Thurs., April 24 
Sunday, April 27, 2014  /  Youth Sunday
Bread for the World Offering of Letters
This Sunday, April 27:   
Traditional Worship Services
8:30am & 11:00am, Sanctuary 
Sitting Well for Body & Soul, 
 Chair Yoga with Sandy Tullett

Alternative Gathering Service
10:00am, Fellowship Hall  
Breakfast on the Beach &
Easter Egg Hunt
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How Do Things
Happen at Covenant?
Who decides what and how events, programs, worship, and mission opportunities happen? Answer: The staff, elders and deacons, but also you! Offer an idea, serve on a short-term project, or be a part of the planning and visioning process. Do one kind of project or extend to the scope of all we do. Let us know!   
Prayer Request 
Pete Hemmer at Riverside Hospital
Mary Hemmer at Riverside Hospital
Ken Chapman
Juliana Graves
Tony Trimboli
Roger McLean
Elisabeth Zummo

Don Rorapaugh
Mary Hemmer
Greer Rouda

Ethel Thomas
Bob James
Al Kennedy
Alta Moser
Alexa Hobbs
Patrick Blesch
Cathy Ventresca
Stephen Ware
Betty Crook
Dave Fecht
Jenny Ryan

Janet Bartels   
Bill Mitchell   
Polly Morrison
Stu Kendall
Jeff Ridgway
Riki Graves 
Steve Zilles 
Suzie Shoemaker 
Kay Hantak
Rev. Curtis Miller 
Reid Huntley 
Madison Hanosek   
Larry Limes     
Whitney Von Voigt 
Steve White 
Homebound / Limited Mobility 
Bob Bartels   
Peggy Dinger
Stan Erikson
Phyllis Flaig
Manette Friske
Louise Knox
Jack Lyons
Alice Patton
Leona Rapp
Judy Sechler    
Marvin White
Mary Jo Bayer 
Keep us updated on those who wish be on the prayer list. Call the office (451-6677) or email JP when you want a name added or removed; New names will appear near the top of the list for one month. If you'd like the name to remain on the list after that, call the office.  
Deacons invite the congregation to participate in 
occasional and one-time services to our members:
1. Pray for someone.
2. Prepare all or a part of meal.
3. Provide a ride to church or an appt.
4. Help serve breakfast at Ronald McDonald House
5. Participate in the Mid-Ohio Food Bank.
     Contact Donna Harder, 847-6039, or Carol Petro, 485-0994,

Also, If you know a member with a need, or for more information contact Carol Petro, 485-0994, jpetroball@ao,com.

Deacons serve breakfast at Ronald McDonald House
the first Sat. of each month. Contact a deacon below.
Pete LuPiba
Christy Charlton, Peggy Hicks,
Pete LuPiba, Janice Schaefer, Gina Spicer, Lisa Swartz
Charlie Bergmann, Gail Griffin, Donna Harder, Katy Nowels Fair, Bonnie James, Carol Petro, Tom Ulry
Milissa Campbell, Bobbie Gier, Bob Lowery, Cathleen McComas, Rusty Miller, Tim Scott, Sharon Steingass
Youth Deacons 2014
Charlotte Gross, Charlie Vazquez
There are still spaces in the Youthworks Mission Trip and the Montreat High School Conference Trip.Contact Karen.
* YouthWorks Mission Trip - Harrisburg, PA June 8-13.
Middle and high school youth will go to Harrisburg, PA, to serve in various work (construction and gardening) and service (kids camps, nursing homes) projects. Adult leaders needed. 
* Montreat Youth Conference - High School July 27-Aug. 2.
We'll be a part of a Presbytery group to travel to Montreat, NC for this world famous youth conference! Male and Female adult leaders needed. College students can participate as part of the conference Work Crew.
Open Shelter, Mon., April 28, 8:30am, kitchen 
Help prepare, deliver, serve or contribute cookies/brownies for the homeless. Guaranteed  to be rewarding. Contact Carol Petro 485-0994, 
- To help prepare a meal for a member who is in need due to illness or death in the family, contact any Deacon. - Salt & Light opportunities. See the hall board. 
- Covenant Collections: 

There are baskets on shelves in the hallway marked for collection of eyeglasses. They will be taken to LensCrafters to use in their mission to help others.

