best 
in memory of Peggy's father James Patchell.

8:30am -Worship in the Courtyard
              -Children dismissed to  Wiggle Worship
9:45am  -Discussion In the Lounge (Adult Education)
                -Children & Youth gather in Fellowship Hall
10:00am -Gathering, Fellowship Hall
11:00am -Worship in the Sanctuary
                  -Children dismissed to  Wiggle Worship
10:00am  -Youth @ Gathering

Stephen Ministers -�After worship services Stephen Ministers are in the Narthex, at the back of the sanctuary to pray with anyone who desires it. 

No Youth Fellowship until Fall

Sunday Night Bible Study, 6:30pm, rm. 120 Study the minor prophets. Contact Lisa Wallace or Colleen Davis, 766-4871.  

Do you tweet? Don't miss the fun @CovenantGather. We live tweet some of our services. Search for us at #covenantcbus.

Follow Puppet on Twitter - Puppet, famous for talks with children on Sunday mornings, now has a Twitter account.  You can find and "follow" Puppet @Puppet2070. Stay in touch!

Financial Update It's not too late to complete your FY '15 pledge. Mark "June" on the memo line of your check so that it's credited to the correct pledge. Thank you for your support. 
Reminder! If you haven't turned in a pledge card for FY '16, it's not too late. Pledge cards are on the Welcome Table, in the pews, or call Ingrid to have one mailed. Thank you!
Summer Hymn Suggestions! Send in your favorite hymn as a suggestion for us to sing this summer! Email with your Hymn number and title, and an explanation why you want to sing that hymn or why it's special to you. She'll put all the suggestions in a hat and pull out a hymn each Sunday for us to sing. We'll also print your story/blurb that week in the bulletin. Cherie will email you when your hymn is suggested so you know when it will be sung.

Summer Special Music - If you would like to present special music some summer Sunday, email Cherie Brooks,
Vacation Bible School - July 20-24, 9am-12pm  
Get ready for a wild ride as we explore how to put our faith into action. In this mission-focused VBS, kids experience God's unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and move in and through life with God. Contact is Erin

we need adult and youth volunteers to help... during the week with crafts, recreation, snuggling babies and being part of all the fun, shopping, prepping and serving at the family picnic on Thursday evening.
     The kids get hungry and we'll need tasty snacks. Animal crackers, goldfish and M&Ms are always big hits. Please, nut free snacks only.
     Volunteers get hungry, too, for yummy snacks like fruit, muffins, cookies, trail mix and other goodies.
     Love to help but can't make it during the week of VBS? Help us transform Covenant into an adventure park on Sat., July 11 and also help Sat., July 18, 9am-12pm. No special skills needed, just a desire for fun!

Sign up to volunteer or register a child on line:

REMEMBER: VBS Family Picnic, Thurs., July 23, 6pm
Join us for hot dogs and lemonade at church. Bring a side dish or dessert to share. We'll eat before the kids sing some VBS favorites. Meet friends, teachers and join the joy of VBS!
Covenant Children's Center 
Now Enrolling!
Morning Programs
* Preschool Summer Session: 36 months - 5 years, June 15 -July 17, 
Mon., Wed., Fri., 9:30am-12:30pm. Max 12 children for 2 teachers. 
Creative expression, open-ended exploration, guided by experienced/degreed teachers who have specialized training in Early Childhood Education. 
* Covenant Preschool: Ages 3-5, 2-5 days a week, 9-11:30am. Lunch/Play option until pm, Tues. & Fri.   (click here for Preschool info & registration forms) 
* Kindergarten Enrichment: Ages 5-6, Mon.-Fri., 8:15-11:45am
  (click here for a Kindergarten Enrichment reg. form) 
NEW! Afternoon Program
* After-School Care: grades K-5, 2:50-6pm  (click here for an Afternoon Program reg. form) 
See Covenant's web site or contact Children's Center Director Caroline, 451-6677.

Popsicles in the Playground:
OPEN HOUSE for Covenant's Children's Center
Tues., Aug. 11, 6-8pm
A night for our families to come learn more about (and celebrate) our new Children's Center. Invite neighbors!

