November 2013

Spreading the Word Through Social Media
A profile of Gary Manning

Gary Manning has been a part of the Living Compass program since it was just a twinkle in Scott Stoner's eye.

The two Episcopal priests were having lunch a little more than four years ago when Stoner pulled out a pen, sketched a compass on the back of a napkin, and asked what Manning thought of his emerging idea of a wellness ministry.

Manning, along with Stoner's wife, Holly, has served as a sounding board ever since and, in addition to serving as a staff writer, has taken primary responsibility for the ministry's social media presence.
"Social media is one part of the way our name is getting out. Social media complements the work Scott has been doing as he's zooming all around the country," said Manning, who is a part-time member of the Living Compass team. His full time job is that of rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, a vibrant and thriving congregation in the Milwaukee suburbs located eight miles from the shores of Lake Michigan. 
Secure Your Own Mask Before Helping Others
Edith Braeger on faith, family and well-being

For parents of children living at home, finding time to focus on your own well-being can seem impossible. The juggling, the stress, the pure busyness of it all; just holding your head above water can seem admirable, even amazing. Edith Braeger gets that. She works full-time for Living Compass as a professional life coach and director of operations, and she is the mother of two boys, ages 8 and 13.  


But Braeger also understands the importance of focusing on your own wellness. Living Compass's faith-based wellness program provides parents the tools needed to tamp down the anxieties of parenting while, at the same time, creating a stronger community of support within their church.

She likes to use as a metaphor the flight attendants' pre-flight instructions: In the event of a loss in cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down from the ceiling. If you are traveling with small children, please secure your own mask before helping others.

Living Love Available Online
Readings for journeying toward Christmas with heart, soul, strength and mind

"This is...a time when, for the briefest of times, the culture's calendar and the Church's calendar somewhat intersect. Here in the United States, Christmas tree lots seem to spring up on every vacant corner. The seasonal music is piped nonstop throughout every shopping venue. Christmas lights begin to twinkle, sparkle, and blink on homes throughout our neighborhoods over Thanksgiving weekend, if not before. Christmas gifts are being requested and procured. The annual round of luncheons, dinners and parties proliferate. We may be feeling stressed by the fact that our calendars are not full. Everyone, it seems, is gearing up for December 25, Christmas Day. All of this activity can be exciting or exhausting, and quite frequently, it is both."
--from the Rev. Gary Manning's introduction to "Living Love," a book of Daily Readings for the Season of Advent
Download Living Love in English and in Spanish.
Order copies for your congregation online.

A Safe Place to Be Real About Parenting
Living Compass for parents at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in Shreveport


Living Compass in Shreveport!
Scott and Holly Stoner visit St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in Shreveport, Louisiana


In October, Scott and Holly Stoner visited St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in Shreveport, Louisiana to introduce families with children to Living Compass. While they were there, they held a retreat for parents on Friday evening and Saturday and trained new Living Compass facilitators. On Sunday morning, Scott preached and Holly led an education session for parents and children.


"One of the reasons we created Living Compass is that we thought the church was a great place to reach out to young families in our 21st century culture," said Holly. "It's one of the only places that has the opportunity to nurture young families. Parents need safe place to be real about the challenges they are facing as they juggle everything and be the kind of parents they want to be. They seemed relieved to have a place where they could be real and supported."


Learn more about Living Compass for Parents online.

Leading Well at the Nicholas Center
New Living Compass home in Chicago will open in 2014

At the Diocese of Chicago's recent annual convention, Scott Stoner gave two workshops on The Nicholas Center, a new 14-room retreat and training center at St. James Commons, the diocese's headquarters. The new facility, which will offer programs to strengthen clergy and lay leaders for service in the church and the world, will open in April.
Learn more.
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