January 7, 2016
For more information on any items featured, contact Community Relations.
Victory 2016 supports Novi Police & Fire Benevolent Association
The record book may show that the Novi Police and Fire Benevolent Association is 0-2 on the ice against the Detroit Red Wings Alumni Association.

But judging by the $27,000 raised at those two games to benefit police officers and firefighters during their time of need, the NPFBA considers itself the real winner.

At 7 pm on January 22 at the Novi Ice Arena, the two teams will get after it again and have their sights set on even higher fundraising goals.

Tickets for the event are just $10 and can be purchased online at www.novipfba.org. For large groups, a ticket bundle is available that includes 20 tickets for $150. This event will sell out and tickets will not be available for purchase at the door.

Those interested in getting more involved with the event can do so through specific sponsorship opportunities such as a private suite and admission to a VIP afterglow with the players, watching the game from the penalty box and a ceremonial puck drop.

Former Detroit Red Wings who have played in past games include Mickey Redmond, Darren McCarty, Joe Kocur, Larry Murphy and Dino Ciccarelli among others.
Department being relocated until March for upgrades, renovations
The City of Novi's Community Development Department is undergoing renovations this winter that will not only spruce up the outdated space, but streamline operations and improve efficiency.

The area in the lower level of the Novi Civic Center will close on January 11, and the employees from the department will be dispersed throughout the building until the work is complete.

All contractors, business owners and community members needing assistance will be directed to the Mayor's Conference Room, also on the lower level of the Civic Center, to speak with customer service representatives.

Staff phone numbers will stay the same during the renovations, which are expected to be completed by March. To contact Community Development, call 248.347.0415.
Open rehearsal for the January-May season being held Jan. 12
Have a passion for singing? Interested in meeting new people and sharing the joy of music within in the community? Join the Novi Choralaires.

The group is a community chorus of men and women from Novi and the surrounding area who perform concerts for the public and at many community events. The upcoming season is January through May, with rehearsals from 7:30-9:30pm on Tuesday evenings.

The Choralaires also are seeking new members for all voice parts. Open rehearsals for the upcoming season will be held at 7:30pm on January 12 at the Novi Middle School choir classroom, located at 49000 W. Eleven Mile at Wixom Road.

A joint concert with the Novi Band is slated for 3pm on March 6 at the Novi Civic Center, while a "sneak peek concert" is scheduled for 7pm on April 5 at the Novi Public Library. The group's spring show "Songs of Nature" takes place at 7:30pm on May 7 at the Novi Middle School auditorium.

For more information about the Choralaires, visit www.NoviChoralaires.org or find them on Facebook.
Share your story of how someone's kind act made your day
Kindness is everywhere in Novi. It's often simple acts, happening when it's least expected but having a powerful impact.

The goal in 2016 and beyond is to make known the genuine kindness that resides here, and in turn, spread that kindness throughout the world.

Inside each City calendar is a "Kindness is Contagious" card that we hope you use to perform a Random Act of Kindness for someone.

These acts can be as simple as helping a stranger with their groceries or shoveling snow for a neighbor. You also could write a note for someone having a tough time or buy a warm drink or pack a meal for a person in need.

The options are limitless, but we hope when you perform an act, or when someone performs one for you, that you will share it on social media. We have a Facebook group called "Novi Spreads Kindness" where you can tell your story and read about others, or if you are a Twitter or Instagram user we ask that you use the hashtag #RAKNovi.

If you want to share more cards, stop by the Novi Civic Center or the Novi Public Library to pick some up. We look forward to seeing Novi's kindness spread all over the world!