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This was the scene at about 7:00 a.m. on July 1st...  People showed up for the chance to sponsor a Veterans Banner as early as 11:00 p.m. the night before, and an hour before we opened the doors of Emporia Main Street, we had a line around the block!  Thanks to all the participants that honored veterans through the banner project.  Thanks to Becky Smith and Shane Wilson for spear heading the effort from a staff perspective.  And, a special thanks goes to Julie Johnson, Kevin Nelson, Lauren Woolard and Justin Mallon for volunteering the morning of the event to help staff out!
Emporia Main Street 

What a rush for the Veterans Banners!  Thank you to everyone that came out and stood in line (starting at about 11:00 p.m. the night before).  We are exploring ways to expand the program next year (we are out of metal lamp posts!), but until then, the All Veterans Memorial has a wonderful plaque program you can participate in (CLICK HERE).  We are all looking forward to 159 veterans banners downtown this year for Veterans Day!  
   Summer Midnight Madness

Midnight Madness is July 16th from 8:00 p.m. until midnight.  We are signing up businesses every day, and right now participants include Town Crier Bookstore, The Sweet Granada, Salvation Army, Granada Coffee Company, US Cellular, Java Cat, Bath Expressions by Burnap, Poehler Mercantile, Forget Me Not, DK Promotions, Studo 50-4, Plum Bazaar, The Little Red Rooster, Browns Shoe Fit, L & L Pets and the Emporia Arts Center.


For more information on the Emporia Arts Center, Click HERE.


live in the lot



Intro to Milk Paint & Chalk Paint

Have you always wanted to know what all the "hype" was about with the trends in Chalk and Milk paint?  Come learn from the girls of Studio 11 Boutique as we teach you all about the differences between the two and how they can transform your outdated furnishings into something new and exciting! 

This is an informational class that will assist you in tackling your own home project or better prepare you for our other class offerings!  

Schedule:  1hr class, July 9, 6-7pm


Price:  $15  


Instructor: Michelle and Kari


Location: FHTC Main Campus, Student Commons


Julie J. Cooper

Flint Hills Technical College

Office:  620.341.1377

Cell:  620.343.0258

Email:  [email protected]


  Mobile App QR Codes

 Learn more about local amenities, organizations, businesses, events and more with the E-Town Mobile App!  The ETown App is a joint project among Emporia State University, Flint Hills Technical College, USD 253, The Emporia Gazette, the City of Emporia, the Emporia Convention and Visitors Bureau and Emporia Main Street.


For IPhone Users, Click Here!


For Android Users, Click Here!


For the iPad Version, Click Here! 


For the Web Version, click here:


Property Availability Guide
For property owners with property available for rent or sale, this is a free service to collect information and post it on the Emporia Main Street Web Site.  With other market information available, we hope this site makes it easier for potential businesses and property developers to find spaces they need.
CLICK HERE to enter information about your available property and view previously submitted information.
Business Investment Guide
Business Investment Guide 

Do you know a business that should locate in Emporia?  Maybe you know an entrepreneur looking for resources or a business owner looking to expand?  The Business Investment Guide is community information designed to help you point your contacts in the right direction!



Persistent Entrepreneur-ism
A mindset for growth, diversified income and sustained success

The Emporia Main Street newsletter often focuses on how to improve existing businesses, take advantage of business opportunities (market gaps) that exist, or new tools to aid your business.  We don't spend enough time discussing how to think like an entrepreneur.  The entrepreneurial mind set is extremely important in a community of Emporia's size and demographic configuration.  We are a bit of a "Goldilocks" community: just big enough to offer diversity in a variety of economic areas, but just small enough not to be dominated by large chains.  The problem (and opportunity) in a community like ours is that market gaps often have to be filled by individuals that start or expand a business to meet a market need or create a destination.  Entrepreneurs are a very special type of person with a specific mind set, skill set, inherent values, ethics and motivation.  Sufficed to say, not everyone is an entrepreneur.


Reading this article, you may say "but Casey, we are already entrepreneurs...  why talk to us about the entrepreneurial mind set?"  Well, this newsletter is exposed to about 5,000 people on a weekly basis, and not everyone that reads it is currently an entrepreneur.  And, it's good for current entrepreneurs to look at the mind set and determine how they can use their entrepreneurial tendencies to continue to adapt, take advantage of opportunities, mitigate risks, invest and evolve.  So, here are some key tenants to the entrepreneurial mind set:


1.  They care more about the results than the process.- Most entrepreneurs absolutely cringe and an "eight step process", excessive paperwork or anything that they deem "unnecessary".  That doesn't mean that entrepreneurs aren't detail oriented; it simply means that entrepreneurs are extremely goal focused.  They generally find pleasure in blazing their own trail and resist any "paint by numbers" approach.  Most entrepreneurs have been involved in the endless "concept" meeting that comes up with some tag line, graphic or word smithed message, but doesn't actually tangibly DO anything...  They resist processes that don't create results like the plague because for an entrepreneur time equals money.  Waste their time and you've wasted their money.


