Care Animal Clinic Logo
          Care Animal Clinic
                     14350 W. Capitol Dr.
                    Brookfield, WI 53005
                         (262) 781-5993

    November, 2012  

  Notice how he can spread the toes apart!  Now that is a healthy foot.
To see him retrieving Click

It's Hunting Season.

What is changing starting in 2013 is that hunting and trapping will be permitted in the State Parks between October 15th through the Thursday prior to Memorial Day Weekend. 

In Waukesha County three public areas have been used for hunting and trapping: Vernon Marsh, Southern Kettle Moraine and the Scattered Wetland Area in Oconomowoc. Private land hunting and trapping will continue as before during the hunting and trapping season.

The Scattered Wetland Area includes a portion of Ashipun Lake and the shoreline. Trapping includes leg traps, snares, and the body-grip trap. The DNR does have a brochure to help unsuspecting dog owners whose dog's get caught in the body-grip trap get them out, but there is no educational material on snares or leg traps. One trapper said he uses a wrench for opening leg traps, however he had no advise for anyone out walking without a wrench.

The leg traps no longer have teeth, but will hold a trapped leg until the trap is released. By law the trap should be checked every 24 hours.

A report in the Milwaukee Journal described how one dog was caught in a leg trap while hunting with his human. The owner heard his dog yelping and went to his rescue. After prying the trap open, he thought his dog was okay and he kept right on hunting.

If no one is present to help a dog out of a leg trap, permanent damage will occur. Dr. Kusba has had two patients that lost the end of their front leg.

One dog chewed off his leg to get home. The owners then went looking for the second missing dog. They found their dog after numerous days of being held in a leg trap. The end of the leg was necrotic. Both dogs went on to live with their dog lives with three good legs.

The basic take away is, learn how to open all trap types in case you need to rescue your dog. (We will have a how to video in the future newsletters) Stay off of private land that could have traps. Know where in State Parks and along the Ice Age Trail traps can be set.

Another precaution is that everyone, even the dogs, should wear blaze orange during hunting season since hunting with guns occurs in trapping areas.

The back has many muscle bundles that stabilize and move the spine. The primary muscles along the mid-line of the back are the multifidus muscles.  Known to have spasms in humans, it too can spasm in animals causing pain.  To see  more Click.



In This Issue
Hunting Season
Muscles of the Back
Santa Photos
Groomer Prediction

Mayfair Mall
offers photos
with Santa on
for both
dogs and cats.

One way of watching the critters
while away from
home is with

By day or by night they can be monitored.
To see an example  

Groomer's Corner

Judy's winter weather predictions is  
for a warmer winter  
than average since all the dogs have  
   "blown their coats".          
Join Our Mailing List
Jill Kusba, DVM, MS, CCRT, CVA, CVCH

Linda B. Olson, DVM, MS

 Karen B. La Vetter, DVM

 Audra Landon, DVM