October 10, 2014, Number 36


.pdf Version:  TML Legislative Update Number 36      


Federal Court Strikes Down Voter ID Law
Last night, a United States district judge in Corpus Christi struck down the Texas voter ID law.   The law, which was in effect until the judge issued her 147-page opinion, has been the subject of continuing legal... 


West Fertilizer Testimony Continues to Miss the Point 

Earlier this week, the House Committee on Homeland Security and Public Safety once again considered how to address the fertilizer plant explosion in the City of West.   Unfortunately, some state lawmakers and committee witnesses continue to approach the tragic fertilizer plant explosion from the perspective of increased emergency...


At the November 4, 2014, general election, Texas voters will be asked to approve or reject an amendment to the Texas Constitution to dedicate certain state oil and gas revenue to transportation (in lieu of the funds going to the state's "Rainy Day Fund").  The legislature passed the measure in 2013, and it will appear on the ballot as...

Earlier this week, President Barack Obama, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Burwell, and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials conducted a conference call with state and local elected officials to update them on White House efforts to combat Ebola...

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting a series of listening sessions on the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act. The Act creates a five-year pilot program to provide low-interest loans and loan guarantees for large water and wastewater-related infrastructure projects of at least $20 million. Smaller projects serving fewer than 25,000 people will be eligible if the cost of the project surpasses...    


Texas cities are partners with the state to keep Texas' economy and quality of life vibrant.  This simple one-page (two-sided) document allows city officials to communicate that message to legislators...   

TML is hosting a Texas Reception for Texas city officials and special guests who are attending the National League of Cities Congress of Cities and Exposition.  The Texas Reception will take place on Thursday, November 20, from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., at the Hilton Austin Hotel.

To register for the TML reception, click here.
Please direct any questions you have about the reception to Rachael Pitts, TML staff, at (512) 231-7400 or rpitts@tml.org.

Would you like a CMO after your name?
The Texas Municipal League Institute (TMLI) offers elected officials who complete 72 or more Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in one calendar year the prestigious Certified Municipal Official (CMO) designation.  The 72 CEUs must include two hours of open government training (one hour on the Open Meetings Act, and one hour on the Public Information Act).

Are you on track for earning your CMO, or another award designation this year?  Review your TMLI hours here.

If you need more credit hours, or continuing education on specific topics, check out the TML training calendar for upcoming events.
Requests for 2014 CEU credit must be received no later than January 5 to be included in award listings in the TMLI brochure, the TML Elected Officials' Conference final program, Texas Town & City magazine, and the 2015 TML  Annual Conference and Exhibition final program.

Questions?  Contact Cheryl Ribich at Cheryl@tml.org, Jacqueline Redin at jredin@tml.org, or call 512-231-7400.

TML Small Cities' Problem-Solving Clinics Coming to Albany and Decatur
Small cities, we have a training workshop that is just your size--a TML Small Cities' Problem-Solving Clinic. While each clinic covers the basics (key legal requirements, legislative updates, and a review of TML services), there's also plenty of time for you to discuss the issues important to your city during the legal question-and-answer sessions and roundtable discussion. For just $40 per registrant, the clinics deliver a high educational impact at a low cost. Clinics are scheduled for October 17 (Albany) and November 7 (Decatur).

Register now at www.tmlsmallcities.org.

Stay on the Right Side of the Law with Muni Law 101
Attend the Municipal Law 101 Workshop, October 23-24 in Austin, for a guided tour of the laws that affect your city.  TML legal staff and other experts will present on a wide array of topics including annexation, personnel law, public information act, liability, election law, media relations, and municipal court.  You'll leave the workshop with a better understanding of why your city attorney advises in certain ways, and how to spot the issues that need legal review.

Participate in person or via a live webcast.

Engage your Citizens through Dialogue
Thomas Jefferson called town halls "the wisest invention ever devised by the wit of man for the perfect exercise of self-government."

There's still time to register for our October 29 webinar, Town Halls: Building Dialogue - and More - with Citizens.  You'll learn:

*    The best and worst times to schedule town halls
*    Tips for getting citizens involved
*    Ten dos and don'ts to help ensure your town halls are successes

Reserve your spot today.

Jan 22
Region 9 Meeting 
April 23
Region 9 Meeting 

Oct 17
Oct 23-24
Oct 29
Nov 6-7
Nov 7
Nov 11-14
San Antonio
Nov 20
Dec 11-12
San Antonio
Dec 12-13
Newly Elected Officials' Workshop
San Antonio

Jan 8
TML and Texas City Management Association Water Conference: What Cities Are Doing to Protect Water Resources 
Jan 9
TML Oil and Gas Regulation Conference: What Every City Official Needs to Know
Jan 29-30
Texas City Management Association William "King" Cole Session 1- Basics
Feb 11
Texas Municipal Human Resources Association TxPELRA
Sugar Land
Feb 12-13
Texas Municipal Human Resources Association Civil Service
Sugar Land 
Feb 12-14
TML-AMCC Elected Officials' Conference
San Marcos
Feb 26-27
Texas City Management Association City Management Clinic
Mar 13
TML Legislative Status Report #1
Mar 26-27
Texas City Management Association William "King" Cole Session 2 - Advanced
San Antonio
Apr 12-15
Government Finance Officers Association Spring Institute
San Marcos
Apr 17
TML Legislative Status Report #2
Apr 23-24
Public Funds Investment Act
Apr 29-May1
Texas Municipal Human Resources Association Annual Conference
Horseshoe Bay
May 13-15
Texas Municipal Utilities Association Annual Conference
Houston--Energy West Corridor


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Texas Municipal League
1821 Rutherford Lane, Suite 400
Austin, Texas 78754
Phone: 512-231-7400
Fax: 512-231-7495


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