Subject Matters, a buzzworthy exhibition to mark the start of 2016, opens January 23rd filling all walls at the gallery.  Inspired by the unique curatorial approach of Tate Modern, the works in the exhibition share subject matter rather than being installed according to timeline and artists.  Ingram Gallery's complete 2016 exhibition schedule has been announced and can be bookmarked for reference throughout the year ahead.   Newly available works by historical Canadian artists and additional updates can be found on our website, including important news on E.B.Cox's Garden of the Greek Gods sculpture park on the C.N.E. grounds.  We have many artist updates and achievements, exhibition and art news for you in this new issue of Ingram Art News.

Above: Sean Yelland, Who's Out There?

January 23 - February 20 . 2016

When Tate Modern opened in 2000 the collections were arranged thematically rather than chronologically.  Subject Matters is an exhibition that takes inspiration from this fresh curating approach.  Subject Matters showcases a specific theme within each exhibition space at the gallery:

History | Memory | Society,
  Nude | Action | Body,
Landscape | Matter | Environment,
Still Life | Object | Real Life.

Running through until February 20th, Subject Matters brings subject front and centre in an engaging and thought-provoking gallery wide installation.

Left: Joe Rosenthal (R.C.A.) bronze, Harold Town oil 

2016 Exhibition Schedule
Group Shows & Solo Exhibitions

Our re-location and expansion last year to our artful digs on Hazelton Avenue had us noticing and appreciating that collectors and art lovers wished to linger longer and get into the art of it all at great length.  With this in mind we have purposefully shaped back to back exhibitions, Subject Matters and Fairley, Grigg, Hodgson, that look to the works of more than one artist at a time.  This affords the opportunity to fully explore our roster of artists and historical Canadian artists' estates as well as discuss art history, techniques within a range of media, and universal truth in art. 

With the arrival of spring, we put the emphasis on two well anticipated back to back solo exhibitions.  The first, Travis Shilling in April, followed by Daniel Hughes in May.  Both Hughes and Shilling have seen great achievements in the time since their last solos at the gallery.  

We will be highlighting and announcing news on the exhibitions in store for all this year in future issues of Ingram Art News.  With works already being selected for our 9th annual Summer Series and Harold Town, Brian Burke and Andrew Bell solos also on deck, our 2016 exhibition schedule promises an exceptional year in art.

Above: Daniel Hughes' studio (left), Travis Shilling's studio (right)   

March 5 - 24 . 2016

Barker Fairley (1887-1986), Kate Grigg and Barry Hodgson evoke a similar sense in their work despite different backgrounds, creating discussion around authenticity in art.  Through their oils and works on paper, these three compatible artists' creations hang together so that consideration can be given to the universal values in art.

We are often judged by the company we keep and Fairley, Grigg and Hodgson are excellent company indeed.

Please save the date:
April 7 - 27 . 2016

The Fifth World opens January 22nd at the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery.  Curated by Wanda Nanibush, the exhibition features the works of Travis Shilling alongside other remarkably accomplished artists.  Shilling is also the current featured artist of The Humber Literary Review. The new issue [Fall + Winter 2015/16] features the paintings of Shilling on the cover and throughout the pages of the beautifully laid out issue.  We have a handful of copies available at the gallery for your next visit. 

Sharon Okun has left the (studio) building and is off on a painting trip here, there and everywhere with her husband and fellow artist Adam Markovic.  News of the trip was accompanied by delightful photos of their personally designed and handcrafted paint box seen here. 

Sara Sniderhan returns as an instructor this semester at OCAD University.  Daniel Hughes is also involved with arts education, teaching Painting from the Model at Agnes Etherington Art Centre at Queen's University.

New works have arrived from several studios, including Sean Yelland's with two great new works fresh from his easel.  Brian Burke (R.C.A.) is creating in his overseas studio in Switzerland, Ryan Dineen has delivered two new works completing his Art | Gallery | Security (left) series and news of new works underway and to the gallery soon from John Doyle round out our updates.  We will be sure to keep you informed on these fronts and others throughout the year.

Whether a short stop to catch what is new, or a longer visit seeing you at the gallery with family and friends to talk art and the art of collecting, this is your gallery to enjoy, please come by whenever you are due for an art fix.  From our Canadian art book shop on our lower level, to wide open gallery spaces and the contrast of our Collectors' Den -- there is so much to see any day you visit.  Our art news can be shared with others through the feature at the bottom, you will find us on Twitter @TorontoART, and we love being of help with all direct inquires and information requests.  Put us to work, we are here for you and your love of art.

All the best,

Tarah Aylward, Director   
Ingram Gallery 

@TorontoART | For the love of art | #24Hazelton