ESL RULES                                                          January 2013

Lynda Katz Wilner, of Successfully Speaking, and
Marj head shot   
Marjorie Feinstein-Whittaker, of The Whittaker Group, join together to form ESL RULES, LLC for their joint workshops and training materials. Visit their individual websites at and
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Join the conversation in our Communication Skills for International Medical Professionals. Encourage your clients to join this group so we can hear their concerns and have a group of experienced professionals answer their questions. 
books We added more favorite products to our Resource page. Check it out and let us know if there are any other books you use with your clients and we will spread the word!

Hello Friends and Colleagues,  


Happy New Year! And to some of you, welcome back after your winter vacation. As we look ahead to a New Year filled with good things, we wish you peace, joy, love, happiness, and prosperity. We look forward to many exciting developments in the coming year.

What Are You Thinkin' About Wheel of Fortune's Decision?

Did you hear about the rulin' on "vernacular" speech in a recent Wheel of Fortune airing? What would they rule about foreign accents?  

'Wheel Of Fortune' Contestant Loses Thousands Over Dropped G
'Wheel Of Fortune' Contestant Loses Thousands Over Dropped G

 We have our opinions, but would love to hear from you!

Look for the RULES eBooks Soon!
eBookWe are excited to announce that we will be offering many of our products as eBooks and audio downloads! This will allow an expedient way to purchase our products and avoid shipping and customs costs. Rest assured - you can still purchase the actual books. Look for the release date later this month.   
Do You Know the RULE for Pronouncing "X"? 
xMost of us know that we pronounce "X" as the consonant cluster "KS," as in "six"( sounds like "sicks"). Several of our clients asked if there was a rule to help them know if they should pronounce it as an "KS" as in "exercise" or a "GZ" as in "exam." Read more to learn the RULE and see some "examples" (egzamples). Look for our upcoming lesson video on this RULE.
Do you know any more exceptions to this rule? Please post them on the blog.
Let us know if  you want to hear about any other RULES. We love to collect and share them.
IMIA Conference in Miami This Month



We are looking forward to exhibiting, presenting, and attending the International Medical Interpreters Association conference in Miami January 18th to 20th. For those of you attending, come to our session on "Communication Excellence for the Medical Interpreter" on January 20th, at 9:00 a.m. in Room A201. Please stop by our table to see our new products!

Please contact us with any questions.
With best regards,

Lynda Katz Wilner        Marjorie Feinstein-Whittaker