2.  They aren't afraid of hard work.-  Show me someone that dives into the world of entrepreneurship to work less, and I'll show you an unsuccessful entrepreneur.  The world of small and growing businesses means early hours, late hours, weekend hours and more.  If "screw around time" is at the top of your wish list, you probably aren't entrepreneur material.  Now the good news: with technology rapidly replacing ever more complex tasks, some estimate that half of our workforce in the next twenty years will be classified as an "entrepreneur".  People will have to create their own job if they want to have an income.  That means completing a meaningful education (getting a degree, training or certificate in an area that potential consumers actually value), finding a market that people can't easily "jump into" and cornering expertise.


3.  They (typically) do what they love.-  Entrepreneurs spot opportunities to convert what they love into a business, or they identify a pervasive societal want/need that they can convert into a profit center.  For an entrepreneur, there is value to "driving the bus".  Again, entrepreneurs are typically tangible, goal oriented people, so this mindset goes well beyond the "someone really ought to do something about this" armchair quarterback scenario.  Entrepreneurs typically get a "high" from finding something that they enjoy and flipping their experience into a profit center.


4.  They know the difference between what they like to do, and what someone will pay them to do.  This is REALLY important, because the world is absolutely full of individuals that have an idea for a non-profit funded exclusively by grants/governmental funding that they love, but people won't financially support.  You may be a foodie that loves to go out of town, eat at specialty restaurants, stay in hotels and go on adventure trips, but the amount of people that will actually pay you to do that (outside of an extremely small number of travel writers) is almost zero.  If you love to do something that people won't pay you for- that's called a hobby.  If you love to do something that people won't pay you enough to live on- that's called a side job.  Entrepreneurs understand this.  Existing entrepreneurs have the added flexibility that comes from adding a "line" that would normally constitute a "side job" and ends up enhancing the whole of their operation.


5.  They understand the concept of "investment".- The ultimate goal for most entrepreneurs is to involve themselves in "turn key" operations: business ventures that make them money even if they aren't present or actively working that portion of the business.  Labor is a finite resource.  The expert labor/service provided by a singular entrepreneur is even a more finite resource.  Finding creative ways to induce an environment of investment is one way that entrepreneurs can maximize their financial impact.


6.  They understand the difference between generating income and generating wealth.-  The ability of entrepreneurs to identify opportunity often means that they rapidly reinvest dollars into their business interests to maximize opportunities.  The side effect of an entrepreneurial reinvestment strategy is often a lower initial income.  HOWEVER, many entrepreneurs don't stop to identify the value that they create.  Inventory, customer lists, patents, procedures, the brand, "blue sky", fixtures, buildings, vehicles...  The list goes on!  Understanding wealth and how to convert value into cash through a well defined transition strategy is critically important for an entrepreneur to sustain a venture.


7.  They understand the importance of creating a culture.  The most successful entrepreneurs understand that they aren't simply helping consumers with goods and services- they are creating a movement that consumers want to be a part of.  Biking cultures, beer cultures, pet cultures, renovation cultures, decorating cultures, fashion cultures, foodie cultures, crafting cultures, investing cultures and more pop up around successful entrepreneurs.  To these entrepreneurs, the consumption of goods and services comes as a result of the consumers advocacy for the cultural norms the entrepreneur projects.


8.  They get ready, fire and then aim.- After talking to A LOT of entrepreneurs over the years, most will tell you "we didn't know exactly what we were getting into".  There is no perfect time to start a business, and you can absolutely paralyze the entrepreneurial process by overthinking things.  It's good to be prepared, but most entrepreneurs have impressive freelance abilities.  If you have to have a three ring binder four inches thick full of information prior to pulling the trigger on a concept, you probably won't be able to take advantage of opportunities or deal with threats as they emerge.


