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We Care 

A Quarterly Newsletter from NJ MentalHealthCares

Summer 2013
NJMentalHealthCares HelpLine helps individuals, families and communities identify, understand and effectively navigate programs that comprise the behavioral health and human services delivery systems.  Built upon the philosophy of an individual's capacity for self-reliance and self-determination through advocacy, affirmation, education,  and research NJMentalHealthCares has exemplified commitment to service, community and integrity.  

National Recovery Month Logo  

NJMentalHealthCares believes in an individual's capacity for self-reliance and self-determination through advocacy, affirmation, education, research and service. This is congruent with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA's) National Recovery Month's theme, Prevention Works, Treatment is Effective, People Recovery. Take time in September to get involved and spread the message that behavioral health is an indispensable part of overall health. Click here for suggestions from SAMHSA.

Back to School

Back to school kids

Joy or Jitters? 

September also marks the end of summer and the start of a new school year for children. Mild nervousness or anxiety about this transition is normal, and most children will also be looking forward to events surrounding the start of school.  However, some children will experience ongoing and persistent anxiety that interferes with behavioral, emotional, social and academic functioning. Click here for a comprehensive overview of separation anxiety and school refusal, it's presentation, differential diagnosis, treatment, and more from Medscape.


Providing Intervention and Support - 

Inside vs. Outside the School Setting

Reported levels of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents range from 2% to 27%, with more struggling with distressing but not diagnosable levels of anxiety symptoms (Costello, Egger, & Arnold, 2005; Mychailyszyn, Mendez, & Kendall, 2010). Anxious youth have been proven to be at higher risk for academic and attendance problems, social problems, and for going on to develop additional behavioral health and occupational problems. Despite these risks, "only about 6% of youth receive treatment for their anxiety symptoms or related sequelae (Esser, Schmidt, & Woerner, 1990)."  Providing support to these youth in the school setting can be a very effective intervention, either in conjunction with or if outside therapy is not available. Click here to read more about how anxiety can be addressed in different types of school settings from Communique.


More Resources Regarding Children and Anxiety Disorders:

National Institute of Mental Health 


Anxiety and Depression Association of America

National Suicide Prevention Week

September 8-14, 2013 

New Jersey Based Suicide Hotline 

A 24-hour, seven-day-per-week suicide hotline was recently launched in our state. According to a press release on the New Jersey Department of Human Services, NJHOPELINE (855-654-6735) is "the state's first suicide hotline call center" and uses "only New Jersey-based trained volunteer and professional counselors."


Besides taking calls directly, the press release identifies NJHOPELINE "as a backup to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network during times of excess call volume or after the Lifeline Crisis Centers' operating hours."


In addition to offering assistance by phone, NJHOPELINE will soon offer a live chat. NJHOPELINE is run by Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care. Click here for more information.



More on Suicide Prevention

This September marks the 39th annual National Suicide Prevention Week, focused on Challenging Our Assumptions and Moving Forward Together. Central to the week are the activities of World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10, 2013 hosted by The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Federation for Mental Health.


According to the American Association of Suicidology: 

Suicide claims approximately 1 million lives worldwide each year resulting in one suicide every 40 seconds. Further, the approximate 10-20 suicide attempts per completed suicide means there are several million suicide attempts worldwide each year.


Despite the vast cultural diversity, suicide risk factors and protective factors are essentially the same around the world.


Therefore this year's theme for World Suicide Prevention Day, Collaborations in Suicidology: Bridging the Disciplines, "will focus on raising awareness that suicide is a major preventable cause of premature death on a global level. Governments need to develop policy frameworks for national suicide prevention strategies. At the local level, policy statements and research outcomes need to be translated into prevention programs and activities in communities." 


Governments, organizations, and individuals can work together during this week to save lives. To learn more visit the American Association of Suicidology and the International Association for Suicide Prevention.

  NJMHC Phone

Call Center Statistics

May 1, 2013

July 31, 2013 

Total Calls:  4198


Most Requested:
Behavioral Health 
Services: 86%   
Mental Health Resources

Specific Suicide Prevention Resources


American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)


New Jersey Hope Line


Introducing the

Quarterly Care Connection:

Your Emotional Fitness Check-In

with NJMHC 

We are pleased to announce a new initiative entitled The Quarterly Care Connection: Your Emotional Fitness Check-In with NJMHC. This program will provide the opportunity for New Jerseyans to speak with one of our behavioral health specialists at the NewJersey MentalHealthCares HelpLine. Callers may gain insights into important emotional health issues and discuss strategies for living well. The initiative will be based from the HelpLine at 1-886-202-HELP (4357) The topics will change quarterly, starting in October with a focus on identifying and coping with depression. Watch for more details.

MHANJ's Run Walk logo

Please Join Us! 
The Mental Health Association in New Jersey, in partnership with the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence - NJ and Monarch Housing Associates, will hold its sixth annual "5K Run/Walk for Wellness and Recovery," on Sunday, October 6, at Johnson Park in Piscataway, NJ. Proceeds will be used to enhance advocacy, community education, training and services. Please join us - as a walker, a runner, a sponsor or by having an information table. For more information contact Robert Martin at 973-571-4100, ext. 128.
Click to register for the Run online or via mail -in paper form. Click here to register for the Walk.  


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