Donations for Covenant Children's Center

The Angel Playground
Help us make our dream of After School Care at Covenant a reality! Grab a
wish from one of the balloons on the display outside the Narthex (follow the instructions on the board), and help provide fun and learning for the children who will be coming to our building for wonderful care every day after school. Questions? Contact Kim Halsey, Caroline McGeoch, Erin Wise, or Katie Kinnison. And thank you for your gifts and for your prayers. Oh, we do love and need your prayers!
______________________EVENTS & NEWS_______________________
For more about Covenant events, mission opportunities, and things to know for adults, youth and children, visit

_________________ Tomorrow, Fri., July 3_______________
Lectio Divina - led by Katie Kinnison
Fridays, 8:15-9am, Lounge
This is an ancient way to meditate upon the scriptures, to teach your heart to chew on the bones of the words until the marrow comes out. We'll teach a technique you can use always. The Word of God found in and through the words of scripture will be like honey in your mouth.

Joy Gymn
9:30am, Fellowship Hall
Kids and they're caregivers play, play, play!

_________________Week of July 6-11____________ 

Centering Prayer - led by Katie Kinnison
Mon., Tues., Wed., 8:15-9-am, Lounge
A way to pray without words: Learn to disengage from our squirrel-brains and be quiet with our God, trusting the Holy Spirit to move within us. You cannot fail, for it is simply showing up with an intention to open your heart to God. Questions: Sandy Tullett, Cora Kuyvenhoven, Todd Cameron or Katie Kinnison.

blood drive American Red Cross Blood Drive
Mon., July 6, 2-7pm, Fellowship Hall
Your blood could save a life. To sign up: Call Mona Connolly, 886-4413, or online at

Living Into Wholeness (and out of Shame)
Tuesdays July 7, 14 (Narthex), 21, 7pm, Lounge
We'll explore and learn to practice vital skills -- skills that will allow us to be open for real, spirit-filled transformation. We will practice giving up judgment (but not discernment) and surrendering instead of resisting. And we will begin to learn about discernment -- what does it look like to really seek God's guidance?

Wed. Night Bible Study led by Katie Kinnison
Wednesdays, 7pm, Lounge
The Gospel According to John. Read John 9 in a community full of laughter and love.

Parents' Night Out (PNO) 
Fri., July 10 (2nd Fri. of the month), 6-8:30pm 
Parents go out while we feed their children dinner, play games, watch movies. Donations accepted. Register by Tues., July 7 on line: Questions? E-mail Erin Wise,

__________________Next Sunday, July 12______________
Sermon, 8:30 & 11:00: Psalm 24; Mark 6:14-29, Nothing to Lose Your Head Over, Jim Mehler preaching. Music with Jason Keefer, organ.

Discussion In the Lounge, 9:45am, Covenant Children's Center: Come Share the Vision. Children's Center Director Caroline McGeoch will share what's in store for toddler, preschool, kindergarten and elementary children this year. Bring questions and ideas.

Gathering, 10am, Fellowship Hall - Luke 2:21-35, Simeon's Song: A Student of the Spirit, Katie Kinnison preaching.

__________________NEXT WEEK July 13-18_____________
Art Night for Everyone!
Thurs., July 16, 5-7 pm
Celebrate our creativity! Let your inner artist out for a few hours. We'll have all sorts of art stations so that you can experiment, and we'll have artists on hand to share their work. Food, too!

Primetimers - Brunch in the Lounge
Fri., July 17, 12pm, Lounge
Bring the dish you signed up for. No need to bring your own service or silverware this time. Dorothy Grossman 488-2820.

______________Looking Ahead July 19+__________
Service of Ordination and Installation for Katie Kinnison
Sun., July 19, 3pm

Spiritual Cinema
Mon., July 20, 6:30-9pm, Lounge
Philomena - A world-weary political journalist picks up the story of a woman's search for her son, who was taken away from her decades ago after she became pregnant and was forced to live in a convent. Contact Beth Askue, 459-1445, or Susan Imel, 262-7444.