9.  They build supportive, dependable and loyal teams.  Those attributes may not be in the right order...  Entrepreneurial enterprises, especially in the start up phase, can be pressure packed.  If your team can't handle external drama or internal time lines, they probably can't be on your team.  If people you depend on constantly have one foot out the door, it's probably a good idea to just cut ties.  If you can't count on a team member's loyalty to your concept and their support during those difficult start up or growth phases, you may need to look elsewhere for team members.  Good team members believe in that higher purpose or "culture" that you are trying to attain, and they are willing to work shoulder to shoulder with you to attain it.  Identifying the difference between talkers and team members early in the entrepreneurial process can save you a lot of heart ache down the road.


10. They understand and can communicate value.- A retail entrepreneur that tries to undercut a multinational business on the basis of price simply won't last very long.  The modern entrepreneur needs to find ways to create value through bundling items, creating valued services, developing exclusive items, dominating a niche category and/or building expertise.  Remember, something is valuable only if it is perceived as valuable by your consuming audience.  The perception of value is created through effective communication, advertising, marketing and customer service strategies.


Take a little time to talk to your staff, your team outside of your staff and your most valued clients about opportunities.  How can your business evolve?  What are some profit centers that you aren't currently tapping into?  How are you building a culture?  Who would you consider part of your supportive, local and DEPENDABLE team (outside of your employees)?  How do you communicate value in a way that your consuming public recognizes it?  What is the last calculated risk your business or organization took?


It's easy for entrepreneurs to get into a funk because they are naturally driven by innovation and achievement.  A lack of stimulus can spiral into a lack of productivity.  The environment surrounding entrepreneurs that contains a solid "push" factor is critically important to consistently engage the best parts of the entrepreneurial spirit.  Consider this our "push" for you.  Like always, Emporia Main Street is here to partner with you as you start or expand your next entrepreneurial venture!



Im a Main Streeter 

 Did you know???

Last week we participated in a code team review, toured a chronically vacant property that is currently going through the sale process, met with employment representatives about a new retention program, participated in an ARC program meeting, verified funding for a local development, received a big crowd for the veterans banner project, presented to the Lyon County Commission, attended Brown Bag, met with local community leaders about a potential community project, researched a new type of "story telling" entertainment to bring back to Emporia, and conducted some research on non-profit funding options within the area.  Even with the office closed on Friday we were swamped last week, and we are getting some 
good questions from all of you

1.  "How do we get more spots for veterans banners?"- From the forty people on our waiting list...  
Each veterans banner is hung for three years, after which we give the family the opportunity to take the banner and "re-up" for a new banner if they choose.  Last year we had 104 banners purchased.  After last year's round, we determined how to create space for an additional 55 banners on metal lamp posts in the downtown area.  The current banner brackets require a metal lamp post with brackets spaced to accommodate a standard downtown banner (25 1/4" wide, 49 3/4" long with 2" pockets and grommets).  We are completely out of metal lamp posts that fit this criteria.  So, we are going to have to get pretty creative as we attempt to expand the program.  Our Design Team will look at this particular program and attempt to identify future options so we can offer additional banner sponsorship opportunities in the future.  We are elated at the response this activity has produced in year two (CLICK HERE for the news story on KSNT), and I think we can all clearly see that supporting and honoring our veterans isn't a fad in Emporia, Kansas.

2. "What is an escape room?" From a Facebook inquiry.  There are many different elements involved in the creation of a dynamic community.  Sometimes you have to work on the creation of longstanding traditions (we view the veterans banners as supplementing the traditional Veterans Day activities).  Sometimes you have to take advantage of substantial movements (the "outdoor active" movements draw us into activities like the Dirty Kanza and Glass Blown Open).  Sometimes you have to take advantage of "fads" that draw people into an area (think about the "cash mob" concept).  At Emporia Main Street, we subscribe to an organic management model that demands productivity while rewarding innovation and opportunism.  Recently, Becky Smith (the Events Coordinator for Emporia Main Street) ran across a concept called an "escape room."  Basically, each room tells a "story" and consists of a series of puzzles, codes and challenges that must be solved in order to gain a code that allows you to "escape" from the room you are in.  Teams of individuals participate, and they have up to one hour to solve the challenges.  We are attempting to bring the concept (at least temporarily) to Emporia this fall.  If you are interested in helping develop escape rooms or volunteering, please contact Emporia Main Street.  For those of you still wondering about the concept, CLICK HERE for a news report.

3. "Can someone sign up for the Welcome Back Block Party if they aren't a member?"  From a new member.  The Welcome Back Block Party on August 17th is open to Emporia Main Street Members, Emporia State University Student/Administrative Organizations and Flint Hills Technical College Student/Administrative Organizations.  If you haven't signed up as an Emporia Main Street Member yet, the Welcome Back Block party is a great way to meet a few thousand newer members of the Emporia community!  Make sure you sign up as a Main Street member today!

