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In This Issue
Foundation News
Articles & Info
Healing Words
Advanced Shamanic Training
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Drum by Charles Conatser  
Join the Circle
Your membership in the Circle of the Foundation helps to support the return of shamanism to our communities and the preservation of indigenous shamanism, as well as providing you with special benefits. Benefits include a Shamanic Services online listing, live video conferences, FSS store discounts, the annual journal Shamanism, and more. Go green: Join online and receive a free MP3 download of Tuvan Shamanic Healing, throat singing and drumming by Tuvan shaman Ai-Churek Oiun.
Certificates of Completion
Certificates of Completion are available to graduates of many of the FSS advanced residential training programs in shamanism and shamanic healing, including Harner Shamanic Counseling.
Join Our List

Way of Shaman cover  
Cave and Cosmos by Michael Harner  

We hope you are enjoying a fine Spring season. Things are going well here at the Foundation, with our work expanding and reaching more people. Our faculty is growing, with shamanic workshops now being offered in additional locations. The latest video technologies also make it possible to keep in touch face-to-face and build our connections with each other. With your help, many thousands of people are awakening to the power of shamanism for healing and are bringing much needed wisdom to our communities.

In gratitude,
Susan Mokelke
Spring Tulips
Foundation News
Council Gathering 2016 
The Annual Gathering of the Council by Live Video Conference was held on Saturday at the end of January. Council members from the USA, Canada, Europe, Argentina, and Thailand were present and could see and hear each other for the four-hour meeting. Using the latest technology, we were also able to break into smaller groups and have face-to-face video discussions, giving us a real ability to connect more personally. Hosted by Susan Mokelke, interactive presentations included offerings by Michael Harner, Roland Urban (Director of FSS Europe), Kevin Turner (Director for Asia), and others. Read more...

Council 2016 Video Meeting
2016 Council Meeting by Live Video
Cave and Cosmos Named Kirkus Book of the Month
The Foundation is pleased to announce that in February 2016, Kirkus Reviews named Michael Harner's Cave and Cosmos: Shamanic Encounters with Another Reality, as the Nonfiction Indie Book of the Month. Kirkus Review states: "Harner's rich compendium gives many ways to consider and explore a powerful and inspiring view of the cosmos. His recommendation to develop one's own spiritual authority rather than depend on 'the cosmological dogmas of organized religion' may resonate with readers, and the diversity of accounts allows for inclusion of traditional religious figures (St. Francis, the Virgin Mary, etc.). While the amount of detail is at times overwhelming, this work offers a welcome message of universal healing." Read more... 
Live Video Conference for FSS Membership   
A free live video conference-webinar exclusively for FSS members will be held on Tuesday, April 19 at 9:30 am, Pacific Daylight time. Host Susan Mokelke and FSS faculty members Charles Conatser, Marcia Rich, and Robbie Staufer will discuss shamanic practice and take participant questions. This video conference is a benefit of membership in the Circle of the Foundation. Members, look for an email soon with directions for accessing the conference. Not a member? Join the Circle to participate.
FSS Faculty News 
We are pleased to announce the expansion of the FSS faculty, with several new faculty members from the FSS Faculty Intern Program joining the Foundation's international team in the USA and Canada. Welcome to FSS guest faculty members: Jo Ann Broder, Mujiba Cabugos, Narrye Caldwell, Jack Hebrank, Marcia Hebrank, Sharon Licata, Christobel Macdonald, Susan Opie, Wade Prpich, Janet Rodriguez, and Juan Carlos Safa. (Faculty bios.) Read more about FSS faculty members...
Sky Shamans of Mongolia, a new book by Kevin Turner, FSS Director for Asia, will be released on April 12. This fascinating book, based on Kevin's adventures with shamans in Mongolia as a representative of the FSS, was excerpted in the December 2015 issue of the annual journal Shamanism. It will be available soon through the FSS bookstore and online and local booksellers.
Cave and Cosmos Available in Chinese 
The Chinese edition of Cave and Cosmos was released in January 2016. A Russian version is now underway and an Estonian edition is planned. The Spanish edition of the book (La cueva y el cosmos: Encuentros cham�nicos con otra realidad) was released in January 2015, joining other translations, which include the Italian, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovenian, Turkish, French, and German languages. Cave and Cosmos is available in paperback directly through the Foundation, as well as online and in local bookstores. Paperback and e-book editions may be obtained online from Random House and Amazon.com. At Michael Harner's request, all royalties from Cave and Cosmos go to the Foundation for Shamanic Studies in support of its work.
Articles & Info
Understanding of the Heart 
Irene Sullivan has lived in remote regions of Alaska, working as a nurse practitioner to the Inupiat-speaking natives there. Her experiences with indigenous people awakened an interest in the role of women in shamanic practices among Arctic societies. This inspiring interview covers a broad range of topics, from respect for native peoples' ways to how art might help with climate change. Read more...
Trees Are Social Beings 