 Also, shelving in the coat racks has other collection bins. 

Need a Ride? CARES Program
When you need transportation to church, doctor appointment, etc., call: 
Jay McLean, 209-7314

Jan Schmidt, 451-2998   

For information about the latest news pertaining to the Presbyterian denomination, click here: Presbytery of Scioto Valley website.   
Join Our Mailing List


Dear Covenant friends and family,
        This weekend, our youth will participate in their annual 30-hour fast and lock-in to raise awareness about world hunger. There are 870 million hungry people around the world, and in the US, one in five children lives in poverty. These children are under nourished or malnourished, which affects their ability to fight of disease, build strong muscle and bone, and even affects brain development. Hungry children have trouble learning and many around the world fall victim to hunger-related disease and death.

      As people living in the wealthiest society in the world - a society where even our great abundance often fails to satiate our desire for "more" and "bigger" and "better" - a short fast might seem a paltry penance. But we do not fast out of guilt, we fast out of love. We choose to experience hunger - to fast and pray - that we might orient our hearts and minds to the suffering of the world. We hope that we might better hear and heed their cries.

      You are welcome to join us in our fast - we eat breakfast Friday morning then only juice and water until lunch on Saturday. You might also consider skipping a meal, but if you do, spend the mealtime in prayer. We'll be learning about hunger Friday night, and then we're running a lemonade stand to raise money for the church community playground on Saturday morning.

      After this experience, our youth will lead worship on Sunday morning around the theme of scarcity and abundance. We will be looking at the story of Jesus feeding the multitudes from John 6:1-14. We'll have Dave Powers playing jazz piano and our own Amy Kendall offering special music at the 8:30am and 11am services.

      Our Gathering service will feature a Breakfast on the Beach Party with our Indie-Gospel band. Once we all enjoy our fish sticks and donuts, the children will head out to hunt eggs and the adults will stay for a message on resurrection stories and prayer stations.

   The joy of resurrection continues this Sunday at Covenant. Join us!



30-Hour Famine Lock-In, 
Fri. Apr. 25, 5pm-Sat. Apr. 26, 1pm
Ever wonder what it feels like to be hungry? Youth and advisors will fast for 30 hours to raise awareness about world hunger. We'll also learn about hunger around the world and participate in a service project. All are welcome to join us. We also need folks who are willing to cook our "break the fast" meal Saturday at noon. Talk to Karen if you are interested.
Youth Lemonade Stand - Sat., April 26, 9am-12pm 
Proceeds benefit Covenant's Community Playground.
Covenant Preschool, Children's Day Out, Joy Gym, Parents Night Out, Treasure Finders, and many children from the neighborhood visit our playground. Help us keep it fun and safe!
Invite your friends an neighbors to come play with us as we raise funds to maintain our playground. This is a beloved play space for many local children. Let's keep it fun, safe, and beautiful!
Volunteers are needed to help Covenant's youth group. Please sign up for 30-minute shifts. Contact Karen Ware Jackson.

We have been sharing our gifts in many ways: 

Al Kennedy and Bernie Campbell volunteer at the World Humanitarian Aid organization. WHA collects and ships medical and education related equipment and furnishings to Central America and other third-world countries as well as local charitable organizations. Examples of needs are surgical instruments, bandages, new syringes and needles, and wheel chairs, office equipment and furniture. Other items always useful are computers/flat screens, sewing machines, cloth fabric, new school supplies, paper, pencils, markers, school chairs, sports equipment, bicycles and hand tools. All should be in good working condition.The organization was founded by Rev. Bill Brandt in the late 1980s and has shipped thousands of pounds of materials to needy people and clinics. 

To donate call Al, 451-9318, or Bernie, 451-5858.