Riverside Elementary will be holding a walk-about on September 22nd to learn more about their city. If your business would like to host a tour for the students or provide something that shows off your business, please contact Randielle  at 620-757-9916 or Tracy at 620-481-9987. 


4.  "What is the status of Kansas Main Street?" From a member.  Kansas Main Street is in the reformation process.  They have recently identified some re-launch resources, started board development and will be looking at potential steps towards hiring staff and developing office space in the not-too-distant future.  I will release additional information as it officially becomes available, but as the volunteer president of Kansas Main Street, Inc., I'm excited about the progress being made.

Mulreadys Logo
Happy Hour Specials- 4 to 7 p.m.
Monday- Our Signature Drinks are $1 off
Tuesday- All Draws are $1 off
Wednesday- Dealers Choice (whatever we're in the mood to do!)
Follow Mulready's on Facebook and Twitter!


5.  "How much money has Emporia Main Street loaned out over the years?" From an elected official.  Emporia Main Street just passed a pretty significant milestone in resource acquisition and disbursement to small and growing businesses.  Through the former state agency known as Kansas Main Street, we were able to create a revolving loan pool (money loaned out, gets paid back into an account and then loaned out again).  We then worked with the Trusler Foundation to start a local fund in order to help out local entrepreneurs without some of the state restrictions.  Once Network Kansas was formed, Emporia Main Street tapped into Startup Kansas funds.  With the help of Network Kansas, Emporia Main Street helped launch the Lyon County E-Community fund.  We have accessed federal funds through the Capital Multiplier Loan fund.  There are other financial incentives we have helped procure for local businesses and non-profit organizations (certain USDA funds, historic tax credits, historic grants and more), but from the standpoint of loans, Emporia Main Street just recently passed the $1,000,000.00 in loans distributed threshold.  These loans have helped our local banks mitigate risk, local businesses start/expand, local tax base improve, local economy add jobs and local consumers have more diverse product, service and entertainment options.  Several past Emporia Main Street staff members, the Business Enhancement Team, the Board of Directors, local bankers and the Kansas Small Business Development Center at Emporia State University have been valued partners in the revolving loan process, and we are happy to continue to have a positive impact on the entrepreneurial community of Emporia, Kansas and Lyon County!


In This Issue #301 07/07/15
Midnight Madness
Emporia Arts Center
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Live in the Lot
Flint Hills Technical College Classes
ETown Mobile Application
Properties Available
Business Investment Guide
Persistent Entrepreneur-ism
Did You Know?
Calendar of Events

President's Circle



Emporia Realty Group


608 Commercial



IM Design Group  
IM Design Group


17 W. 5th


KISS logo
541 Sherman




Brickyard 20 Ale House

Brickyard 20 Ale House

402 Merchant



Image result for u.s. cellular logo

2326 Industrial Road




Bobby D's Merchant Street BBQ


Cable One


ESB Financial 


Flint Hills Roofing and Gutter


Journeys Inc.


KVOE AM 1400KVOE FM 101.7MIX 104.9


Longbine Auto Plaza


Moon Title & Escrow


Roberts Blue Barnett Funeral Home

Evergreen Design Build
Kaw Valley Engineering
Emporia Main Street Calendar of Events



July 8

Promotions Team Meeting

8:00 a.m. in the Emporia Main Street office.


Design Team Meeting

noon in the Emporia Main Street office


Hispanic Roots Folkloric Dance

Emporia Public Library

Brown Bag- Noon at the Library


Board Retreat

3:00 p.m.


Live in the Lot featuring The Basement Pickers and Most Wanted- 7:00 p.m. in the Farmers Market Parking Lot.


July 15

Emporia Main Street Board of Directors Meeting

8:00 a.m. in the Emporia Main Street office


Drum Safari

Emporia Public Library

Brown Bag- Noon at the Library


July 16

Midnight Madness


July 22

Business Enhancement Team Meeting

8:00 a.m. in the Emporia Main Street Office.


Live in the Lot- featuring Kenji Bolden and Fast Times- 7:00 p.m. in the Farmers Market Parking Lot


August 17

Welcome Back Block Party


September 12

Great American Market



For more community event listings, please visit:



Do you have an upcoming event for your business or organization?


Let Emporia Main Street know and we may include it on our upcoming calendars!


