August 2, 2013, Number 29
Third Special Session: Third Time's the Charm?
Unfortunately, time ran out in the second special legislative session for lawmakers to address the state's transportation funding problems. So far, legislators...


Private Emails Public? Amicus Counsel Seeks City Officials to Sign On

Adkisson v. Abbott is an important case affecting the private email accounts of city officials.  The case is making its way through the courts, and a group of city...


Payday Lending Clearinghouse Updates

The last edition of the Legislative Update unveiled the League's "Payday Lending Clearinghouse" webpage.  The page, available at


Third Special Session: Significant Floor Actions

3S.B. 1 (Nichols), Relating to the creation and functions of legislative select committees on transportation funding, expenditures, and finance and to the preservation of a...


Third Special Session: City-Related Bills Filed

  • Public Safety
    3S.B. 8 (Patrick) - Concealed Handguns:  would provide that: (1) a state agency or a political subdivision of the state may not provide notice by a...
  • Transportation
    3H.B. 1 (Pickett) - Transportation Funding
    1. create nine-member House and nine-member Senate Select Committees on Transportation Funding, Expenditures, and Finance...

StateLeaders Confirmed for 2013 TML Annual Conference

Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples, and State Senator Dan Patrick will join Texas Tribune Editor-in-Chief-Evan Smith-for a discussion on key issues of importance to Texas cities. This discussion will be held on Friday, October 11, during the Delegates Luncheon at the TML Annual Conference.  For more information about the luncheon, visit the TML Annual Conference website.


Register for the conference now.


If you are interested in exhibiting or sponsorship, please visit our Exhibition and Sponsorship websites.


Updated Handbook for Mayors and Councilmembers Now Available

The 2013 Handbook for Mayors and Councilmembers is now available. The handbook presents an overview of the functions, powers, and responsibilities of mayors and councilmembers. Topics include policy development, goal-setting, council meetings, conflicts of interest, standards of official conduct, budgeting, personal liability, and media relations.


TML member cities can receive one copy of the handbook at no charge for each elected official, plus a reference copy for staff. Additional copies are $20 and can be ordered on the Publications page of the TML website. To inquire about your city's complimentary copies, contact us by email or call 512-231-7400.


TML Business Service Partner Spotlight: Cable Television Franchise Management Service

Local Government Services, LLC, offers a variety of services designed to maximize the effectiveness of your cable franchise agreement. Services include determining compliance with existing franchise terms and conditions; developing public, educational, and governmental access channels (PEG); and negotiating pole attachment agreements. For a full description of the valuable services our partners provide, visit the  TML Business Service Partner page on the TML website.


Region 4August 16, 2013
Meeting Information
Region 14August 16-17, 2013
Meeting Information
Region 5September 4, 2013
Wichita Falls
Region 11September 12, 2013
Aransas Pass
Region 16September 12, 2013
Port Arthur
Region 13

September 13, 2013
Grand Prairie

Meeting Information

Region 3September 19, 2013
Aug 6-9BOAT Annual Conference
Aug 9TML Small Cities' Problem-Solving Clinic
Aug 9-10TML Newly Elected City Officials' Orientation
Round Rock
Aug 16TML Small Cities' Problem-Solving Clinic
Aug 23Public Officials Liability Workshop
Sep 5-6Public Funds Investment Act Training
Sep 13TMHRA Nuts and Bolts of HR in the Public Sector: Discovering the Fundamentals
Sep 13TML Small Cities' Problem-Solving Clinic
Sep 18TMHRA Nuts and Bolts of HR in the Public Sector: Discovering the Fundamentals
Oct 8-11TML Annual Conference and Exhibition
Oct 23-25

Government Finance Officers Association of Texas Fall Conference


Nov 13

Texas Reception at NLC Congress of Cities and Exposition

Seattle, WA

Dec 5-6

Public Funds Investment Act Training

San Antonio

Dec 6TML Small Cities' Problem-Solving Clinic


If you do not wish to receive the TML Exchange, please reply with the words NO TML EXCHANGE on the subject line, or email with NO TML EXCHANGE on the subject line.

Texas Municipal League
1821 Rutherford Lane, Suite 400
Austin, Texas 78754
Phone: 512-231-7400
Fax: 512-231-7495


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