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In this month's K2 Tech Update, our feature articles discuss Windows 10 - One Year Later and Fifteen Great Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 10.

Our News section reports on how Microsoft Enhances Query Tools in Excel, the release of Zoho's Notetaking App and K2 Enterprises' Webinar Schedule for the month of August.
We have two Technology Tips this month - Using Excel's FORMULATEXT Function to Document Workbooks and Creating a Virtual Home Button on an iPhone or iPad. You have the option of reading the articles or watching the step by step instructions on our YouTube channel.

Finally, this month's Course Spotlights include  K2's Advanced Excel and K2's Technology for CPAs - Don't Get Left Behind.
We hope you find the newsletter timely, relevant, and useful. If you have topics you would like for us to cover here in coming months, please let us know.


Tommy Stephens
K2 Enterprises
[email protected]
Windows 10 - One Year Later
Birthdays and anniversaries are always a good time to step back and take stock of where we are and where we will likely be in the upcoming year. With Windows 10 turning one-year-old, now is probably a good time to examine just where this operating system is and where it is heading over the foreseeable future.

Fifteen Great Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 10
1. Windows Key + X - Quick Access Menu 
2. Windows Key + L - Lock the Workstation
3. Windows Key + D - Go to the Desktop  

Microsoft Enhances Query Tools in Excel
 Read more here
  Zoho Releases Notetaking App   
 Read more here