General Level Members


AKA Marketing


Amish Woodworks






Atherton & Huth


Bath Expressions


The Beauty Bar


Ben Moore Studio


Bennett Dental Group


BG Consultants


BLI Rentals


Bluestem Farm and Ranch


Brown's Shoe Fit


Bruff's Bar and Grill


C & J Woodworks

Candlewood Suites


Capitol Federal


Cassell Insurance


Chester Press


Clark Carpet and Tile, Inc.


Coffelt Sign Co.


Complete Works


Country Mart/Price Chopper


Dan's Hands Massage


Davis Paints


DG Wingz


Disciple Shoppe


Dorsey Eye Care


Douglas Chiropractic


Dr. Kerri Thompson, DDS


Dynamic Discs


Eastwood Lake Apartments


Eclectic Bikes


Ek Real Estate


Emporia Construction and Remodeling


Emporia Radio Stations: KVOE, 104.9 & 101.7


Emporia State Federal Credit Union


E-Town Solutions


ESU Memorial Union


Evergreen Design-Build


Flint Hills Eye Care


Flint Hills Mall



Flint Hills Music


Floyd's Automotive


Forget Me Not Productions


Four Seasons Apartments


George Groh and Sons


Gerald Schumann Electric


Granada Coffee Company


Graves Drug Store


Haag Management


Hair Krafters


Heart Center Studio


Helbert & Allemang


High Gear


Java Cat Coffeehouse


Jimmy Johns


Junque Drawer Emporium


Kansas Radio 96.1 The Wave


King Liquor


L & L Pets


Little Red Rooster


Lyon County State Bank


Lyon County Title 


Mark II Lumber




McKinzie Pest Control


Midas Touch Tans


Mike Alpers Agency


Mr. Sisters Sweets


Modern Air Conditioning, Inc.


Mulready's Pub


Navrats Office Supply


Papa John's Pizza


Paper Moon Antiques


Pizza Hut


Pizza Ranch


Plum Bazaar


Poehler Mercantile


Pool and Associates


Prairie Sage Apartments




Rand Simmons Law Office


Redline Trucking


Reflxns Salon


Rhinestone Cowgirl Salon


Rockin' Accessories


Sauder Custom Fabrication


Schellers Lawn and Landscape


Scott's Lawn and Landscaping


Second Love Gifts


Stanley Jewelry


Studio 11


Studio 50.4




Sunflower Gymnastics


Sutherlands Lumber Co.


Sweet Granada


Textbook Corner


Thompson Auto Repair


Thrifts and Gifts


Toso Appraisal


Total Technology


Town Crier Bookstore


Triad Leasing


Uncommon Threads


Value-Net LLC 


Waters True Value Hardware


Westar Energy


Williams Automotive


Wright CPA Group PA


Wright's Furniture


Xan-A-Do Salon

Non Profit Level Members 


Big Brothers Big Sisters


Cradle to Career Cneter


Emporia Eastside Community Group




Emporia Arts Council


Emporia Chamber of Commerce


Emporia Farmers Market


Emporia Friends of the Zoo


Emporia Presbyterian Church


Emporia Friends of the Library


ESU- Alumni Association


ESU- Small Business Development Center


ESU- Memorial Union


ESU- Theatre Dept.


Flint Hills Community Health Center


Granada Theatre Alliance


National Teachers Hall of Fame


Saint Francis Community Services


Salvation Army




TFI Family Services

Home Based Business Members


Avon- Amanda Hopkins


Gold Canyon Candles- Stephanie Morgan


Green Door Recycling


Interdependent Web, LLC


Mary Kay- Lori Engle


Origami Owl- Angela Dowell


Paula's Creations


Pampered Chef- Chelsea Gerleman


Purse Lady- Nancy Crawford


Tastefully Simple- Vanessa Apodaca


Thirty One Gifts- Linsey Hopkins


Individual Supporters


Amy and Rick Becker 


Amy Evans


Brad Harzman


Dale & Carolyn Davis


Don Hill


Erin and Casey Woods


Joyce Zhou


Julie Johnson


Kayle Oney


Kelly Wade


Lynn Knechtel


Mark and Amy McAnarney


Michael and Karen Shonrock


Valerie and Matt Zimmerman


Roger Heineken


Smitty Smith


Sue Blechl


Tim & Mary Helmer


Tyler & Melanie Curtis


Yvonne Pool


                                                                                       Main Street Logo                             
                                   Casey Woods                                       
Emporia Main Street
12 E. 5th Avenue
Emporia, KS 66801
(P) 620-340-6430
(F) 620-340-6434
If you only want to go where you've already been, always do what you've already done.  If you want to achieve something different, you must do things differently.