Share Your Gifts 
This Sunday, April 27 -  Youth Sunday
Easter Egg Hunt and Celebration, 9:45am, Fellowship Hall - 
Good news: In the Church, Easter is a season, not just one day. Our egg hunt is the Sunday after Easter as we keep celebrating God's unstoppable love. Bring empty baskets and join the fun.
Bread for the World Offering of Letters - Theme: The First 1000 Days. The need is to enhance the nutritional quality of food aid and better target it to vulnerable populations such as women and children in the 1,000 days between conception and her child's second birthday. The right nutrition during this window can have a profound impact on a child's ability to grow, learn, rise out of poverty and shape a society's long-term health, stability and prosperity. Join us in the hallway between and after services to send letters to your senators and congress person.
No. 106  "Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks"
 No. 356 "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing"
 No. 422  "God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending"
Musicians: Jason Keefer, piano; Amy Kendall, soprano; Emma Vazquez, cello;
Maya Gaston, Violin 
     8:30am    Worship in the Sanctuary
     9:45am    Forum, Lounge, Sitting Well for Body & Soul, Chair Yoga 
                     with Sandy Tullett
    10:00am    Gathering, Fellowship Hall, Breakfast of the Beach and Easter Egg Hunt 
    11:00am    Worship in the Sanctuary
    12:00pm    Congregational Meeting  
Children - ages 3 years - 6th grade 
      9:45am    Welcome and Gathering in Fellow. Hall
    10:10am    Joyful Noise: Children's Choir, Music Rm.*
    10:20am    Treasure Finders (Sunday school)            
    10:55am    Dismissal from classrooms
    11:00am    Worship in the Sanctuary
    11:20am    Talk with Children and then dismissal
    11:25am    Joyful Noise: Children's Choir
    11:35am    Wiggle Worship
    12:00pm    Dismissal from rm. 112 
 *10:00am    Youth @ Gathering, Fellowship Hall - Meet friends and youth leaders. Worship with some rockin' music, interactive messages, prayer stations, and a casual atmosphere. 
    10:10-11am (Grades 4-6) New Testament/Old Testament Ancestors, Lower Level - Join Mrs. Oeder's class for a study of characters from the Old and New Testaments. Come to Gathering for the first few songs, then leave with the children to go to the Lower Level.
Stephen Ministers - After each worship service Stephen Ministers go to the front of the sanctuary to pray with anyone who desires it.  If you want to discuss something, you can then go to a more private place, or you can simply stay there and share a prayer. Stephen Ministers are trained listeners who have committed themselves to compassionate caring and praying for others.   
No Youth Fellowship 

No Bible Study Until Sun., May 4 - Lisa Wallace or Colleen Davis, 766-4871.

Do you tweet?  - Don't miss the fun @CovenantGather. We live tweet some of our services and share other interesting and important updates. Search for us at #covenantcbus and follow staff - Karen - @karenwarejack, Tracy - @TR_Keenan
For more about Covenant events, mission opportunities, and things to know for adults, youth and children, visit
Congratulations Madeleine Connolly! - The Worship and Arts Commission has awarded this year's Scholarship to Madeleine Connolly. Madeleine completed her sophomore year at Miami U., Oxford OH, as a music major in piano performance studies. Best wishes and continued success to Madeleine as she pursues her college degree. This scholarship was established in 2007 in memory of Jean A. Mortland for her appreciation for excellent music and advocacy for higher education. She was a member of Covenant for over 40 years and taught at the Capital U. Law School.


Primetimers Luncheon - Bingo Bonanza, Fri., April 25, 12:00pm, Lounge - Come to the Royal Casino for great conversation, lunch and prizes directed by the dynamic duo Bill Gibson and Don Day. Bring a dish to share and your table service. Questions? Call Pat Quinby 451-1645.  
Mother's Day Cards - Healthy Women Healthy Families is a program of the Presbyterian Church (USA) that provides obstetric care, cervical cancer screening, malaria prevention and other health services to women in Africa. Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Scioto Valley is again supporting the Mother's Day Card Project to support this mission. Cards will be available at the PW/PSV Spring Gatherings or contact Judy Oeder, 561-9458, to get info or order cards. Suggested donation: $10. per card. 

Upcoming at the Forum, Sundays, 9:45am, Lounge

- May 4,  "Resurrection of the Body?  Really?" Explore what resurrection actually means for our lives. Katie Kinnison leads.

