Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Covenant Presbyterian Church 
And Other Covenant News for Youth and Families
This Sunday, May 31

Putting Things Into Practice
 Jim Mehler preaching

     There is the old adage "Practice Makes Perfect." And then there is, "Practice does not make perfect,
only perfect practice makes perfect."(Vince Lombardi) A young person carrying a violin case stopped a stranger on the street in New York City and asked, "Pardon me, how can I get to Carnegie Hall?" The stranger answered, "Practice, practice, practice." And a favorite, "What are you doing practicing? Why aren't you out playing a round (of golf, of course)?" And how about one more, "Practice Does Not Make Perfect; Practice Makes Permanent." 
     When it comes to spiritual disciplines, or "practices," the goal is not perfection but permanence. 
Routine. Regularity. Habit. 
     What is a "practice" in which you engage? What is a "practice" you would like to adopt? And how  would you like to make it "permanent"? 
     Things to talk about and discover this Sunday at Gathering,  10:00am in Fellowship Hall.

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Visit us @ the corner of Ridgecliff and Redding in UA



Traditional Services

 8:30am, 11am 



Alternative, family-friendly, interactive worship service

Forum, 9:45am

Education hour

Excellent teachers from the staff, membership, and community lead this popular class.

Youth @ Gathering

10am, Fellow. Hall

Meet your friends and youth leaders at our table in Gathering.

Treasure Finders - children 3 years - 5th grade - 9:45am

 Fellowship Hall

Kids will stay through the first few songs of Gathering then are invited to head to children's choir. They'll finish with a time of learning and love with their Treasure Finders teachers 10:30-11.


Birth - 3 years





Tracy Keenan

Katie Kinnison

Minister of Spiritual Formation

Jim Mehler

 Parish Associate

Shane Spicer

Interim Dir. of Youth Ministry & Assist. for Children's Ministry

 Erin Wise

Dir. of Children's Ministry

 Ed Chung

Interim Dir. of Young Adult Ministry


Covenant Children's Center
Now Enrolling
Morning Programs
* Preschool Summer Session: (click for application form)
36 months - 5 years, June 15 -July 17, Mon., Wed., Fri., 9:30am-12:30pm
Max 12 children for 2 teachers. Creative expression, open-ended exploration, guided by experienced/degreed teachers who have specialized training in Early Childhood Education.
* Covenant Preschool: (click for application form) 
Ages 3-5, 2-5 days a week, 9-11:30am. Lunch/Play option until 12:30p, Tues. & Fri.
* Kindergarten Enrichment: (click for application form) 
Ages 5-6, Mon.-Fri., 8:15-11:45am  (click for application form)
NEW! Afternoon Program 
* After-School Care grades K-5, 2:50-6pm  (click for application form)

Vacation Bible School  - July 20-24, 9am-12pm 
Get ready for a wild ride as we explore how to put our faith into action. In this mission-focused VBS, kids experience God's unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and move in and through life with God. Contact Erin.   To register a child or volunteer: http://cokesburyvbs.com/covenantpresbyteriancolumbus

NEW: Pay with PayPal at our web site www.covenantpcusa.org
Joy Gym
Friday mornings, 9:30am, Fellowship Hall
Free & Fun!!

Forum. 9:45am, Lounge
Public Health, Nutrition, Service, Growing and Adventure in Honduras
Kadie Koeneman will share her experiences in Honduras, discuss the work she was doing there as well as the work God did on her while there. Learn about public health and nutrition topics, what she learned about Honduras, what her life was like on a daily basis and what she learned about herself.

Evening Youth Fellowship, Sundays, 6-8pm 
Fun! Faith! Friendship! Contact Shane with questions.


Worship Services, 8:30 & 11:00: Hymn Sing

Gathering, 10am - Proverbs 8:1-5, 22-31, John 1:1-5, Cross Dressing and the Trinity, Katie Kinnison

New Member Orientation, 12:15, Lounge - Considering making Covenant your church home, come to this event and learn about what Covenant has to offer and how you might make it your church. See Katie, katherinekinnison@covenantpcusa.org.

