The Kids Ecology Corps

The Kids Ecology Corps Newsletter
July - August 2013
Dear (Contact First Name),

Kids Ecology Corps 
Has A New Home

Headquartered in Fort Lauderdale's ArtServe /Library Building since 1990, Kids Ecology Corps now has a new home! We are thrilled about the move to Snyder Park, our satellite office for the past 6 years. 


Our new address:  Kids Ecology Corps, Snyder Park, 3299 SW 4th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315. Our phone number remains the same, 954.524.0366. 


We thank the City of Fort Lauderdale, the folks at Parks and Recreation, and Todd Stilphen, Snyder Park Manager for their encouragement and support of our programming and community service events at Snyder Park. 


KEC Welcomes  
New Board Member 
Lou Fisher
During his 35 year career as a marine biologist with the Broward County Natural Resources Planning and Management Division, Lou Fisher has managed the Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program and was the Marine Turtle Permit Holder for the County.  He also participated in and designed numerous natural and artificial reef research projects related to the environmental impact of beach renourishment construction projects. 


Recently retired, Mr. Fisher looks forward to continuing his career activities in educating the public about the ecology of South Florida natural resources both in the freshwater environment and in the marine and coastal habitats of our community. Mr. Fisher volunteers as a resource specialist for and participates in the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative (SEFCRI).  Kids Ecology Corps welcomes Mr. Lou Fisher as its newest Board of Directors member.

The "Butterflies, Moths and  
Their Habitats" program  is born!
Flamingo Road Nursery  
Donates Butterfly Garden!
City of Fort Lauderdale
Butterfly Garden 
Grand Opening Celebration
on September 14th


The National Recreation and Park Association awarded the City of Fort Lauderdale a "Green Parks - Green Kids" grant to fund the "Butterflies, Moths and their Habitats" program. KEC thanks Todd Stelphin, Snyder Park Manager for recommending Kids Ecology Corps and overseeing the application and grant writing process. 


An existing butterfly circle at Snyder Park inspired the Butterfly Program theme. "We just knew with a little TLC and a get your hands dirty volunteer effort to plant butterfly attracting plants, the butterflies would come" said Joan Starr, Kids Ecology Corps CEO. "What we didn't know was that a butterfly program would also be attracting Flamingo Road Nursery, Davie, FL to Snyder Park."


Flamingo Road Nursery owner Jim Dezell, donated the funds to create a spectacular new Butterfly Garden in Snyder Park.  Jim and his Butterfly Lady Jodi, designed, built and planted the beautiful Garden along with two able helpers.  


Click here to learn about Flamingo Road Nursery


City of Fort Lauderdale and their Department of Parks and Recreation officials will be on hand to celebrate the Grand Opening of Fort Lauderdale's first public Butterfly Garden on Saturday, September 14th at 8:30 AM at Snyder Park. Immediately following the celebration the September Butterfly Program will take place.  


Thirty kids and their parents are registered to attend. Registration is closed for September but members of the community are invited to observe the September Program and take part in the celebration.   


The recently installed butterfly bountiful garden and learning laboratory is now an integral part of the Butterfly Program and has become a Snyder Park destination for butterfly and nature enthusiasts.


"In keeping with our mission to inspire young people to make environment action part of their everyday lives," continued Joan Starr, "the Butterfly Program offers a fun filled, hands on volunteer educational experience for children and their families to participate in and enjoy together."


The Butterfly Program takes place outdoors on the second Saturday of each month through December. Registration for the Butterfly Program is still open for October, November and December. Click here to register. Hands on Broward




On July 12th, a team of over twenty Citrix Global Day of Impact volunteer employees returned to Snyder Park to continue working in Citrix Urban Forest at Snyder Park, a 2012 Global Day of Impact initiative to revitalize Snyder Park.  
Staff members Art and Lindsey lead the energetic group as they raked, weeded deeply overgrown plots of land and pulled invasive vines. Teams of tireless "new to the experience" Citrix wheel barrow operators : - ), moved mulch from the road to the planting site.     


They did a great job until ... dark clouds moved in. Alarms went off letting everyone in Snyder Park know that a thunderstorm was approaching.  Moments later, the heavy rains came and the team ran to the pavilion for shelter. They then enjoyed an early lunch and waited out the storm. 
Everyone had a great time even with the rain dampening the efforts to work longer.  The storm finally let up, but it was too late to go back to work the field.  The gang enjoyed playing volleyball and hanging out at the Pavilion.  What a resourceful  group! We loved having them!
...and another Global Citrix Day
of Impact on August 22nd
Good job! 
 Thank you Brian and Kunle!










with Kids Ecology Corps
at Snyder Park,  
Ft. Lauderdale
July 13th and August 10th 


On July 13th, an enthusiastic group of 28 people turned out despite the threats of thunder storms to enjoy the Butterflies, Moths and Their Habitats Program with Kids Ecology Corps at Snyder Park.  This was a great day for volunteers ages 7 - 14 and their families!

The popular and unique program is designed to engage both kids and their family members in the educational, fun and "get your hands dirty" volunteer planting day. Families return time and again to enjoy the quality family experience the program offers.  


Lisa and Art enthustically lead the program along with KEC's Environment Scientist and Snyder Park Program Manager Lindsey Nieratka.


Returning families were amazed to find a beautiful Butterfly Garden in place of an overgrown Butterfly Circle.  Thanks to Jim Dezell and Flamingo Road Nursery Fort Lauderdale has their first public Butterfly Garden.  "Ya gotta come see it, " said Kids Ecology Corps CEO Joan Starr.


The Butterfly Program was created in partnership with Hands on Broward's volunteer coordinating non-profit organization.  You may register your kids by going to the Hands on Broward website.



Volunteers had to walk just a few feet from the presentation area to see nature at its best!

 ology Corps Newsletter

July 19, 2013

Osswald Park Camp Explorers


Coco Minot Kids Ecology Corps's volunteer and Osswald Park Camp Explorers program manager collaborated with Lisa and Lindsey to present the KEC "Butterfly, Moth and Their Habitat" program to fifty-five campers at Osswald Park. 


Kids Ecology Corps Staff

Lisa and the kids at work
KEC's Master Gardner and Habitat Steward Lisa Combs sharing her knowledge of Butterflies and Moths.
Learning From an Expert!
Master Gardener and Habitat Stewart Art  Constantino working with a volunteer.


The Old Butterfly Circle
 This is the way the Butterfly Garden originally looked...

Work in Progress

Art working with Jodi

Great job! Thanks Jim!

The New Butterfly Garden

Citrix employees hard at work!
   A few large trees were planted before  the rains came. 
Way to go!
Citrix Volunteers cleared an area of dense bushes and weeds to plants large trees!
At the Pavilion
 Citrix volunteers lunch area also served as a shelter from the storm!
A new friend came to visit!
...and insisted on staying for our Citrix lunch!

Kids at Work
KEC volunteers working on their terrariums.

Learning from the expert!
Lisa Combs showing KEC volunteers how to plant their seedlings.

Taking Pride
This KEC volunteers is very proud of the new plant she can come to visit for years to come.