Peter Wohlleben, a German forest ranger, is inspiring a new appreciation for trees. Applying science and his own observations for nearly 30 years, he is changing the way the world thinks about trees (and forestry), not as an organic resource for humans, but as beings in their own right. He notes, as might a shaman: "They can count, learn and remember; nurse sick neighbors; warn each other of danger by sending electrical signals across a fungal network known as the 'Wood Wide Web' - and, for reasons unknown, keep the ancient stumps of long-felled companions alive for centuries by feeding them a sugar solution through their roots."  Read more... 
Tibetan B�n and Shamanism 
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, in the first nine minutes of this interview by Guido Ferrari, discusses the role of shamanism in the Tibetan B�n and Himalayan spiritual traditions. View the video...
Submitted by Kevin Turner, Kyoto, Japan.
Healing Words
Spiritual Independence 
The shaman's way is that of firsthand knowledge...and in many indigenous cultures the shaman is "one who knows."

I hope that readers will find this book [Cave and Cosmos] useful in helping them lessen their dependence on the cosmological dogmas of organized religion and science. I hope you are encouraged, or further encouraged, in your own shamanic encounters with another reality, for there we can find incredible compassion, help, and healing that we badly need in our world. In a way, this is a data-oriented declaration of spiritual independence, and an invitation to use that knowledge and freedom to bring more wisdom, compassion, and joy into your life and the lives of others.
-Michael Harner, Cave and Cosmos, Introduction

Advanced Shamanic Training 2016

Drum and Rattles For a complete listing of FSS weekend workshops and trainings in shamanic healing and divination, as well as advanced shamanic initiations in residential programs such as the Two Week Intensives and Three Year programs, visit the FSS website workshops index.

♦ The West Coast Two Week Shamanic Healing Intensive, taught by Amanda Foulger, will be held June 4-15, 2016 in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. Download information-application. 
♦ The 10th East Coast Three Year Program of Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing, taught by Nan Moss, will begin May 15-20, 2016 in Madison, Virginia. Download information-application. (Waiting list only.)   
Harner Shamanic Counseling Training, taught by April Tuck, CSC, will be offered August 1-5, 2016 in the San Francisco Bay Area. Download information-application. 
♦ The 15th West Coast Three Year Program of Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing, taught by Amanda Foulger, will begin October 23-28, 2016 in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. Download information-application. 
♦ The East Coast Two Week Shamanic Healing Intensive, taught by Nan Moss, will be held October 23 - November 3, 2016 in Madison, Virginia. Download information-application. 
Michael with Sami Drum
The Foundation for Shamanic Studies is dedicated to the preservation, study, and teaching of shamanic knowledge for the benefit of the Planet and its inhabitants. Thousands of people each year take the Foundation's rigorous shamanic training. Originated, researched, and developed by Michael Harner, internationally recognized as the father of modern shamanism, core shamanism consists of the universal, near-universal, and common features of shamanism, together with journeys to other worlds.

Become part of a growing community that is working to return spiritual democracy to the individual, as well as helping to preserve indigenous shamanisms and foster this transformative and powerful method of healing and problem-solving:
We welcome your participation!
Susan Mokelke

The FSS E-News is distributed 3 - 4 times a year by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Email editor Susan Mokelke at info@shamanism.org.

Copyright �2000-2016 The Foundation for Shamanic Studies, a non-profit public 501(c)(3) charitable and educational organization.