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A Quarterly Newsletter from NJ MentalHealthCares              September 2015

The NJMentalHealthCares Helpline helps individuals, families and communities identify, understand and effectively navigate programs that comprise the behavioral health and human services delivery systems. Built upon the philosophy of an individual's capacity for self-reliance and self-determination through advocacy, affirmation,
education, NJMentalHealthCares has exemplified a commitment to service, community and integrity.

September is National Recovery Month!

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), this year's theme for National Recovery Month is Join the Voices for Recovery: Visible, Vocal, Valuable!  The theme highlights the value of peer recovery support services in helping others as they recover.      
Peer Recovery Support Services are social support services designed to fill the needs of people who are in or seeking recovery for their own mental health condition or substance use disorder.  They are designed and delivered by people who have lived experience with recovery from a mental health condition, substance use disorder, or a co-occurring disorder. 

Peer recovery support services can help people become and stay engaged in the recovery process and reduce the likelihood of relapse. Because they are designed and delivered by peers who have been successful in the recovery process, they can give a powerful message of hope, as well as a great deal of experiential knowledge.
Many peer recovery support service programs have developed peer leader training programs to help peer leaders build skills in strengths-based recovery planning. These may include training in the use of motivational interviewing techniques or Intentional Peer Support. Intentional Peer Support views relationships as partnerships that enable both parties to learn and grow- rather than as one person needing to 'help' another.  Instead of a focus on what the recovering person needs to stop or avoid doing, they are encouraged to move towards what and where they want to be, which can help reduce patterns of shame and blame as well as reducing stigma. Click here for more information about Intentional Peer Support.

Self-disclosure and using one's own story may be an important dimension of the peer role. The Mental Health Association in New Jersey (MHANJ) recognizes the importance of Peer Recovery Support Services and maintains two warm lines staffed by peers. The MHANJ's Peer Recovery WarmLine supports those in mental health Recovery. The line is staffed by trained mental health consumers. Those seeking support and information may call, toll-free, 877-292-5588. The service is free and confidential. Click here for more information. 

The MHANJ's NJConnect for Recovery Call Line offers the caller the option to speak with either a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor or a Peer Specialist who understand the effects of addiction on the family. NJConnectforRecovery can be reached at 855 652-3737. Click here for more information. 
A Effectiveness of Peer Support in Reducing Readmissons of Persons with Multiple Psychiatric Hospitalizations
A study published on  examined the feasibility and effectiveness of using peer support to reduce recurrent psychiatric hospitalizations. 
The researchers hypothesized that persons with serious mental illness and a recent history of recurrent psychiatric hospitalizations who were assigned a peer recovery mentor after discharge would have fewer subsequent hospitalizations and fewer hospital days than a similar group of patients who did not have access to a recovery mentor.
To qualify for the position, recovery mentor candidates were expected to be in recovery from a mental illness (either in a collaborative treatment relationship or with other means of dealing with their symptoms), to openly self-identify as having a history of mental illness, to demonstrate strong interpersonal skills during the interview with the hiring staff (as manifested by flexibility, good social reality perception, and an interest in and desire to help others), and to be willing to work in the community and complete a paid training program.
Participants who were assigned recovery mentors had significantly fewer admissions than those in usual care.  They also showed significantly fewer hospital days.
  NJMHC Phone
Call Center Statistics
May through July 2015

Total Calls: 4299 

Most Requested:
Behavioral Health 
Services: 95%
Registration Open for MHANJ's Fight Stigma, Walk/Run for Recovery
The Mental Health Association in New Jersey (MHANJ) and its partner, Monarch Housing Associates, invite community organizations, neighbors and friends to participate in its 8th Annual fall Walk/Run events featuring a new theme, Fight Stigma, Walk for Awareness. There are two options for locations and dates. Click here for more information and to register for the two-mile Walk in in Southern New Jersey on September 19. Click here to for more information and to register for a three mile Walk or Certified 5K Run in Northern New Jersey on October 3.
Please join us to take a stand against the stigma of behavioral health challenges.

If you are interested in leading a team, having a table or sponsorship, please contact Stacy Greene, Statewide Director of Development for more information by emailing or calling 973-571-4100, ext. 128.
Who Cares? We do! 
The NJ MentalHealthCares Helpline assists callers and serves as a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline participating center, with calls answered in an average of 15 seconds or less! Please joins us as we encourage others to #BeThe1To help someone else. Click here for more information. 
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Mental Health Association in NJ | 88 Pompton Ave | Verona | NJ | 07044