ESL RULES                                                              March 2013

Lynda Katz Wilner, of Successfully Speaking, and
Marj head shot   
Marjorie Feinstein-Whittaker, of The Whittaker Group, join together to form ESL RULES, LLC for their joint workshops and training materials. Visit their individual websites at and
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Join the conversation in our Communication Skills for International Medical Professionals. Encourage your clients to join this group so we can hear their concerns and have a group of experienced professionals answer their questions. 
books We added more favorite products to our Resource page. Check it out and let us know if there are any other books you use with your clients and we will spread the word!

Hello Friends and Colleagues,  


We hope you have survived all of the crazy weather over the past month, and you can see spring around the corner!
Reading Aloud to Improve Your Accent 

street signsWe understand that it is very difficult to squeeze independent accent modification homework into an already hectic day. One of the best and easiest ways to reinforce what you have learned during the week is just to read out loud as many times per day as possible. Read more 

This most recent blog stimulated many wonderful ideas and suggestions through our LinkedIn discussion groups. Please feel free to comment on the blog with any other ideas you have. 
Doctors Must Learn English in England Hospitals 

We all know the serious consequences of limited English proficiency in the healthcare setting. What if the physician could not speak sufficient English? Look what happened in England!

"Foreign doctors wanting to treat NHS patients in England will have to prove they have the necessary English skills, the government has confirmed." Read more
Medically Speaking Idioms
Our Medically Speaking Idioms has been capturing a lot of attention lately. Click here to read an article by Dennis Caffrey, Certified MedicMS Idiomsal Interpreter-Spanish, whom we had the pleasure to meet at the International Medical Interpreter's Conference in Miami last month. His article, "More on Medical Idioms for Providers and Interpreters" includes a little quiz from our book for you to test the waters! Thank-you, Dennis!       
Boston in the News
The Today Show came to Boston on February 15th and did a piece on the famous Boston accent. Marjorie's close friend and colleague, Wendy Wiberg, did a great job talking about the nuances of our unique speaking style here in the Bay State. Click here
wendy today    marj today
                Wendy  &          Marjorie &
       Matt Lauer       Savannah Guthrie
To learn more about our regional accent training program featuring Boston RULES, e-mail Marjorie.
Look for the RULES eBooks Soon!
eBookWe are excited to announce that we will be offering many of our products as eBooks and audio downloads! This will allow an expedient way to purchase our products and avoid shipping and customs costs. Rest assured - you can still purchase the actual books. Look for the release date later this month.   
WEBINAR: Accent Programs Unique to the Medical Community - March 14 
  Lynda is the lead presenter at this train-the-trainer webinar in its 11th year. Lynda joins Lorna D. Sikorski in the LDS Online Series. Learn how to market to the medical community and develop a training program that is unique to the needs of the medical profession.   Learn more about it
Until April, with best regards,

Lynda Katz Wilner        Marjorie Feinstein-Whittaker