Kids Sing & Eat Ice Cream Sun., July 26, 11am
Join us as the kids sing some of their favorite songs from the week of VBS. After service, stay for ice cream sundaes in the courtyard as a great finale to a wonderful VBS week!

Book Discussion: Gilead by Marilyn Robinson
Tues., July 28, 7pm, Lounge, Katie Kinnison leads
This story of three generations from the Civil War to the 20th Century is about the spiritual battles of fathers and sons. Amazon review: "...luminous and unforgettable voice of Congregationalist minister John Ames, Gilead reveals the human condition and the often unbearable beauty of an ordinary life." Copies available to buy. Kindle version also available.

Blessing of Pets & Ice Cream Social
Wed., Aug. 5, 7pm
Bring dogs, cats, and furry and non-furry pets. If your pet is unable to come, bring a picture. If your pet is no longer with you, bring a pic for the memory wall. Ice cream for humans and samples of pet food from PetPeople. The Ohio SPCA will have an info booth.

Blessing of the Backpacks - Sun., Aug. 16
Bring backpacks, briefcases, diaper bags, etc.

Third Fundays Begin Sun., Aug. 16
Why hurry home when you could hang out a while with our church family? Join us after the 11am worship service. We'll meet upstairs in the seating area of the Giant Eagle Market District. Buy lunch or grab a cold cup of water there. The point is to be together.

No Spiritual Cinema in August BUT...
Mon., Aug. 17, 6:30-9pm, Lounge
Spiritual Development and Adult Learning will show and then discuss "For The Bible Tells Me So,"
a documentary about the intersection of scripture and sexual identity in real Christian, American families. See Tori Vazquez or Katie Kinnison if you have questions.

Mark Your Calendar:
Big Block Party, Sun., Aug. 30

_________________Other Things of Note_____________
The SOS Food Pantry needs volunteers to make weekday daytime deliveries. Call Lou Ann Doub, 488-3919. 

Habitat for Humanity Volunteers
A group of churches, of which Covenant is one, builds one Habitat house each year. Last year's house was a very nice, two-story, three-bedroom unit. Building takes place half-days on Thursdays and full-days on Saturdays. No building experience or tools required, only a willingness to help. No attendance requirements, just come when you are available. Volunteering is also done by helping serve lunches once every ten weeks. For info, contact Dave Fecht or Charlie Bergmann.

Creative Hearts and Hands Needs Supplies
We have knitted and crocheted mittens, hats, scarves, and shawls with all of the yarn. So as you Spring clean, if you discover yarn of any color, buttons, knitting needles, crochet hooks, fabric, seam binding, or thread, drop it off in Room 120 of the church. We need all kinds of craft materials.The Creative Hearts and Hands circle focuses primarily on projects for local and world-wide mission. You are invited to join the group once a month on the first Monday in room 120. If you aren't sure what to send us, call Rayma Ridgway 451-9809.

Help For Caregivers
The Franklin County Office on Aging maintains a "Community Care Registry" which is a registry service of prescreened, self-employed home care workers. The CCR is a great resource for individuals seeking private pay options for their home care service needs regardless of age or income. The home care workers with CCR can assist with tasks such as personal care, housekeeping, shopping, meal prep and caregiver relief. CCR provides access to experienced home care workers whose qualifications, availability, and hourly rates match the personal needs of the individual. Contact 525-4161; or, or

Save Pop/Soda Tabs
For several years, Covenant Justice and Peace Ministry has sponsored a collection of pop/soda tabs to benefit the Ronald McDonald House at Children's Hospital. Please remove can tabs and save them for this worthwhile cause. There is a place for tabs at the end of the coat racks.

Justice & Peace: Orange Days
25th of Each Month
Say No - End Violence Against Women/Girls
Work toward an end to violence against women and children by participating in Orange Days. Violence against women/girls can be domestic/sexual violence, violence of poverty, economic inequality, "honor killings," human trafficking. Wearing orange on the 25th of each month shows that we are against this violence.

Don't Miss Covenant's BLOG!