An artist's artist, Rachel Berman knows no limitations.  As a self-professed flâneur, she observes all, rendering the quieter, in between moments of life.  After the success of her recent years in Toronto, Berman set out at the end of last year on yet another new adventure.  Two moves and two studios later, she arrived at her ultimate destination -- her easel. 

One reason why I want to do paintings with stories is not so much that I am a frustrated film maker, but I just feel there isn't enough drama going on in the single figure pieces.

-Rachel Berman

Additional announcements and information for you in this issue of Ingram Art News below, including an important public exhibition at The Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa and Ryan Dineen's solo ahead in May.
On The Walls

Cadillac Hotel
April 12 - 26 . 2014

Exhibition opens at 11am | Saturday, April 12th

Resolutely courageous, Berman inspires artists, art lovers and gallery visitors on a daily basis.  Anyone that meets Rachel Berman, or even those that just 'meet' her through her work, remember her -- and they remember her for who she is and why she does what she does. In the words of Brian Grison: 'It is pleasant to write about a real painter, someone who knows that art is not entertainment or decoration, whose art comes out of her old soul, who doesn't care if we understand, who yet offers up her skill and knowledge as a sacrifice for our greater wisdom."  

Complementing the small collection of new 2014 Rachel Berman paintings are large scale early Berman works, some going back to the 1990s.  As easel, studio and home are one and the same to Rachel Berman -- her early works feature artists in their studios.  Whether amongst a stack of blank canvases, or pausing for a break to consider their progress, the artists in Berman's works welcome us and offer a unique window into her 'home'.

Please contact the gallery for purchase and press information. 
Up Next

May 8 - 24 . 2014

Opening reception with Ryan Dineen: Thursday, May 8th | 6pm to 8pm

I have been inspired by the tones and textures found in the ice; they are forms that are familiar, nostalgic and meaningful... -Ryan Dineen

Based in Toronto, Ryan Dineen has been exhibiting professionally since 2007 in Canada, as well as in the United States. Dineen has been in studio for the greater part of the last year working on the new pieces for his first solo exhibition with Ingram Gallery.  Accomplished and focused, Dineen is mindful of what it takes to make great work.  His ability to render unique compositions and subject matter in a fluid manner has many anticipating what awaits us next month.

Please save the date to join Ryan Dineen at the gallery as we mark the opening of his solo exhibition on Thursday, May 8th.
Beyond the Ingram Walls
Capturing Canada:   
Historical Prints from the Collection of EY

The Robert McLaughlin Gallery
on until April 19th . 2014

The works in this exhibition are sourced exclusively from the Ernst & Young (EY) Art Collection, one of the largest collections of original prints in private hands in Canada. Never before exhibited to the general public, these images cover a span of over one hundred years and include images of major events, exotic locales, and important individuals.

Capturing Canada provides an opportunity to see almost one hundred of these prints. An important part of the corporate art collection of EY, these works are being shown in 2014 as EY celebrates its 150th anniversary. Through dynamic images of Niagara Falls, our vast Arctic territories, major Canadian cities, and the building of the railway, Capturing Canada demonstrates the legacy of EY's contribution to the history of both Canada and its art. Curated by Edward G. Phillips and Gabrielle Peacock.
From All Of Us  

"In the human figure one can express more completely one's feelings about the world than in any other way." -Henry Moore

Sara Sniderhan adds to the above news and excitement at the gallery this month with the arrival of By the studio light (right), her latest work.  Five new works have also just arrived from Shelley Mansel's studio in Upper Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia.  Recent updates and conversations with Yi Song have us looking forward to news on her upcoming first solo exhibition in China.   

Spring is here, so too is great new art for you to enjoy at the gallery.  Any questions and/or requests? Please let us know how we can be of help.  As with all issues of Ingram Art News, both the images and underlined text above will link through to further information.

See you at the gallery!

With best wishes,


Tarah Aylward, Director  
Ingram Gallery 

@TorontoART | For the love of art