- May 11,  "Reading, Mission & Niger"  Michael & Rachel Ludwig and their children just became PC(USA) mission co-workers in West Africa. Hear how they will partner to start a literacy ministry in the least developed country in the world. They will bring pictures, songs, and ways that others can be involved in this exciting opportunity!

- May 18, COMPASS - Meet Fredericka Wallace, the director of COMPASS (Congregational Outreach Ministries Program of Assistance and Social Service). COMPASS partners with more than 20 area churches and other groups to provide services to prevent homelessness and meet the emergency housing needs of clients.



 Covenant has a new Blog on our web site. 
 Join in from


WEEK OF April 28-May 3
BYOB&�L (Bring Your Own Bible/Lunch), Tues., April 29, 12:00pm, Rm 120 - Discuss Sun., May 4 scripture: 1 Peter 4:7-10 

open Bible
Wednesday Night Bible Study Contact Katie Kinnison.


Covenant's Golf League Wednesdays starting April 30, Phoenix Golf Links - Whether you've played for years or are just starting, join us for fun, fellowship and the wonder that is golf. Contact Bob Lowery, 326-2019,


Pizza & Planning for Children and Families, Fri., May 2, 6-8pm 

Children play, and the grown ups get out their calendars and dream dreams of wonderful ways to experience the love of God at Covenant. Come imagine the future.


Women Theologian Book Discussion Group 

1st & 3rd Fri. each month, 9:30-11:30am, Rm 120  
Women interested in exploring the theologies that help our understanding of our own personal relationships with God gather to read and discuss books that challenge our deep thought and questioning. All women are welcome. Call Katie Kinnison at church or Susan Imel, 614-262-7444, for information, or just come on those Fridays. There is always laughter and sharing.


Joy Gym, Fridays, 9:30-11am, Fellowship Hall - Watch your little ones play in a warm, safe place with riding toys, balls, running room and places to crawl. Coffee and refreshments for grownups. 


WEEK OF May 4-10
Forum, Sun., May 4, Lounge - Resurrection of the Body? Really? Explore what resurrection actually means for our lives. Katie Kinnison leads

Gathering, Sun., May 4, 10am: Is The Bible True? Jim Mehler preaching.

Youth Broom Ball Rescheduled! Sun., May 4, The Chiller, Dublin - Join us for competition and fun on the ice. Bring $10 and your friends!


Parents Night Out, Fri., May 9, 6-9pm - Children get dinner, games, a movie, crafts and fun while Parents get to have a night out to enjoy one another and have their own fun! No charge, but donations are accepted. RSVP to Katie Kinnison.   

Performing Arts Series: UCELLI ProMusica & Friends 
Sat., May 10, 3pm, Sanctuary 
More than 25 local cellists, both student and professional, will join UCELLI ProMusica Celli for a concert of wonderful music including Vivaldi, Mozart, the blues, and American pop. Free will offerings will benefit Judge Paul Herbert's CATCH Court to help women trapped in the human trafficking sex trade, and Freedom a la Cart, a catering business employing human trafficking survivors. Make checks out to Covenant Presbyterian Church.

Looking Ahead May 11+
Confirmation Class Sun., May 11 for 7th - 11th grade - Is believing in Jesus really the only way to get to heaven?, Tracy teaching.

CPW Birthday Luncheon, Wed., May 14, 11:45am, Lounge - Celebrate 60 years of women's groups at Covenant (Women's Association & CPW) with a salad luncheon. No charge to attend, but bring a salad to share. There will be a collection for the Church Women United layette project. (See separate article for details.) RSVP at May Circle meetings, or call Rayma Ridgway, 451-9809 or Clara O'Connell, 459-2276, or the church, 451-6677. A fun and informative trip down memory lane.
Women United Collecting Layette Items at Birthday Luncheon, May 14 - Needed are sheets, towels, bibs, small toys. Money is always needed for shampoo, lotion, and bottles. Please put items in the basket in the hall. Make checks to CPW and bring to the luncheon. Questions? Call Peggy Hicks, 457-6582.

Older Adults Sunday, Sun., May 18, after 11am service, Fellowship Hall - This is the annual Spring event celebrating older adults. The Over 80 luncheon and program will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of the church and the older adults who played a part in the creation of Covenant in 1954. More information to come.