The Fight To Stop Human Trafficking, 7-8:30pm, Lounge
We are continuing to battle sexual slavery in Ohio. Work we do at Covenant is part of work being done all over the world, saving lives and offering people hope and a new, resurrected future. Learn more about this fight and/or join us in planning how we move ahead. We'll be organizing a meal we are serving to Catch Court June 11 and learning about training opportunities.


Parents' Night Out (PNO)
Fri., June 12 (2nd Fri. of the month), 6-8:30pm
Parents can be free to be grown-ups while we feed their children dinner, play games, watch movies, have fun. This is a gift from Covenant, so no charge, but you need to register by Tuesday, June 9 (the week of PNO) on line: http://tinyurl.com/mxm9b9d. Donations accepted. Questions? E-mail Erin Wise,

GHOST RANCH: June 15-21
Pray for our youth and adult leaders who are heading to NM to serve God through service to others.

Food Truck Fest!
Thurs., June 25, 5-7pm, church parking lot
Fabulous food trucks! Games! Fun for Covenant members, friends and neighbors!

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance: Out of Chaos, HOPE
The PDA partnering with ACT Alliance is providing emergency relief and short-term recovery after the 7.8 earthquake disaster in Nepal left nearly 8,000 dead and 19,000+ injured. GIVE online www.pcusa.org/pda, phone, or mail PCUSA. ACT Stay informed, like PCUSA on Facebook, download resources. PRAY for those who suffered loss, are working there, support efforts. 

Church Women United Collect for Newborns & Families - These are items needed:  Crib sheets, washcloths and towels, white onesies, boy dress outfits, diapers size 1, money for shampoo & lotion. We will also be collecting women's sanitary items (pads, tampons) for the new Columbus Community which can't be purchased with food stamps. They will be taken to the Columbus Family Community Shelter, 525 Van Buren, which provides shelter and case managers who help homeless families with housing, job training, medical and mental-health care. Also, checks can be made out to Covenant Presbyterian Women. Questions, call Peggy Hicks 457-6582.

The Personnel Commission has been advised that Don Luther, Covenant's Custodian for more than 16 years is now receiving full disability and will not be able to resume employment with us. In recognition of his years of service, we invite members of the congregation to contribute to a purse for Don. To do so, please send a check to Ingrid Brooker at the church noting "Don Luther" on the memo line. We welcome Lisa Swartz as full time Custodian.

Orange Days 25th of Each Month: Say No
End Violence Against Women and Girls
Justice and Peace Ministry asks you to join us and others around the world in working for an end to violence against women and children by participating in Orange Days. Violence against women and girls takes many forms - domestic violence, sexual violence, violence of poverty and economic inequality, so called "honor killings," human trafficking and more. Wearing orange on the 25th of each month is a way of saying that we are against this violence. Take pictures with friends wearing orange and post them on social media. Awareness is a powerful tool in ending violence. On the 25th of each month, let's see orange everywhere! 

Save Pop/Soda Tabs
For several years, Covenant Justice and Peace Ministry has sponsored a collection of pop/soda tabs to benefit the Ronald McDonald House at Children's Hospital. Please remove can tabs and save them for this worthwhile cause. There is a place for tabs at the end of the coat racks.
Do you tweet? Follow us on Twitter
Don't miss the fun @CovenantGather. We live tweet some of our services and share other interesting and important updates. Search for us at #covenantcbus and Puppet (our friend from Sunday morning Talk with Children) @Puppet2070 

We're excited to be bringing you this weekly email on Tuesdays with information about our Gathering service and other events we want to highlight for our worshiping community.

     If you would prefer not to receive these emails, you may unsubscribe to this list by clicking the 'safe unsubscribe' link below.  You will still receive our regular "News from Covenant" on Thursday mornings.